Chapter 6: Hungry?

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Natsus POV

"Gray" Lucy whispered. In seconds she was throwing her self into his arms. "How is this possible am I dreaming!?" She  was practically crying. That Gray fellow just stood in shock. "I think I should be asking you that Lucy." He held her shoulders back.

"You disappeared that night.. Back in Paris" my eyes grew wide. "I thought I'd never see you again" I remember Lucy talking about someone from her past, leaving him before he was about to propose, was that him? How is he still alive? Does Lucy still love him?

"Gray tell me how is it your here?"

Gray smiled and his grin showed fangs. "You're a vampire too?" Lucy asked amazed. "Wait you're a vampire?" Gray asked her. Alright I've had it. "Obviously she is if she said you're a vampire too" I said in a mocking tone. "Natsu!" Lucy walked over and smacked my arm. "There's no need to be rude. This is Gray he used to be my best friend" the way she looked at him with longing eyes.

I grabbed my coat and started walking out. "Wait Natsu where are you going?" Lucy called out to me. "Out" I said coldly before slamming the door.

Lucy's pov

Natsu walked out of the store so angrily I don't get it. "Gray I'm sorry I'll be right back." He grabbed my wrist. "Wait this is the first time in decades that I've seen you" I held his hand and smiled. "I know Gray I really wanna catch up but I wanna go check on him."

"Who is he?"

"He's.. Well he's my friend. He's the one who saved me from my maker." Gray out his hands up. "Wait wait wait he knows?" I sweat dropped. "Did you not hear him earlier?" "I wasn't listening to the flame brain"
"Flame brain?" I questioned. "I don't know I just don't like that guy" I chuckled.

"I've miss you" The way he gazed at me sent me billions of butterflies. "I'll see you later Gray I promise." He looked away sadly before I ran out the door after Natsu.

I was running up and down the streets, with no luck. I started up the hill towards his house. Just I was walking up to the property someone walked up to me and cut me off causing me to fall on my butt "Listen here you peasant you stay away from the prince you hear me or I swear I'll-"

"get away from the girl right now"

I heard a dark voice say behind me. I looked up to see a man with black hair standing there. The other man look at him with fear before running off. "Are you okay?" He asked smoothly before reaching his hand out to help me up. I took his hand and stood. "Yes thank you." He looked at me for a second then smiled.

"Does your name happen to be Lucy?" He asked and I nodded my head slightly.


"Great! I'm Zeref, Natsu's older brother! I believe I saw you before but you were sick and passed out." I just looked down. "Oh" was all I could say.  "So what brings you here?" He asked me. "Oh well Natsu left work suddenly and I could find him around town so I thought he might have came home."

"Oh no he's hasn't shown up today, say you wanna come in for some tea and wait for natsu?" I looked up and gave a small smile. "Thank you, yes" I followed Natsu's brother inside the house and sat down at the table. He served us some tea and started small talk.

"So are you Natsu's girlfriend?"

My face flushed red. "N-no were j-just friends!" I tried explaining and he just chuckled in response. "Oh of course that chicken doesn't have the guts. He's such a weird guy but he really is sweet Lucy." He finished with a smile. "Do you wanna see pictures of him as a baby!!" He cheered.

I was about to answer when the door opened. My head snapped to the direction. "Fucking Popsicle asshole." I heard someone mumble. "Natsuuuu!!! Come here" Zeref called in a higher voice. "No thanks ya freak leave me alone." With that I heard him walk up the stairs and slam the door shut. "You can go up if you want. You're both technically adults so" he said putting his hands up.

I nodded and headed up the stairs. Thankfully all the other door were open so I knew the closed one was his. I tapped on the door lightly. "Fuck off" I stitched my eyebrows together, he treats his brother like complete shit . I opened the door then slammed it shut.

"Alright you damn ass stop being so rude!" I yelled.

I saw his head pop up at the sound of my voice, he looked so confused. "Luce? What are you doin' here?" I crossed my arms and sat on the side of his bed. "Well I chased after you when you stormed out earlier but I couldn't find you, so I came up to your house. Then I met your brother"

He scratched his head "sorry"

"And you left work early!" I pushed his shoulder. "That Popsicle was pissing me off" I made a confused looked. "Who's that?" "That Gray dude" I started laughing. "What's so funny?!" "Well he called you flame brain and said he just doesn't like you, then here you are calling him a Popsicle." I grabbed his hand and I noticed him blush.

