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"And yeah, maybe he's bad, but when he smiles I only see the good in him"


"Come on then, what happened?" Maria asked impatiently, already having shoved 4 spoonfuls of strawberry ice cream in her mouth
I rolled my eyes
"I told you, wait for the other girls" I chastised for the thousandth time.

I was desperate to know what had happened between her and Parker, but I was going to wait... like a patient person
"Hey" I looked up to see Aubrey in the doorway, curly hair tied up in a bun, reading glasses perched on her nose as she smiled at us.

She perched on the end of the bed next to me, sharing my ice cream as we waited for Alex
"Hey bitches... guess who got laid last night?" Alex shouted, hands in the air as she stumbled into Maria's room, she was still in her clothes from last night, opting to just steal Maria's dressing gown and wrap it around her as she kicked her heels off.

"Mm, well that is what we're trying to figure out" Maria retorted
"Come on, I'm dying to know" she added when I still hadn't said anything
I sighed
"Nothing happened... sexually, we just kissed a little" I shrugged.

"You kissed him?" Maria asked shocked
"Kissed who?" Alex and Aubrey asked in unison, Aubrey looking genuinely curious whilst Alex was face down on the floor with her head tilted towards us.

"Kade" I mumbled
"What?" Aubrey asked stunned
"It's not a big deal" I dismissed
"Not a big deal? You've been envisioning your wedding with him since like... 5th grade" Alex laughed.

I rolled my eyes
"It's a crush... I'm not 'planning our wedding'" I sighed
I looked at Maria, who blushed and avoided eye contact as she knew what was coming.

"Maria..." I taunted
Alex's head perked up slightly
"Maria?" She echoed
"Maria are you okay?" Aubrey asked, observing her beet red face.

She groaned, putting her ice cream down
"Fine... I- we... we slept together" she mumbled
"You slept together?" I asked
"Aye... join the club baby" Alex congratulated, holding her hand up for a high five, that Maria did not reciprocate.

"How was it?" Aubrey asked
"Ooh the dark horse is coming out" Alex teased, making Aubrey shrink back into herself slightly
"I'm not a dark horse" she defended
"Mhm, I'm sure none of those books have steamy little scenes eh... the hot main guy ravishing the woman in a erotic night of passion?" Alex laughed.

"Better than getting fucked in an alley way eh... she's right though, how was it?" I asked, bringing the focus back to Maria as Alex stuck her tongue out at me, which I could tell Aubrey was grateful for as she lightly squeezed my hand
"It was... nice" she smiled
"Nice? Tea with my grandma is nice" Alex exclaimed.

"You know what I mean... it was sweet, he was gentle and nice to me" she smiled wider, making me smile too
I know me and Kade didn't really do anything, but he admitted that he liked me, almost as much as I liked him.

And he asked me on a date, which I prayed he remembered
"Okay well while you were off making love and jerking him with your tears, guess where I was?" Alex asked, fully awake now as she sat up, practically bouncing in her place.

Maria and Aubrey cringed at her words, whilst I just gave her a look
"What?" She asked
"You really do have a way with words" I smiled sarcastically, she waved my words off
"So?" She asked again.

I blew out a breath, trying to think
"You... went to bed early and haven't caught another sti?" I asked sweetly, watching her roll her eyes
"No... I had the hottest... most amazing night with a girl I met" she sighed happily.

"Who was she?" Maria asked
"Her name is Athena, she's tall, dark and... hot" she sighed again
"Yeah I don't want to hear anymore" Aubrey said, covering her ears
"You wanted to hear about Maria" Alex threw back.

"Yeah cause Maria will put it delicately, you've got a filthy mouth on you" I laughed.


"Oh my god, so now everyone's banged someone except you" Tommy laughed
"Fuck off" I grumbled, picking up empty cups on my way round the living room
It wasn't about sex with Kins, sure I was painfully attracted to her, I had unholy thoughts the moment she came into my head.

But she was my girl. Mine, it was everything about her... not just her body
"So... how was it?" Elijah nudged Parker
He said nothing, merely rolled his eyes and wondered out into the garden to keep tidying up
"That bad huh?" Tommy laughed
"Shut up" Elijah chuckled.

The house was still trashed, it'd take ages to clean this up. Fuck sake


I couldn't contain my excitement on Monday, Kade kept smiling at me whenever I caught a glance of him, he always seemed to be already looking at me

Kingsley's Outfit

It was at lunch time he finally caught up to me
"Hey" he said, I had to crane my neck up to look at him as we walked, he was so bloody tall.
"Hey" I said, avoiding eye contact in fear of blushing.

"We still on for tonight?" He asked with a smile, I nodded, matching his as we passed other students
One caught eyes with me and sent me a smirk, before winking as he passed, I cringed slightly and Kade seemed to notice as I felt his arm slide around my waist, pulling me closer into his side.

The action shocked me slightly but it felt nice, his arm around me, the warmth that spread through my clothes from his hand
"Okay, we'll go after school" he said, I nodded, only just realising we were in the canteen and at my table.

"See you after school then" is all he said, before kissing my cheek and striding off to his own table
"We wondered where you had got to" Maria grinned
I couldn't stop smiling, tearing my eyes away from him as he sat with his friends
He was so tall, so big, I bet he could just pick me up and take m-

"Lee?" I snapped out of my little fantasy, looking over to Alex who was calling me
"Huh?" I asked
She giggled at me, looking a lot more refreshed than she did the morning after the party
"I said... when are you going on this little date?" She asked.

