15- Get out

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Get out

"I knew I was playing with fire when we met, so I couldn't blame you when I got burned" - Bridgett Devoue

Kingsley's POV

"Are you... are you being serious?" I asked, becoming more alert
"Yes, but don't-"
I moved even further back without realising it
Causing him to stop, before he sighed and tried to move closer to me

"Kins please don't do that, I can explain alright" he said.

"Then explain, because you're making no fucking sense Kade" I said
"I... look it's not as bad as it sounds alright, but I wanted to tell you bec-"

"What the fuck is all the noi- what the fuck!" Dad shouted, cutting himself off as he opened my door
"Dad it's not-"
"Get the fuck out of my daughter's room! Get the fuck out of my house!" He shouted, storming over to Kade
"Look I'm sorry I just wanted to-"

Kade never finished his sentence
Because dad punched him in the face
"Dad!" I shouted, getting up
"Why's everyone shouting? Oh! Oh my god" mum said, looking at everyone
"What's going on? Why is he bleeding?" She asked

"Dad punched him" I said, holding Kade's face in my hands, but he didn't seem very bothered as he glared at dad, nose bleeding
"Grant!" Mum shouted at him
"Get out my fucking house!" He shouted
Kade hesitated a moment, before looking down at me and taking my hands from his face

"It's alright Kins" he said simply
"I'm sorry Mr Hadley, mrs Hadley, it was wrong of me to sneak in" he said, before he slid past me, mum moving out of his way as she fretted
"Kade let me bandage you please, I'm so sorry he-"

"It's alright, I'll text you Kingsley, sorry again" he said, sparing me a glance before he disappeared down the stairs

There was a moment of silence
Tension hanging in the air before the front door shut
"You. Give me your phone" dad said calmly
"No" I said
"Give me. Your phone. Now" he ordered
"No!" I said again

He shook his head
"I don't even know who I'm looking at anymore. My daughter doesn't sneak boys in! My daughter doesn't defy me!" He shouted, making me jump slightly
"Grant. Out. Now" mum said, looking at the floor
I don't think she could bring herself to look at him right now

He did as she said, after glaring at me one finally time and burning holes of disappointment into me
"We will talk about this in the morning. Do not text him tonight. In the morning I need you to get me his parents' numbers" mum said

I nodded
"Good. Go to bed" she said
Before she closed the door
And as I laid there, I was not only kept awake by the thoughts of what Kade had told me, but by mom and dads shouting downstairs

"You had no right"
"I had every right!"
"He's a child!"
"He's sneaking into our daughter's room!"
"And that doesn't change the fact that he is a child! You hit a fucking child Grant!"

Kade's POV

Of all the imaginary conversations I had had, of one day telling Kingsley fucking Hadley who I was
What I did.
I never imagined it playing out like that
I had no clue what she thought
If she was scared or curious. If she even wanted to see me again

If she would call the police on me
All I had was her scared and confused eyes staring back at me before her dad burst in and left me bleeding

I guess I deserved it though
He didn't want me in his house
And I didn't listen
"What happened to you?" Dad asked
"Kingsley's dad" I said simply, sitting at the table
Everyone had mostly finished dinner though
"Oh my..." mom said, getting up and rushing off for what I could only assume was a first aid kid

It was only my nose bleeding
I'd suffered worse
"So that's where you went?" Elijah smiled
"Yeah, I told her about us as well" I said, letting my head fall into my hands before mom came in and ripped my head back up.

"Fucking hell mom" I said
"Stay still" she ordered
"What did she say?" Dad asked
"Nothing" I sighed
"Nothing? It's over?" Tommy asked
"Do we have to kill her?" Finn asked

"Of course we're not killing her, right dad?" Atlas asked
"No" he said
"Oh thank god" Finn said, receiving an odd look from Atlas
"What?" He shrugged
"She's hot" he said

"Is she a liability though son? You think she took it well or?..." Dad tried to gage, as mom finally let go of my face, leaving a plaster across my nose, now free from blood

"She's fine, you're definitely not killing her" I said
"Not kill her, but she may need scaring is all, do you want her dad sorting out?" He asked
"No, no she'll kill me if anything happened to her dad, and after telling her what we are she'll know it was me" I said

He was a prick
But he was a protective prick
And I couldn't blame the man for that
Kingsley was the most precious thing in his life
And I understood why

Because she was an angel
Amongst a bunch of common humans

Kingsley's POV

I left as early as I could in the morning, avoiding mum and having to listen to her apologise for dad's behaviour
And avoiding him altogether
"Hey spacey! Anyone in there?" Alex asked
"Sorry, I'm here" I said
"Would your attention perk up if I said Kade King was waiting for you by the door?" She asked

I looked up, my stomach dropping
He was also early
"Shit" I mumbled
I couldn't run
He was looking at me
All his friends were looking at me
I couldn't hide. Or avoid him.

"Kingsley, can I steal you for a moment?" He asked, leaving his friends and dismissing Alex

"Kade I don't know what you want me to sa-"
"You don't have to say anything. Just... just answer me. Are we still together?" He asked
"What?" I asked
He hesitated, before he took my hand in his and dragged me off round the back of the school

"You can hate me, forever if need be, I'm sorry I lied to you and I'm sorry I told you the truth, because you're apart of this now but... you mean everything to me Kins, I just need to know that you're not going to leave me. That despite what you might be feeling right now, that we'll be okay" he admitted

I haven't thought of leaving him once
I had just thought of every possible scenario of dating someone who had already caused me a break in
Who had already caused me so much fear I could barely sleep at night

This wasn't my world
And yet his eyes melting into mine made me forget all the problems entirely
It made me weak and surrender.

"I just... I need to think Kade, can you let me think?" I asked desperately
He nodded, caging me agains the wall as his head fell against mine
I was so confused
Confused about everything

He had ignored me for days
Kept me in the dark
And then let me into a dangerous and deadly secret.
Before my dad barged in and made everything even worse
"Take all the time in the world Kins. I'll wait" he said

"Okay" I muttered, not knowing what else to say
He leaned in, planting a quick and small kiss against my lips before straightening up
"My parents... they want to have you round for dinner, no pressure, and definitely not until your ready, but the offer is there" he said.

"Okay, I don't think you'll be invited round for dinner for a while" I chuckled, trying to lift the depressing mood we stood in
"Or ever" he smiled
"You never know, my mom is horrified by what happened" I said

"I'm sure she is, hitting such a handsome face can cause disastrous results" he teased
"Oh really" I smiled
"Yeah, if I didn't have my looks, what on earth could I offer you?" He joked.

"I'm sure you would find something" I said
"I can think of a few things" he said, pulling me closer
"Kade" I said, putting distance between us
Now was not the right time to flirt
Nor try and act as if every thing was normal

"There you are, you coming?" Tommy called out, interrupting the moment
"I swear one day I'll kill that boy" Kade chuckled, entwining our hands and leading us back
On any other day I would have laughed with him
But now. Now knowing who he is and what he's capable of

Why those people scared me in my own house
I didn't find it funny
I found it unnerving.

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