21| Just me

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Just me

"When death takes my hand I will hold you with the other and promise to find you in every lifetime"

Kingsley's POV

What do I do?
Do I talk to someone?
I felt like bottling this all up was eating me alive?
Would the girls even know what to say if I told them?
They'd probably freak out as much as me.
Maybe I could speak to one of Kade's friends
See how they saw that kind of life.

So on Friday morning, after Kade had drove me home and we'd stole kisses from each other the night before... I tried to find Elijah
Tommy was a somewhat... talkative person.
Parker was barely talkative at all.
So I bet on Elijah helping me make a decision best.

When I did find him, he was stood with the rest of them
And Kade's eyes were already on me, filled with... hope? As I neared them

Kingsley's Outfit

"Kins" he smiled slightly, hesitance in his eyes
"I... I wondered if I could have a word... with Elijah" I said, finding the ground very interesting

"Elijah?" He asked, looking behind him
"Me?" Elijah asked
"Yes, if you don't mind" I said to Kade, looking up at him
"Uh... course" he said
"Um... lunch? We can talk at lunch?" I proposed, looking around Kade

Elijah nodded, seemingly confused
"Okay, thank you" I said, moving to leave

Kade's POV

"What the fuck does she want with you?" Tommy asked confused
"I don't know" Elijah shrugged
"You haven't said anything to her?" I asked, he shook his head
"No, I swear" he defended

Why did she want to talk to him? Why him?
She... she could barely look at me
"You stole his girl?" Tommy joked
"Tommy" I warned
I wasn't in the fucking mood

Not when she wasn't speaking to me
Not when she could barely look at me
Not when she'd rather fucking speak to Elijah than me.

Kingsley's POV

I was nervous when lunch rolled around
As I stood outside of school nervously waiting for Elijah
"Hey, Kingsley" he said, coming up behind me
"Oh... hi. Do you um... I don't know, do you want to go somewhere? Have lunch?" I asked

I wasn't sure how to go about this
"Uh, yeah I guess" he shrugged, walking over to his car
I followed him
A very awkward car ride later and we sat in a cafe

"I just... I wanted to talk to you about Kade" I began
"I didn't assume it was anything else" he chuckled, clearly trying to ease the conversation
"I just want to know... what it's like. His world, his... work" I tried to explain

"I don't think it's my place to say" he said, sitting back, foot resting on his other knee
Ringed hand grasping his mug as he eyed me cautiously

"Please Elijah, you... you know him better than anyone. Am I..." I faltered
I felt so stupid even asking
"Am I in danger? Being with Kade" I asked nervously, looking down into my mug

"Kade is your safest option in this world" he said
"Would I be better off staying out of this world altogether?" I asked

"Maybe" he shrugged
"But Kade... the way he talks about you. He would never let anyone hurt you" he said
"I'm not worried about getting hurt. I'm worried about getting killed. About my family" I explained

"This is because of the two people who broke into your house?" He asked
I nodded
That was a massive part of it
I was terrified of being home alone

"Kade dealt with them. He won't let them near you again" he assured me
"And this Petrov man? The guy who sent them?" I asked

He thought for a moment, blowing out a breath
"I won't lie to you Kingsley, you deserve the truth above anything else if you're going to commit to Kade and his lifestyle. His dad has a lot of enemies. Kade has a lot of enemies. I know he's sweet to you, and he never won't be to you. But there's a side of him a lot of people don't like" he tried to explain

"And if I see that side of him?"
"You won't. He won't let you" he said
"Then there's a whole part of him I don't know" I said
How could that possibly work?

"Just talk to him. Give him a chance. You've already put yourself out there by associating with him after they broke in the first time. Either way they know you're important to him" he said

"Important?" I echoed
"Yeah, they know how to get him. Through you. Like I said, you're better off with him than away from him" he said
He seemed so... casual about the whole thing

Maybe he was accustomed to how Kade was.
How his family was.

And yet I just couldn't wrap my head around it
I had known them for years
Elijah had been my neighbour for so long.
My parents knew his parents
And he was friends with this mafia group?

