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Months passes while Swara and Sanskar dint even tried to talk with each other nor came infront of one and another and we're just busy in their own lives . But this distance was for short time as destiny had some other plans .


Swara was have good time with her best friend Sneha in class and at that point of time some lectures along with seniors enters the class gaining everyone's attention .

Lecturer : hello students as we are conducting intercollegiate fest we need to distribute works among you all and came up with list

They assign task to all the students and to Swara's bad luck she was again partnered with Sanskar making both of them hell angry .

Swara stands up : ma'am I don't want to be partner with Mr Maheswari

Lecturer gets confused : but why ?

Swara while looking at Sanskar angrily : he had backed off during fresher's day party and what's the guarantee he won't do it again ? That was just a party so I could manage alone but this is a big responsibility as we have to make a commerce model and I alone cannot make everything so please ma'am either change my partner or put me in other post

Lecturer : Swara don't worry about it Sanskar has to take part in this as he can't do the same thing because there will be attendance taken during fest day so don't worry

Sanskar gets up : but ma'am I have a job too

Lecturer : you can make use of class hours as we will give you attendance

Swara and Sanskar together : but i don't want him/her as my partner

All look at them with wide eyes as they are the first ones to put so much oppose while others have agreed .

Sneha slowly pulls Swara's hand : Swara chill yaar

Swara slowly speaks : you be quite Sneha I can't take all this again

Lecturer takes a deep breath : we can't change the partners as you both are the toppers and have good ideas too so it's confirm .

Lecturer along with seniors go out of the class while Swara and Sanskar stare each other angrily . They have a small eye lock which was filled with anger .

Sneha makes Swara sit : Swara I agree he dint come up last time but might be he had some of his own issues due to which he did like that just once talk with him

Swara : there is nothing to talk with him . Last time when I tried to talk with him he spoke ill and left rather than justifying his act

Sneha while thinking something : I agree with you Swara as I saw his behavior last time but in these many months we have observed him too na . He is very reserved person , doesn't speak with anyone nor mingle with anyone . He runs home as soon as class ends and comes to college morning on time.  Just now too he said he has work . Might be day he is attending college and evening he is working , if that's the case then we need to understand him as it is really difficult to manage both college and work life . He is also a human and needs rest .

Swara starts thinking on Sneha's words : ok then I will talk with him once then will decide

Sneha smiles : that's much better

Swara twitches her nose : but that doesn't mean I'm not angry with him

Sneha laughs loudly : ok baba

As soon as college hour ends Swara calls Sanskar to meet her in backyard of college ground.

Sanskar reaches there and looks at Swara : yes tell me what plans you have made ?

Swara looks at him : you have no problem with this ? That day for fresher's day you had so much problem

Sanskar closes his eyes tightly and opens it : listen you little girl ! This will be beneficial for my future as I will be getting creativity certificate and I need it badly so I'm ready to cooperate with you but for that keep all your ego aside .

Swara gets angry : firstly I'm not a little girl and secondly I'm not egoistic like you

Sanskar : that I'm able to see so it's better if we start planning

Swara makes faces : do you have any idea ?

Sanskar : yeah I was actually planning about waste management concept and have seen in YouTube too

Sanskar shows the video while Swara forgets her anger and sits beside Sanskar while keeping her hand on his shoulder : this is really good idea but what about materials ?

Sanskar looks at her face for once : we will make list of needed things and get it tomorrow in lunch break then from day after tomorrow we will start preparing

Swara gets confused : why day after tomorrow ? We can start from tomorrow right ?

Sanskar turns his face : I can't afford to take leave from my work so I can manage only during my class hours

Swara realises that she had kept her hand on his shoulder and she removes it : ok as you say

Sanskar feels bad and sad when she removes her hand from his shoulder but doesn't show it : I guess now we need to start thinking on the needed items

Swara nods her head : you share me the video I will observe it again in my home and make a list of it then tommorow morning I will give it to you so you don't take much stress

Sanskar looks at her face thinking it to be a taunt for him but when he saw her face he realised that it was our of pure concern than any taunt making him feel happy unknown to himself .

Sanskar : ok then I will take my leave

Swara nods her head : even I will come till gate as I don't have any work now

Swara and Sanskar start going together while they both feel strange . Swara wants to talk but she isn't able to start ant conversation while Sanskar is trying hard to manage distance from her .

Swara after gaining courage : where do you work ?

Sanskar without looking at her face : XYZ call centre

Swara looks at his face with shock : call centre ? But why there ?

Sanskar chuckles without looking her face : as they provide job for any 12th pass students and even timings is suitable

Swara again looks at him while walking : what is the timings ?

Sanskar : 7pm to 11pm

Swara gets shocked : our college leaves at 5pm then you need to rush your home take some rest and run back to office then night also you won't be able to take rest , then when do you read and top the class ?

Sanskar chuckles : it's a hidden talent given by God I guess

Swara smiles : yeah that's true God isn't cruel with everyone when he takes something from us he gives something to us in return for sure

Sanskar stands in his path and remembers " God doesn't exist in this world . He just know to take things away from us . Your no one to us and we have no relation with you . It was God's burden for us which we are fed up with "

Swara who was talking non stop realises that Sanskar isn't coming with her and turns back only to find him having moist eyes making her tensed . She runs back to him .

Swara : hey what happened ?

Sanskar realises that first time he spoke more than needed to someone which he never wanted to disclose making him angry on himself : none of your concern Miss Swara it would be better if we keep discussing about the matter which is needed for us than talking unnecessary things

Swara gets confused with his sudden behavior and was about to reply back but Sanskar goes from there quickly without even looking at Swara making her hell confused .

Swara : what kind of person he is ? Once angry bird then sweet bird and now again angry bird .

Swara looks at Sanskar's back : what I have to do with him ? It's just a matter of our fest which we will do and then again like before won't come infront of each other's .

Swara twitches her nose cutely and starts moving from there to her home.


Hey guys !

Hope I'm not rushing with the parts .

And thank you so much for giving such a lovely response . Do support like this always .

Hope the part was good *fingers crossed*

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