"Tonight, well after school" I said happily, I really was looking forward to it
I didn't really know a lot about Kade, and I was looking forward to talking to him.

When I left the school doors I looked around to be met with the sight of Kade stood by Elijah's car, smoking and looking around continuously, until his eyes landed on me and he offered me a hint of a smile.

I made my way over to them, ignoring Tommy's smirk and looking up at Kade
"Hey" I said a little too eagerly
"Hey, ready?" He asked, I nodded, watching him throw his cigarette to the floor and walking with me, without so much as a goodbye to his friends.

We started our walk to the ice cream shop, that's where he said we were going, and I didn't mind
It was... casual, I liked it
"What do you want baby?" He asked, making a blush creep up my cheeks
He called me baby? On the first date.

I was too busy staring at him shocked I was only knocked back into sense when the girl over the counter cleared her throat
"Oh uh... chocolate please" I said timidly, I felt embarrassed now
She didn't say anything, just put it in and looked to Kade with a smile.

"And you?" She asked nicely, flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder
"I'll have the same" he said simply, arm winding round my waist for the second time today.

She focused in the on the action, before smiling again and asking for the money, but her smile seemed... forced
When we eventually sat down, after I complained at Kade for paying, we talked about anything and everything
I learnt about his family, his hobbies, how he hated reading and how much trouble he'd get into as a kid.

But I knew that part already, anyone could look and Kade and you'd see he screamed trouble
The dark clothes, dark hair, piercings and tattoos, he was every girl's dream.

Even the bruises on his knuckles that certainly weren't there before lunch...

"So what about you?" He asked, taking another spoonful of ice cream as he looked at me
His look alone could make me melt
"Me?" I asked
"Yeah, what's your family like?" He asked
"Um... intense" I chuckled awkwardly, he looked at me, waiting for me to go on.

"My dad isn't very... welcoming let's say" I said
"Protective?" He asked, I nodded
"Not a bad thing, I wouldn't let you out of my sight" he shrugged, as if that was a normal thing thing to say
"Yeah well... you aren't my dad are you?" I asked teasingly
"No, but a boyfriend can be just as protective" he said, eyes staring intensely into mine.

I smiled, looking down at my ice cream, was he saying he wanted to be my boyfriend?
"Hey, we're closing" the blonde girl said boredly, leaning on the broom she had been sweeping with.

"Alright, you nearly finished baby?" He asked, nodding to my ice cream, I nodded, standing up ready to leave, when he entwined our hands and led me out
He was so... sweet. And the bitter expression on the waitress' face wasn't the worst sight in the world.

We looked... like a couple, I liked it.
"Sorry, couldn't help myself" he said lowly in my ear as we got out into the street, but he still made no move to untwine our hands
We strolled home slowly, until we eventually ended up on my doorstep.

It was silent for a while as we just stared at each other, my back to the door
"I had a good time tonight" I smiled, his own face contorting into a happy expression
Which was rare from Kade
"Good, so... you'll let me take you out again?" He asked softly, I nodded.

He smiled, arms winding round my waist
"You know... you're really fucking beautiful" he said quietly, face leaning down until it was level with mine
"Thank you" I whispered, my own hands coming up to lay upon his chest
He moved closer, until we were just inches apart, I could feel his breath against my lips.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the soft feeling of his lips against mine, waiting for that knee wobbling feeling I had been thinking about since the party... when the sound of a throat cleared, and I swivelled round to come face to face with my father
I offered him a weak smile, praying he wasn't going to embarrass me... again.

But the feeling of Kade's hands still on my waist and the furious look on my father's face told me otherwise.

"In. Now" he said sternly
"Now" he said again, making me jump slightly
I sighed, turning back to Kade
"Bye" I smiled
"Bye baby" he whispered, planting a kiss on my forehead.

I slid past dad, wondering upstairs to get changed, but not before sitting at the top of the stairs and trying to listen in on the conversation.


I'd been dying to kiss her all night, and the moment I finally get close to her, the moment I finally get to touch her, her fucking dad opens the door.

And now he stood there, arms crossed as he stared me down
"Stay away from my daughter" he said simply, going to close the door
I held in a scoff
"Why?" I asked
"Because you're bad news" he said matter of factly.

I didn't think I was that bad, he'd never even met me before
"Look I like your daught-"
"No you look, she's too young to be dating, and if she was dating, it definitely wouldn't be you" he spat
"What's wrong with me?" I asked blankly.

He scoffed
"I'm a lawyer, boy... I've heard of your dad. My firm has represented your dad"
"I know who he is, and I know what he's about, you know what they say... apple never falls far from the tree" he said, making my fists clench
My dad wasn't a bad guy, not really
"Mm, then how come Kins is perfect when you're an asshole?" I asked.

He glared at me, before he took a step back further into the house
"Fuck off" he seethed, shuttling the door in my face.


"Dad!" I exclaimed from the top of the stairs, he can't just shut the door in his face
"Go to your room" he said
"I'm not a child" I stated, even if my crossed arms and strong stance suggested otherwise
"Go to your room... you're not seeing him again" he said annoyed, storming off into the kitchen.

"What?" I shouted, following after him
"He's not good enough for you, his dad is a no good piece of shit" he said
"You can't tell me who I can and can't see dad" I said
"I can't tell you whatever the hell is best for you, the dickheads you've brought home before... they were bad enough, but him!" He said.

"What's all the arguing about?" Mum asked as she appeared in the doorway, hands full of bags.

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