With my... boyfriend?
Could I even call him that?

"Do you ever feel like you're in danger?" I asked
"No" he said quickly
"Kade cares about us. About his family. And he protects us whenever we need it. You... you're at the front of his mind constantly. All he talks about is you, all he thinks about is you. Where you are, how you're feeling, if you'll take him back" he reeled off

"Please take him back, to put us out of our misery if nothing else" he chuckled
"I don't know what to do yet. But thank you" I said kindly
He didn't have to waste his time easing all of my worries.

"No worries. Why me though?" He asked, cocking his head
He was a very calm person I had come to realise
Few words if he had the choice

"Tommy is very..."
"Annoying" he offered
"Chatty" I said simply
"And Parker isn't very talkative at all" I mumbled

"No, he ain't. Look don't worry alright" he said, running his hand through his hair as he stood up
"If you play this smart, you could get whatever you want out of Kade, he'll do anything for your forgiveness" he joked.

Could I give my forgiveness though?

As Elijah drove us back, we had drifted into casual conversation
I felt less nervous about Kade after our chat
But I still didn't know if I wanted to commit to such a dangerous life

Especially when my dad was screaming that Kade's family was bad news
If only he knew how bad.

Kade's POV

"Tell me what she said" I demanded for the fifth time
"I'm not betraying her confidence. It was nothing bad alright? She just asked some questions" he said
"About me?" I asked

"About everything" he shrugged, lighting a cigarette
"Wish she'd have asked me" Tommy grumbled
"What did she ask?" I asked
"This and that" he said vaguely

"Elijah" I snapped
"She just wants to know if she's in danger alright? Your life don't exactly drip with safety does it?" He asked

She was questioning Elijah? Not me?

I knew more than him
I could assure her more than him
I could hold her and kiss all her worries away.

I looked over at her, stood with her friends as she waited for her prick of a dad.

She looked so fucking good
So beautiful

Kingsley's POV

Dad never showed
Which confused me
Alex ended up driving me home
And as she drove off, I realised there was no one home

"Dad" I called out, closing the front door
"Dad" I called again, assuming he had just been caught up in work
Maybe he got caught at the office

"Hello princess" I jumped, seeing the woman from before sitting on the sofa

She smiled, dark hair high on her head, pony swishing as she cheerily stood up
"Been a while" she said, nearing me

I dropped my bag, unconsciously walking backwards until I hit the wall
She stopped, looking at me

"Don't be scared princess" she taunted
I looked around. Expecting to see Huxley.

She whistled, drawing my attention back to her
"Just me kitten" she drawled out, a flicking sound rattling round in my head as my eyes found the switchblade in her hand

My eyes began to water, my skin heating
Frantic eyes finding hers again as she walked closer
Before she slowly placed her blade against my cheek

"I thought we had made ourselves very clear before. But you chose not to listen" she said, applying small pressure

"Please" I let out shakily
"Please what? I asked you very nicely to deliver our message to Kade. And I warned you, to stay away from him" she said

"That wasn't a message from Mr Petrov, that was mine and H's way of giving you an out kitten. To give you a chance away from him. But now... now you're together we hear?" She smiled, eyes following mine as they fell to the floor, pulling me back to her gaze

"W-we're not..."
"W-w-we're n-not" she repeated, feigning fear
Before she laughed, pushing the blade into my cheek slowly, gently cutting my skin
I felt the tear run down my cheek as she pulled away

"Mr Petrov tells me to tell you... that he will take your life before Kade's eyes" she passed on.

I stood frozen, warm blood running down my cheek, mixing with my tears
"I like you Kingsley, I've heard a lot about you. Funny, kind... caring. You don't want a man like Kade condemning you" she taunted, wiping her knife in my skirt she had gathered in her hands

"I think you're too good for that" she went on, backing up to the door causally

"Find your way out princess, I would hate to have to slit your pretty neck" she called as she left the house

I slid down the wall, letting the tears fall as blood curved down my neck

I shakily pulled my phone out, finding his name through blurry eyes

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