24| The unexpected truth

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The unexpected truth

"You were the first person I felt both wildly unsure and unwaveringly certain of"     - Onceinalifetime

Kingsley's POV

I woke up beside Kade, wrapped in his arms
It was nice, it was like before, little touches and kisses. Nervous butterflies in my stomach

Before the fear would sink it
The fear of this A girl
The fear for my family
The fear of sticking with Kade when all it was doing was hurting me

Hurting my family
Making me lie to my parents
And I hardly ever lied to my parents, the guilt was weighing me down with every one I told.

"Good morning" I heard beside me
"Morning" I said shyly
He smiled at me, brushing my cheek with his hand

"How are you feeling?" He asked
"Better... still freaked out but... better" I said simply
"Don't worry, I told you, I'll take care of it" he said
"I don't want you hurting people because of me" I said

"I'm not" he said, kissing my forehead
"I'm going to make sure you're safe. I'm going to make sure you're not scared anymore" he promised
"And whilst I do that, you need to rest" he said

"I can't, I have school" I said, sitting up slowly
His eyes fell down my back, before he looked back to me

Kade's POV

Why did she take her skirt off again?
Why is she half naked in my bed?

"Kins, you need to go home, to spend some time to proce-"
"No, I can't miss school, my dad will never believe I was sick. Especially after I've spent the night away. I need to go" she said adamantly
I sighed, sitting up with her

"Fine. But let Tommy watch over you yeah?" I asked
"Elijah will be with me so, let him message me, let him tell me you're okay" I begged
"I can tell you that" she pointed out
"Kins" I said

"Fine. Sure" she grumbled, looking away
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be..."
"Possessive?" She asked
"Over protective" I offered instead
But I couldn't help it
She was a target

And I would never forgive myself if something happens to her

"I need to go home before I go" she said
I nodded, pulling her back to me
"I'll drive you" I said, kissing the side of her head

Kingsley's POV

I sat on my bed, defeated
I felt so emotionally drained after yesterday
"Kins? You ready?" Kade called out
"Yeah, coming" I shouted weakly
I looked up at the mirror across from me

Kingsley's Outfit

I looked... tired
The plaster on my cheek was sure to draw stares
And the blood stained skirt in my bin taunted me from across the room

Kade appeared around the door, smiling at me softly
"You look beautiful" he said
"I look awful" I chuckled, standing up

"You look beautiful" he reaffirmed, his hands finding my waist as I neared him
"You don't always have to be so sweet you know?" I chuckled
"If it makes you smile, then yes I do" he said

I looked up at him, a smile couldn't help but grace my face
He was too nice to me. Too... understanding
And I found myself falling for him

Too quickly. Too intensely
I didn't want to give Kade up despite everything telling me to

"You need anything, just call, I'll pick up" he said, stopping outside school
I nodded, moving to get out, before I stopped myself
Instead leaning across the car and kissing him
He was clearly caught off guard, before his hand snaked into my hair and he kissed me back

I pulled away slowly, opening my eyes
To a huge smile, his own eyes shining back at me
"Can I have another?" He asked
I laughed, kissing him again.

I'd kiss this boy all day if I could
"Hey, come on, some of us have an education to get to" Tommy shouted, banging against Kade's window
I pulled away quickly, rather embarrassed

Kade groaned, opening the door that swiftly hit Tommy
"Fuck" he groaned, as I got out
Elijah rounding the car to take my place
"Be good. If she tells me you've annoyed her, you'll get worse" Kade warned Tommy

"Where is it you're actually going?" I asked, standing beside Tommy
"Don't worry about it, just text me yeah? Let me know how your day goes" he said, I nodded
"Of course" Tommy said, throwing his arm around my shoulders

"I'll send you pictures later of us... together, having so much fun without you" he goaded, pulling me backwards as he began to walk away
"Tommy" Kade said coldly
"What? You told me to look after her. So don't worry, I'll look after her just fine" he grinned

Kade glared at him
Before I shrugged Tommy's hold off and walked ahead of him.
"Wait up" Tommy said, jogging after me

I said nothing
"Oh come on, you know I was joking, I just like pissing him off" he laughed
"Well please don't use me to do that" I said simply, opening my locker
"Can't piss him off any other way, you're the only thing he concerns himself with, especially now you've actually given him a chance" he laughed.

"I like him" I said
"Good. Because he loves you" he teased
"Beat it Phoenix, I need a word" Alexandria said, stopping the other side of me
"You beat it Reed, I'm on a job" he argued back
"A job?" She questioned, crossing her arms

"Yes, to protect Lee" he said proudly
"Right well 'protect' her from over there" she said
He sighed
"You never appreciate me Alex" he said dramatically
"I don't appreciate men" she said back

"Maybe you should, I could appreciate you just right" he grinned
"One more time Tommy, beat it" she said
"Fine, I'll see you at lunch Kins" he said, leaving us
"Why's he hanging around you?" Alex asked curiously

"Kade's... ill. He wants Tommy to hang out with me as he isn't here I guess" I shrugged
Lies. So many lies.

