16- Apologies

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"I'm bad with words, I hope you're good in reading eyes"  

Unknown POV

"Just apologise, try and smooth things over" Autumn advised her husband down the phone
He sighed, heading into the grand building before him. The grand building owned by the King family

Who in his mind were as corrupt as they came
Forever in and out of interview rooms and yet never stepping foot in a courtroom.

"He called me, not the other way around, I'm not fucking apologising" he grumbled.
"This is our daughter Grant, just say sorry, she likes this boy, she really likes him, don't you want her to be happy?" She asked.

Of course he did
Just not with someone like him
"I have to go" he said, hanging up as he reached the reception
"Grant Hadley, to see Laurence King" he said.

Before being shown up to the top floor
Presented before the king of corruption himself.
Both suited. Both guarded.
Both protective
"Grant" Laurence greeted
"Why am I here?" He asked.

"Can't I invited you for a chat?" He asked
"No, you only ever call upon my company when you need representation" Grant said.
The amount of money this man had spent staying out of prison.

And his son expected to get anywhere near his daughter?
"Well, todays your lucky day then isn't it? I would like to invite your lovely family round for dinner" Laurence smiled.

"No" Grant said after a moment of silence
"No?" He asked
"No" he repeated.
"Why is that?" Laurence asked
"Because I don't believe our families should ever have any reason to cross paths" he said.
"Really? That might be hard as our children are dating one another" he said.

Dating? Kingsley had not said 'dating'
"No they're not" Grant denied. Not when he was done with them anyway.
"Think on it, maybe you will reconsider" he said
"I doubt that" he said, standing up to leave

What a waste of time.
"They are fond of each other Grant, I do not think you will be able to influence them that easily" Laurence commented.

"I will bury your son if I have to" Grant caved, turning around
Laurence smirked, entertained by Grant's boldness to speak in such a way.
"There are a billion things that could put every single member of your family away for years" he threatened.

"And yet have you ever seen me in a cell?" Laurence asked
"Innocent until guilty am I not?" He goaded
"You're only free because of my law firm" Grant bit back.

"That same law firm can put you away if we wanted to" he said.
"And that same law firm would turn to nothing if I reported you for assaulting my teenage son" Laurence said.

Grant's jaw tightened. Unable to keep down the undeniable irritation
"A crime like that could have you struck off, couldn't it?" He went on.
"Are you threatening me?" Grant asked.

"No" Laurence smiled
"I told you, I'm inviting you to dinner. So think on it" he said.

Kingsley's POV

"We're going on a date" Maria said happily, sitting down with her tray beside Aubrey
Always late to lunch.
"Who?" Alex asked
"Me and Parker, what do you mean who?" She asked
Alex shrugged
"I don't know, thought he wasn't interested" she said

"Alex" I nudged her
He was interested
He was just... closed off. Distant
"He is!" Maria insisted.
"That's great Maria" I smiled.

"How's lover boy?" She asked
"Good... we're good" I said simply, focusing on my food
But the silence overtook and I realised they were looking at me
"What?" I asked
"Is that it? He's barely been at school for weeks and you've been down since today. Now you're practically beaming with happiness" Alex pointed out.

I wouldn't say I was beaming with happiness
More like confusion
And slight fear
I glanced over to his table, and caught his eye
Before a thought occurred to me.

Did his friends know? They must know?
Were they involved?
Was Maria also getting herself involved with this by dating Parker?

"He was sick for a bit, but he's okay, like I said we're fine, we're great" I assured them.
"Ah look at us, all getting into relationships, maybe prom will actually be fun and not depressing" Alex chuckled
"Well... not all of us" Maria said, nudging her shoulder with Aubrey

"I don't think I'm going to go anyway" Aubrey said
"You have to" I insisted
She shouldn't miss out
Especially not just because she didn't have a date

Technically none of us had dates yet.
"It wouldn't be the same without you" I said.
"Ladies" Tommy greeted us, or more interrupted, perching on the table in between me and Aubrey

"How is your day going?" He asked
"Well it was lovely, how's yours?" Alex asked
"Better after seeing your gorgeous face" he smiled
"Shut up" Elijah said, walking past him as the bell rang.

"Kins?" Kade spoke up, stopping beside me
I looked up. Seeing the tower of a boy seemingly even taller as he stood over me
"Yeah?" I asked nervously
"You have a free period now right?" He asked
I nodded, unable to find words as his body loomed over me.

"Fancy a study? In the library" he suggested
"Uh... sure" I said.

I was supposed to be dating this boy
And I could barely speak to him.
"Okay, I have to sort something out but I'll meet you there" he said, grasping my neck softly as he leant down and dropped a kiss to my lips.

"You are hopeless" Alex scoffed, gathering her things
"What?" I asked
"You know that he's yours right? He's your man? You don't have to act like a nervous schoolgirl every time he looks at you" she laughed.
"I know" I grumbled.
He just made me nervous

Especially now he was telling me he was part of some fucking gang. That he was violent.
And the thought that his friends could be the same unsettled me
Elijah was my neighbour
Always had been. Was he really a violent gang member?

Kade's POV

"I'll be there at 3" I said
"No, 2" dad said down the phone
"No I'm busy" I said
"You have a free period" he said
"No, I have to study" I said
"Study or piss around?" He asked.

"Come on dad, it's only torture, it can wait an hour can't it? My grades are now or never" I argued back.
"Fine, one hour, you be here for 3!" He said, hanging up
I sighed, I just wanted a fucking hour or two with my girl.

Kingsley's POV

"Hey" I smiled, as Kade reached me
But he didn't stop, nor sit beside me, he grasped my wrist and brought me to my feet, leading me into the many bookcases

If I was anyone else and knowing what I do I would have been scared.
Scared that I would never reappear.

"Kade?" I asked confused
"Kade?" I asked again when I had received no response.

He stopped, hands grasping my cheeks and lips falling to mine
I was surprised, even more so when I was slowly backed up against the bookshelf.
"Kade" I breathed out when I finally pulled away.

"What?" He asked
"I thought you wanted to study" I said
"I wanted to see you" he corrected.

"To hook up?" I asked, looking around us
"No... I just couldn't help myself when I saw you" he said, leaning in once again, capturing my mouth with his
"What do you want to do?" He asked
"What?" I asked, distracted by his lips, by his closeness
"We can do anything you want. Right now, for an hour, what do you want to do?" He asked.

Anything at all?
Did he mean...
"Um" I mumbled, flustered
Here? Someone might see us?
"Kingsley? Anything at all, Ice cream? Movies?" He suggested
Oh. That's what he meant
"Oh" I said.

"Oh" he repeated
"What do you mean oh?" He asked
"Nothing" I said, cheeks heating up.
"Oh" he said, realising
"You thought I meant-"
"No, no I... ice cream would be nice" I said simply, ducking my head to avoid further embarrassment.

He chuckled, hands suddenly feeling like they were burning into my hips
"Okay, your wish is my command princess" he said, kissing my forehead
"But for the record, if you do want to do that, all you have to do is ask, my windows are tinted" he said in low my ear

"Kade" I said, my eyes flying up to meet his smirk
"I'm kidding" he said
I didn't believe him
"Fine I'm half kidding" he tried
I still didn't buy it
He rolled his eyes
"Fine, I'd fuck you against this bookcase if you let me" he relented

My cheeks must have been as red as a stop sign. They must have read out the same message as he finally stopped teasing me.

Stepping back, waiting for me to walk ahead of him

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