25| I miss you

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I miss you

"The right one won't give up on you"     - Faraway

Kingsley's POV

"Kingsley wait, I didn't mean to cau-"
"How long?" I asked, stopping and turning back to him
He abruptly stopped before me in the hallway
"What?" He asked nervously
"How long has he been doing that? How does he even do it? I've never seen boys walking around with bruises, they just never call me back, never talk to me again" I said angrily.

Remembering all the boys that just began avoiding me out of nowhere
"I-I'm not sure. But if you didn't know, then do we really need to mention it to Kade? We can jus-"
"Tommy!" I snapped, cutting him off

"It's fine. Just... I have to go" I said. Class started soon
And I needed to think.

"Okay but, don't tell Kade it was me?" He asked desperately
"Tommy, it won't come back on you" I said tiredly
That's all he was concerned with?

"Maybe it doesn't need to come back on anyone" he suggested as I walked away from him

School went by slowly
Painfully slow
And I didn't know what to think. He had beaten people up because of me?
He told me he hurt those who he had to.

Bad people.
Boys asking me out aren't bad people

He'd rang me three times throughout the day and I hadn't picked up.
"Why aren't you picking up? He's called me in a panic" Tommy said, stopping by my locker
"Then tell him I don't want to talk to him" I said simply, closing the locker

"I can't tell him that, he'll kill me Lee, please" he said, making me look at him
And he relented
"Fine. Fine he won't kill me but I'll be in so much shit" he tried

"This isn't about you Tommy" I snapped.

"Come on, one party" Alex pleaded as we left school
"No" I chuckled
"Why not? Please, just a few hours, Maria's said yes" she said
"Then go with Maria" I said
"Maria's heartbroken over loner boy. Come on, I need my wingwoman to cheer her up" she begged

I sighed
"When is it?" I asked
"Saturday" she said, pulling me to a stop
"Fine. If I can swing it with my parents, I'll come" I said

"Good" she smiled
"Then I think your ride awaits" she smirked, looking beside us
I followed her eye line, seeing Kade stood by his car waiting for me

"No, I'm riding with you actually" I said
"Oh, why's he here then? I thought he was ill?" She said curiously
"He's supposed to be" I mumbled
"Give me two minutes, I'll meet you at the car" I said, she nodded, wandering off to the car park

I neared Kade, who stood holding flowers
"Hey" he said simply, looking at me... cautiously?
"What are the flowers for?" I asked
"You" he said, holding them out
"Why?" I asked, taking them

"I... you haven't answered me all day" he said
"I know" I nodded
His eyes searched mine for answers
"So... so did I do something?" He asked
"You tell me" I said, crossing my arms

"What? I'm... I'm sorry I wasn't here today, if I've upset you then-"
"I had a long talk with Tommy" I said instead
"About?" He asked nervously
"About you. About the beatings you handed out when someone would be interested in me" I said

His eyes closed briefly, his face falling before his head did, hanging in shame.

"You thought I'd never find that out? Hm?" I asked
He said nothing
"I have to go, just... don't call me" I said, handing the flowers back
He didn't take them
So I reluctantly took them with me.

Kade's POV

"You're an idiot" I said
"You've said" Tommy sighed
"No you're an actual fucking moron Tommy" I shouted

"She was going to find out eventually" Elijah argued
"No, not if she didn't have to" I said
"Kade. She knows now, there's not much you can do other than apologise. Like Parker here, apologise to Maria for god sake. She's miserable" he explained

"Leave it. We... it's complicated" he grumbled
"Well my relationship isn't! It's... we fit together, perfectly, I just fucking got her back" I sighed
"Then you need to do it again" Elijah said
"How do I do that?" I asked
"Talk to her" Tommy suggested

"You don't talk at all" Elijah said to him
Maybe he was right in a sense
Nothing would be sorted unless we talk.