"Okay... well, I have news" she grinned
"What news?" I mumbled
"Dinner. You, me, Saturday" she said

"I'm not exactly into girls Alex" I joked
"Shut up, Maria and Audrey will be there too" she said
"Oh yeah? And this is in aid of?..."
"Meeting my girlfriend" she smiled

"Girlfriend?" I asked, looking at her
"Since when?" I asked surprised
"Since two days ago when she asked me" she said happily

"Oh Alex, I'm so happy for you" I smiled, shutting my locker
"I'm happy for me too" she said, linking our arms as we walked
"So... dinner?" She asked again

"Yeah, of course, I'd love to meet her" I said
"Good. Oh and if you see Maria, tread carefully, she came in this morning crying, I don't think her and Parker are doing too well" she informed me
"Noted" I nodded

"Oh, if my parents ask, which they won't, I stayed at yours last night" I said

"Noted" she echoed.
"Why? What naughty things were you up to?" She teased
"Nothing, I just... stayed round Kade's" I shrugged
"As is that why he's 'ill', you push him too hard?" She laughed

"No, we were just hanging out" I mumbled
"Doing?" She pushed

"Nothing" I insisted
"You'll be doing nothing for the rest of your life if you don't jump that boy" she chuckled
"We're taking things slow" I said
Slow was an understatement.

Finding out he's part of some sort of gang
A mafia. Organised crime?
I'm not even entirely sure what it is. But it was bad
And sex was the last thing on my mind.

"Don't go too slow, you don't know what you're missing out on" she advised
"Thanks Alex" I dismissed, rolling my eyes
"I mean me and Athena, god, she can go for hours-"

"Too much" I said, dropping her arm and walking faster
"Come on, let me educate you" she shouted after me.

Kade's POV

"What is this exactly?" Elijah asked as I drove
"It's a number Elijah, if you can't figure that out, maybe I should have brought Tommy" I sighed
"I mean what good is it? Huxley told you himself, they all use burners" he explained

"Yes, and with the right connections, and the right technology, a burner is easy to trace" I said
"So, where have you traced it to exactly?" He asked
"Here" I said, pulling up to a house
Elijah looked out the window

"So, how hard are you going?" He asked
"She'll be lucky if her house is left standing when I'm done with her" I said
Cutting my fucking girlfriend?
Hurting her and scaring her

She was in for pain she'd never imagined.

Kingsley's POV

"I don't think you should" Alex said simply
"It's only for a chat" I argued
"I think she should go" Maria chimed, before she sadly poked around her pasta

"If you go over there, Parker will think she sent you" Alex said
"I know but I said I'd check in with Tommy, he wanted to speak to me" I said
"Go. Maybe he'll tell you why he's ghosting me" Maria said sadly

"Go, maybe you'll find out something I can't" she insisted
I took a breath, sparing Tommy a glance before I stood up, heading for their table.

"Hey" I said awkwardly
They both looked up at me
"Hey" Tommy smiled
"Take a seat princess" he offered
I did so, uneasy at the nickname as I'm sure Kade wouldn't like it.

"Hi Parker" I said nicely
"Kingsley" he greeted, his eyes firmly in his food
"Are you... alright... both of you?" I corrected myself
"I am, not sure about this miserable prick" Tommy

"Leave it" Parker said
"What? You've been sulking all day, did Maria dump you?" He asked
"No" he grumbled
Tommy looked at my face, before he understood
"Oh, you dumped her? Dude, why?" He asked

"I said leave it" he said angrier, standing up, before he stormed off
"And that is why I don't need a girlfriend" he laughed
"Yes I'm sure that's why" I said

"What? I like Audrey but she seems very uninterested in anything that isn't a book" he sighed
"She's... shy" I offered
"She's cute" he said instead, looking over at her

I smiled at them, Audrey did like him, she just wasn't... confident enough in herself.

"The only people who seem lucky in love is you and Kade, against all odds" he laughed
"Yeah, it's... hard, seeing past the kind of life he lives, the things he's done" I said

"Yeah, it's hard being associated with him, but you're also going to be safer with him" he said
"That's what everyone keeps saying" I said
"It's crazy though, seeing past his lifestyle, all the things he's done. I mean I bet beating guys up for you seems pretty small in comparison to the big stuff" he laughed

"What?" I asked
"What?" He echoed, shoving pasta into his mouth
"What do you mean beating guys up for me?" I asked
He looked to the side at me, like a deer in headlights before he swallowed his food
"He... he told you, about the guys that used to ask you out... didn't he?" He said, now unsure of himself

My face told him the answer
"Shit" he let out.

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