"Come back to work with me, please" he looked like he was about to agree but them a smirk went across his face, great. "I'll come to work if.." "If what?" I'm not getting a good vibe off this

"just once, give me a kiss"

There it is. I took a deep sigh "Natsu" "eh screw it" I felt a bit better that he gave up. Oh wait Scratch that.
My eyes stayed wide, my hands pressed against his chest, both his cupped around my face. The warmth of his lips sent a weird tingly sensation through out my body. I could feel my eyes getting heavy and found my self melting into his body.

Every fiber in my bones told my not to kiss him back, but I betrayed my own words. I kissed him back. Then he kissed back with more passion and a bit roughly. In seconds our tongues were dancing together and we were in a heated make out session. I inhaled his scent, the sweet smell of him drove me crazy.

"Ahh~" a pained moan escaped his lips.

"Alright Luce" I felt him pat my head. I swallowed then opened my eyes. My fangs were sunk in the nape of his neck. I quickly pulled them out and cover my mouth. "Oh my god.. Natsu I'm so sorry" I just attacked him without knowing so.

"I guess I should have forced you to lunch earlier huh?" He chuckled while holding his neck. I rushed over and tried to heal him back he kept holding me back. "Hey calm down alright, it's okay" I pointed at his neck. "Let me heal you your bleeding everywhere." He pulled his hand away and looked taken back by all the blood. I quickly licked his neck and kissed the wound.

I sat on his bed and closed my eyes. "Don't cry luce, I'm fine really." Natsu said as he sat down next to me. "I didn't even know I was doing it" I guess his scent mixed with the smell of his blood. Natsu started to run his hand over my head, caressing my hair.

"Hey let's make a deal"

I looked up at him and he smiled. "How bout this. Every time you look sick or hungry and I noticed, and trust me I will. I get to steal a kiss from you, then as your "revenge" he said with finger quotes. "You can bit me and eat." I looked at him with shocked eyes.

"Natsu I couldn't possible do that to you" he held my cheek in his hand again. "Please I don't wanna see you suffer." "I won't agree to anything" he chuckled and shook his head. "Of course not, let's get back to work shall we." I just nodded weakly.  "Bye Natsu! It was nice meeting you Lucy! Do stop by soon!" I smiled and continued to walk.

"Jeez that guy has major problems." Natsu mumbled. "Why are you so mean to your brother?" I asked as we walked. "He's pretty much the one who took care of me growing up. But as I got older he started acting weird, like he's scared of me moving yet wants me to get a girl friend" he laughed. "He always finds some way to bug me." "Why don't you just move out?"

He sighed. "He wants me to wait till I'm 20, and trust me I'm counting these next two months down" wow I didn't know he's 19, sure doesn't act it. "What do you plan to do then?" Natsu stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Well moving out is at the top of the list. I'm it sure what else in gonna do though."

I nodded.

"I think in about 2-3 years I'm going to move again. Maybe go back to Paris." "Oh ya! You can like speak French and stuff right?" "Yea, French, English, Japanese, Germany, and some Italian." He looked so amazed. "Well damn, I barely passed my foreign language class" I started laughing.

"How can you be that bad! Natsu est un idiot, Natsu è un idiota, Natsu wa bakadesu, Natsu ist ein Idiot" I covered my mouth laughing. "Alright smart ass! I'm not that dumb, I damn good and well you just called me an idiot in 4 different languages." I continued to laugh my ass off. We walked up on the shop and Natsu opened the door for me. "Thanks" I said while wiping a tear from the corner of my eye.

"Welcome back Lucy"

I looked up and saw Gray leaning up against the counter. "Oh hey Gray, sorry that took longer then I expected." Natsu sent glares at him so I nudge him in the gut with my elbow. Then he glared at me, which Gray noticed so then he started glaring at Natsu.

"Would you two knock it off!" I finally yelled. "Your acting like a bunch of high schoolers. Gray how old are you know I mean honestly... No wait how old were you when you got changed?"

I was actually quite curious.

