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Hello guys , I know I'm late and sorry for that *puppy face*

Before I start with next chapter I want to tell you all that I have started writing one more book .

Please do support me with this book too . I'm writing it with lots of expectations .

So now enough of my talking let's start up with next part .


Next day

Swara while forwarding the list to Sanskar : Sanskar I have made a list of all needed things just look at it once whether there is need of something else or not

Sanskar takes the list and checks it : everything is there so I will give it to seniors they will get us materials

Swara : but why to give them ? We will go and purchase ourself it will be fun to bunk class

Sanskar looks at Swara's face which is shinning out of happiness just with a thought of bunking class while her lips are moving in sync while an unknown desire comes across Sanskar's mind to feel them .

Swara waves her hand infront of Sanskar making him come back to world : what happened ?

Sanskar shakes his head and goes towards classroom : I'm not interested you can go and bring

Swara runs behind him : how can I go alone

Sanskar while walking : thus I said give it to seniors they will get it as I'm not interested in bunking classes like you

Swara stands in her place and stamps her foot to ground and turns to give the list to seniors : what does he think of himself ? Always scolding me or ignoring me . I hate him .

Sanskar feels that Swara isn't following him and turns behind to see her going angrily towards seniors while murmuring curses to him making him chuckle at her : I need to maintain distance from her . It's just matter of 15 days then our fest will be done she will not come to me again so I shouldn't develop anything for her as it will be better for both of us .


Swara while checking things at evening after classes : Sanskar all the needed things came so from tomorrow shall we start preparing ?

Sanskar while checking : yeah that would be better

Swara keeps things back in the packet : ok then will met tomorrow

Sanskar too keeps things back : ok

Swara looks at him : only ok ?

Sanskar chuckles in his mind but doesn't show : ok

Swara gets angry : when someone says that I will take a leave then you need to say a 'bye'

Sanskar again chuckles in his mind and keeps things inside the packet : ok

Swara gets angry stamps her foot to ground twitches her nose and runs from there while anger was clearly evident in her face.

Sanskar chuckles and shouts : bye

Swara while running turns back angrily : bad bye

Swara turns her face and runs from there while Sanskar laughs loudly seeing her disappearing figure .

After 2 minutes he realises what he had done and hits his hand to the nearby wall angrily : what the hell am I doing ? I was teasing and making fun of her ? How could I do it ? All these things aren't meant for me . I should learn that first . I'm meant to be alone , only alone . Sanskar you need to keep control on yourself very badly before making her hate you .

Sanskar keeps the packet in cupboard and goes from there angrily .


Swara while having dinner with her parents : that mad boy dint even tell me a proper bye and made fun of me

Sharmistha laughs at her daughter : I guess you gave him ear pain

Shekar chuckles : that's true

Swara gets angry and sits straight : what do you mean ? I give ear pain to everyone ? You all should be happy that atleast because of me you all are having good entertainment

Shekar chuckles : yeah Shona we really miss that entertainment

Swara gets angry : even you have turned kharoos like that monkey I won't talk to you

Shekar laughs loudly : don't say those things which you can't do

Swara pouts : you know that very well that I can't stay without talking to you

Shekar nods his head while laughing

Sharmistha : Swara you need to be happy that he is atleast talking to you before he was too much rude . Maybe he will change with time.

Swara : he is kind of wierdo and wierdo's never change

Shekar : then it's better na someones ear will be saved

Swara gets angry and quickly finishes her dinner : I'm done and don't talk to me

Sharmistha looks at Shekar angrily making him gulp : Shekar don't act like this .

Shekar : I was just pulling her legs

Sharmistha takes a sigh : listen Shekar she is a big girl now . We were never strict with her but that doesn't mean we will leave her free . She is a college going girl and we need to know what is happening in her life .

Swara who was running hears thus and stands near the door of the hall to hear their talk

Shekar holds Sharmistha's hand : I can understand you Shomi but I trust my daughter

Sharmistha keeps her other hand on his hand : I too trust our daughter Shekar but not the boys of this generation. They are very dangerous and Swara is very navie . I don't want her to have fate like Ragini . So please when she speaks something about her college life allow her to complete so that through her talks we can make out what exactly is happening around her life and control her .

Shekar understands her dilemma : I understand you Shomi but I have full trust on Shona that she will not do any such blunder so just relax .

Shomi wipes her tears : but promise me that from now on you will allow her to complete her sentence and won't come in between her talks .

Shekar smiles : ok promise now shall we have our dinner ? Or else it will get cold

Sharmistha smiles and they have their dinner with but of romance .

Swara who heard their talks gets teary eyes : I will not let my fate be like Ragini,so please mumma don't worry about me . I will surely not fall in love mumma I have full faith in me .

Swara wipes her tears and goes to her room while sleep was far away from her eyes .


Sanskar was preparing bed for him when suddenly his phone . He looks at the caller ID and sighs before picking the call : yes Mrs Maheswari what do you want ?

Sujata while having tears in her eyes : how are you Sanskar ? Why dint you call me yesterday ?

Sanskar with a calm tone : why do you care ? I'm alive right that's enough for you

Sanskar cuts the call and sits on the bed while holding his head with both the hands : why can't you all let me leave my life peacefully ? What I have done to you all ? God ! Please help me .


Sujata while crying : he again dint speak with me

Uttara hugs her mother : maa give Bhai sometime he will surely be fine and come back to us

Sujata while hugging her daughter tightly : even I wish the same Uttu

Uttara feels bad for her mother but she is also helpless and prays to God : please God make things fine . I don't know why all this is happening around us , but I have full faith in you


Both Swara and Sanskar were lying on their bed thinking about their mother . Both weren't able to sleep properly as only their mothers teary face and talk was revolving around their mind . Without their knowledge sleep takes over them after turning rounds for several times .


I hope it wasn't boring .

Do vote and comment on the part .

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