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Next day

Swara reaches her college early as she called Sanskar to come soon but he is no where to be seen making her more angry.

Swara : where the hell he is ? I need to call him yeah that would be better

Swara takes her phone and dials Sanskar's number .

Other side

Sanskar was sleeping peacefully has he had planned not to go to college today and take some rest and do overtime so he can earn more . His sleep breaks due to continuous phone call .

Sanskar in sleepy mode attends the call : hello

Swara hearing his sleepy voice gets angry : Mr Sanskar did you forget that you need to reach college early today ? Don't you remember that we are having fresher's day party tonight and your still sleeping over there ? Come here right now

Sanskar gets angry as she wasn't allowing him to speak and was ordering him : listen Miss Swara I'm not interested in all these bullshits . I'm coming to college to get a certificate and a degree not for enjoyment like you people . So I'm not interested in all this so leave me alone .

Swara gets angry : but your my partner for tonight don't forget it

Sanskar : that's not my problem it's better you search someone else

Swara gets teary eyes as she really wanted to enjoy it : but all are already booked and you can't do this to me at the last minute

Sanskar : not my mistake

Sanskar cuts the call angrily and sleeps while Swara gets teary eyes other side .

Swara : how can he do like this ? If he doesn't want to enjoy then it's not my problem right ? What I have done to him that he is punishing me ? Now what should I do ? With whom shall I tell this ? I know none here . God ! The second day has only turned out to be disaster for me I don't know what to do in upcoming days .

Being sad Swara returns to her home and informs her mother about the same .

Sharmistha after analysing the situation : must be he is not well Shona or might be he is busy

Swara while wiping her tears : then he could have said me na maa I would have spoken with my seniors yesterday and would have found some solution . After all this I can't even call him again .

Sharmistha while caressing her daughter's forehead : Shona relax don't make yourself weak for him . What happened if you can't be a part of game , you can enjoy the part right .

Swara while hugging her mother: but still maa I wanted to enjoy the game

Sharmistha while caressing her head : don't worry might be next time

Swara nods her head having no other option : but I will take his class tomorrow and won't ever talk with him ever never

Sharmistha laughs : ok as you wish but don't hurt yourself ok

Swara nods her head : ok


Soon time passes Sanskar is busy in his overtime while Swara gets ready and reaches college and attends the party . Though all ask her for her partner she says that he won't be coming and enjoys the party along with her friend Sneha and helps her to win the contest .

Swara to herself : what happened if I dint win my best friend won right that is enough for me . But Mr Sanskar Maheswari tomorrow your gonna face hell and I'm not gonna leave you .

Time passes and the party comes to an end with dinner and dance .

Next day

Swara had again come early to college with an intension to speak with Sanskar and waits for him eagerly .

Sneha who saw Swara waiting for Sanskar outside the classroom goes near her : Swara I know your hell angry with Sanskar and you need to be to , but firstly ask the reason genuinely might be he is hiding something na

Swara : if he had such genuine reasons he could have said me than speaking so much rudely

Sneha was about to speak further but Sanskar comes to his classroom and at that time Swara holds his hand and takes him to the nearby empty classroom . Sneha too runs behind them.

Sanskar got angry with the sudden pull : what the hell is wrong with you ? Why the hell did you get me here ? Dint I said you yesterday that I'm not here for all this enjoyment .

Swara gets angry and shows her index finger to him : just stop right there and listen even I'm not here for enjoyment. Even I need to score good marks and get a reputed job for me but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to enjoy my college life . But it was also a part of college life as it allowed us to mingle with our classmates . If you had so much problem then why dint you inform when seniors had come to talk ? Might be they would have given some other task for me right . But just because of you I couldn't enjoy .

Sanskar feels guilty as it was true that he remained silent and due to him Swara was left alone but he doesn't want to show his this side to her : listen I'm not at fault here . I'm not interested in all this and about informing then they should have planned it well before than coming up like this . Who plans such a game ? Can't they give different tasks ? Why a girl and boy should make a team ?

Swara gets angry : they had made girl and boy as a team because they wanted to have equality in the college as in future there is gonna be much task for which girls are needed to atleast talk with boys . But it's all due to Orthodox people like you the girls are still fearing to talk with boys .

Sanskar at this point gets hell angry hearing the word Orthodox : listen talk whatever you want but don't call me an Orthodox ok . You know nothing about me so it's better be in your limits . To hell with the future tasks and equality as I'm not bothered about it . All what I want is to take a degree .

Swara was about to shout on him but Sneha stops her as some students were standing outside : Swara don't make it big issue please . Now might be all this is looking silly for him but in future he will surely understand the need of all this so please early morning don't spoil your mood .

Swara calms down and turns towards Sanskar : I hate you and I will never talk to you

Sanskar chuckles : even I'm not dieing to talk to you

Swara gets hell angry : one day you will feel guilty for these deeds

Sanskar : in your dreams

Swara : let's see

Sneha takes Swara along with her to class while Sanskar looks at her back .

Sanskar : one more person judged me wrong and that's the reason why I don't want to mingle with anyone . It will be either they will get hurt or I will get hurt . So it's better to hurt others than getting deep pain later . If she had come to know about me then she would have shown sympathy towards me which I don't need . I'm happy in this world being alone without any friend nor family. 

Controlling all his emotions Sanskar goes to his classroom and finds that Swara has changed her place and shifted infront bench along with Sneha while the girl who was sitting beside Sneha is sitting in Swara's place. Sanskar smiles at this changes and sits on his place as all what he need is to hear the classes than chatting .

Both are unaware of the upcoming days of their life.


Hey guys !

Back with one more part

Hope it was good * fingers crossed*

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