Chapter 7: No!

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Lucy's POV

"Luce... Lucy. Come on wake up." I groaned and rolled over grabbing the pinky locks. "You're in my room again, you're waking me up AGAIN, if you don't get out I'm going to kill you." I growled before burying my self back into the pillows. "Try it, I dare you. Oh wait you can't" I could sense him smirking which pissed me off. "Natsu out!" He stood up and I heard him go down stairs.

I kicked my feet around under covers and screamed into the pillow. Why does he always come so earlier!? I didn't even open shop up this early! I finally got out of bed and decided to take and shower and eat some "food"

"ah shut up you idiot!"

My eyes rolled back as I stomped down the stairs. "Lucy/Luce!" I shot the two idiots a glare. "Natsu, Gray" They both froze in their spots. "It is early in the morning, I don't wanna even be up at the moment.. So I swear if you don't shut the hell up and leave me the fuck alone!!"

I saw Natsu suck his lips between his teeth, as in he'll shut up. I turned towards Gray. He adjusted him self. "I was just going to say, there's some other vampires that would like to meet you." I raised my brow. "Why do other vampires want to meet me?" I put my hands on my hips. "More like why did you tell other vampires about me?" He looked confused.

"Lucy, we're all the same" I cut him off. "No Gray, and I'm trying to keep a low profile, my "master" yea he tried to kill me and Natsu killed him. I had no right to kill him, I'm honestly surprised that idiots still alive" I said while pointing to Natsu who starting shouting about like an idiot.

I ran up and grabbed his shirt before he could blink his eye. "Don't make me kill you!" He smiled. "You couldn't do that to your buddy!" "I would gladly do it for her" Gray budded in. "Goodnight" I waved the pair off as I went back up stairs to get more sleep.

Natsu's POV

"Well look stripper you pissed her off" I said while crossing my arms. He slammed his forehead against mine. "Oh yea flame brain! I'm sure your presence pissed her off" A tick mark appeared on my head. "Luce enjoys my presence!" I hollered back. "Stop calling her Luce! Idiot it's rude"

"Luce likes the nickname, you're just mad your didn't think of it when you had your chance with her." He stepped back. "Natsu, I will get Lucy back, you've been warned, I will kill you if necessary." I rose an eyebrow. "Oh cause that'all get Lucy to love you huh? Killing her friend and at the moment the only human who knows her secret?"

He rolled up his sleeves. "Lucy doesn't need a human for a friend anyway, she needs other vampires in her life. Not the likes of you." I rolled my eyes. "That's why she was angry when you told the others about her? Ever thought maybe having me around is some sort of normalcy for her?" I questioned. "You're not normal, whatever you are. You smell off, I'll figure it out and kill you later" Gray said while glaring at me while walking out.

"My smell is off? Lucy said I smelt great."

I started putting some books away and help out a few people. It was already lunch and I'm starving. I bet Lucy's hungry too. "Yo Lucy! You hungry?" I called out. She never responded so I went up to go see if she was still asleep. I went to her bed and she wasn't there.


I tip toed into her bathroom and saw her sitting on the ground covered in blood. "Why?" She asked. "Why can't I just die?!" She sobbed out before crying into her arms.

I slowly bent down and pulled her over to me. "Hey now what's your deal?" I looked for signs of cuts but there were none just blood. "Lucy you didn't try to..." She looked up at me teary eyed. "Kill my self yes! I'm tired of living I want to die. Or at least it would've been nice to be a pure blood then at least I could grow and have a family you know"

I wrapped my arms around her and leaned my head on her shoulder. "I'm sorry you have to go through all this alone.." I gulped a bit. "If it would make you feel better.. I'd let you-"

"no! Don't you even say it" she pushed me away and growled. "I hate seeing you like this Lucy! If I wanna give my life up so you're not alone I would!" "You're an idiot Natsu I won't do it ever, we've been through this" I grunted and stood. "I know I know, I get it. Just thought it would be better than being the this alone."

Her hand caressed my cheek. "The thought of You having to go through what I do, is something I could never do." I held her hand against my cheek. "Life will be lonely without you" she snorted. "You're so cheesy! Your sound like some twilight shit, honestly"

I just rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah whatev- Luce you look really pale." I said noticing her lightly tan skin a faire white color. She laughed nervously. "I lost a lot of bloo-" she couldn't even finish her sentence with out collapsing into my arms. "Luce Luce Luce.. I guess I have no choice huh?" I laid her on her bed then kissed her. Her lips were so cold, almost as if she'd been out in the snow freezing.

I could hear her inhale some air then move away from lips. Her soft lips trailed down my neck till they reached they're mark. "Arg.. Ah good girl" I groaned a bit as pierced her fangs into my skin. After a minute I started feeling a bit light headed. "Luce" she didn't stop. "Lucy" I rose my voice but she still didn't budge. "Lu..." My eye lid fell heavy and passed out in her grasp.

Lucy's POV

This warm tingly feeling filled my body. It made me feel happy and alive again. It reminds me of Natsu, Natsu's blood..

I opened my eyes and sure enough my fangs were deep into the side of his neck. I quickly pulled away. His limp body fell on my bed and I panicked. 'Fuck did I kill him!' I screamed mentally. "Damn it Natsu wake up!" His head just rolled off to the side. In a panic I bit my wrist and held it over his mouth.

Just as a single drop plummeted to his lips I pulled my arm away. "What was I just thinking!! Oh here let's save him by killing him and making him a vampire, smart Lucy smart!" I looked down and saw one droplet on his bottom lip. "Shit " i leaned down and kissed/ sucked the blood off. When I pulled away I saw his chest raise and fall. "Dumb ass why didn't I check to see if he had a pulse.."


It's been an hour and he still hasn't woken up. I sat on my bed with his head on my lap. I continuously ran my fingers through his soft pink locks. I smiled at his peaceful face. "You're so strange Natsu, trying to give up your life. Honestly you dumb duck." I sighed and laid his head on the bed. I slowly laid down beside him, propping one of my arms to support my head.

I reached out and caressed his cheek. "But if some how you did change and stayed beside me, I wouldn't mind the company." I blushed at my own statement then slowly moved closer to him before laying my head on his chest.

"It's nice knowing I can be this close to you and know you're not afraid of me"

I smiled sweetly as I drifted to sleep.

Finally A chapter!! So much hashes opened the past two months I don't even think about it🙄

Hope you enjoyed the new chapter💕
Check out my other stories ~
•Burning Summer
•Lucky I'm in Love with my Bestfriend
• My Enemy

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