"Oh well it was about a year after you disappeared, I got attacked jeez I don't really no wait! I was 21." I closed my eyes and thought for a moment. "I didn't know you were two years older then me.." "Are you serious!" He said super shocked. I sweat dropped a bit. "Yes ha sorry" "I can't believe you didn't know I was 20 when you were 18."

I gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry Gray" he let out a long sigh. "Well how olds pinky over there, 16-17?" "Oi! Ima be 20 here real soon." Gray put his hands out. "Oh I'm so scared, ha" I rolled my eyes at them. "I have to get going darling but I will be back" Gray said as he walked up and pulled me into a tight embrace.

"I've really missed you Lu- you smell just like him.."


"His scent, you're covered in it. More like it flows through you." How could he tell that just from smelling me. "His smell it seems almost as a.. No. Well you most really care for him them huh" he showed a sad smiled. "What do you mean?"

"Most vampires in today's times don't typically feed off someone unless they're really special to them that or if they just don't give a damn." He looked over at Natsu. "He knows your secret and doesn't seem to care, so I'm going with my gut and saying he's allowing you to feed off him.. Oh Lucy" he smiled then walked out.

"Alright what's up with all these people they keep saying my blood smells like something. What's my blood smell like!?" I covered my mouth.

"Oh god this is so embarrassing.. Oh jeez, Natsu you blood smells really really good. Super sweet, when I tasted you ahh it was like a fiery sweet sensation flowing into my mouth. That's why it's kind of hard to resist biting you when you get close to me." He looked amused with my answer. "Say Luce," he pulled me by was waist up to his body.

"Were my lips as sweet as my blood? Cause you see recall asking for a simple little kiss, but you game me much more then that" he wiggled his eyebrows and smirked.

I could feel the heat rise up my face. "Oh my god" I covered my mouth. "That was my first kiss" I whispered. "Whoah whoah hold up: you've been alive for how many years? How have you not kissed anyone!" I pressed my pointer finger to his chest. "Because I told you! I didn't wanna get close to anyone" "but you had eighteen years before you changed why didn't you ever kiss someone"

"things were different in those times you didn't just go around kissing people, besides I was saving it for someone special!" I yelled as I punch him. "But you just had to go steal huh!" He arm tightened around my waist causing my to be pressed to his chest.

"Now now, no hitting, you kissed me back just as much as me" i lowered my head in defeat. I felt his lips press to my forehead. "Why are you so cute?" He murmured in a low voice causing me to bury my voice in his chest more. "Shut up.. oh my god" I stood straight again. "What? What's wrong?" He asked.

"Noo!!! I finally stopped having those dreams!!" I cried out. Natsu's worried expression quickly turned to a smirk. "Oh how fun, I can't wait for my dreams tonight." "Ahh you're such a pervert let go of me!!" He just chuckled and released me. "I hate my self" I moped. "I don't I think your amazing" Natsu told me. "I wish I could die so I don't have to experience those horrid dreams"

"aww come on, I ain't bad in the sheets, I mean you know you're dreams are very detailed." He continued to smirk. "Ahh shut it!!!!" I yelled hiding in the book shelves. "You can't hide forever Luce"

I heard him walking near so I ran behind another then another. Eventually it turned into a big game. It went on for a while till he cheated and chilled on the shelves to see where I was below. He snuck up behind me and hugged me from behind. "Ahh Natsu!!" I yelled before bursting int a fit of laughter."No stop!' Ahaha no don't tickle me!! Ahah Natsu!"
He continued do it till a little girl in middle school walked in and started freaking out

"Sorry about that honey, I'll help you what kind of book do you need?" She explained what her report was on this I helped her find the perfect book.

Before I knew it, it was closing time. "Bye Natsu" I waved him off. "See ya later Luce." He started to walk but stop and turned around with a smirk on his face, "I'll see you sooner then you even think" he started off again and I heard singing "dream land dreamland here I come.. Hehe come" I shook my head and went inside.

"He is such an idiot"

Hope you enjoyed the new chapter💕

~ Just finish watching Your lie in April

~ Highly recommend the anime, it's in Netflix. And have tissues if you watch it.
Check out my other stories ~
•Burning Summer
•Lucky I'm in Love with my Bestfriend
• My Enemy

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