I need to see her
"Where are you going?" Elijah asked
"Kade! Kade don't" he shouted after me

I knocked on the door for the fifth time
Before it swung open
"I told you to leave me alone Kade, you're lucky my dad isn't home yet" she snapped
"Can we talk?" I asked
"I don't want to talk to you" she emphasised, trying to shut the door
But I held it open

"Please" I begged
She sighed, opening it again
"Kade, do you not understand that I need to think? I find out you're some gangster-"
"I'm not a gangster" I tried
"Some sort of criminal then! That you've killed people-"

"Kins" I said, looking around
"And now I find out you're a bully too?" She asked
"That our entire relationship is a lie!" She shouted
"It's not a lie" I denied
"It is! What if I had gone out with one of these other boys? What if I was happy with them?" She asked

"Don't say that" I begged
"What if I was! It is not your decision Kade. It isn't your choice that I end up with you" she shouted

"I know" I said
"Then please. Just leave me alone Kade" she said
"Because I can't even look at you right now let alone talk to you" she said sadly, closing the door.

Why do I just make everything worse?

Two days. Two days and she hasn't spoke to me
Won't reply to my texts
My calls
She barely even looks my way at school.

"You've really messed it up eh" Tommy said
"You're the one that told her" Elijah pointed out
"He's the one that beat people up" Tommy replied

"In fairness. We've all beaten them up" Elijah shrugged
"Not helping" I said sternly, watching Kingsley across the library
She was reading
By herself.

"Don't do it" Parker advised
"What do you know?" I said
"Haven't you heard? He's back in Maria's good graces" Tommy laughed
I got up, I didn't need to listen to them anymore

I did that and it got me a door slammed in my face.

"Kins?" I said, she looked up at me.
A... pitiful expression on her face?

"Yeah" she said expectantly
"I... I'm not sure what to say really, I just... I miss you" I said pathetically
"Kade" she sighed
"I know. I know you don't want to talk to me yet, I just... it's torture, not seeing you" I admitted

Her face softened
Her gorgeous face...

"I'll... I'll leave you, I'm sorry" I said, walking away

Kingsley's POV

Just call him back
Tell him you want to talk.

But I can't. I just can't bring myself to do it
Because I don't know what to say.

I've just been thinking it over and over in my head
Over all the boys I was supposed to have dates with, to go to dances with... and how they suddenly avoided me

I got up, packing my things away. Feeling Kade's eyes on me the entire time.

Before I made my made to the study rooms, trying to find Vinnie
And I eventually did, sat reading alone

Vinnie Garston
The boy who asked me out and then ghosted me

"Vinnie" I said, sitting beside him
He looked at me, recognition falling on his face before he looked away
"I'm busy" he said
I closed his book

"Two years ago, when you asked me out-" I began
"Kingsley, I really am busy, I don't thi-"
"My dad turned you away and then-"
"Why are you bringing this up? It was years ago, let it go Kingsley" he said, standing up
But I pulled him back down

To his dismay
"Did Kade King threaten you to stay away from me?" I asked
"What?" He asked surprised
"Kade King, did he threaten you? Hurt you?" I asked
He just looked at me

"Maybe I just wasn't interested in you Kingsley" he mumbled, standing up again
"Which is fine, but regardless, did he do something?" I asked

He hesitated
"Please Vinnie, just tell me" I said
"I thought you were dating now?" He questioned
"No... I don't know. That's why I need to know" I clarified

He sighed, picking up his bag
"Look he... he hit me alright? Fucking bruised my ribs, I couldn't train for a week" he said
"That bad?" I asked
He scoffed

"It's always that bad when it comes to him. Why do you think no one's asked you out in a year?" He asked
"Who else has he hurt?" I asked
"Just about anyone who's mentioned your name in a way he doesn't like" he said

"Right... well I'm... I'm sorry" I said
"Not your fault. Guys a psycho" he muttered, walking out.

• Kade •

"I told you there's no point" I said
"Why?" Tommy whined
"Because my girlfriend won't speak to me. Parker's now back with Maria, why would we waste our time at a party?" I asked

"Because you're good friends, great even, and I need to meet some girls, so does Elijah here, all that pent up frustration is what makes him so angry" he said
"Fuck off" Elijah said
"See" he went on
"Tommy we're not going, you two go if you're so bothered" I said

"Fine. Me and Elijah will go, without you... I'll just hang out with Kingsley all night" he said
"Kingsley?" I asked
"Oh didn't I mention? She'll be there" he said

"No. You fucking didn't"
She's going to a party?
Was she expecting me to be there?
Would she talk to me before then?

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