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Next day

Swara and Sanskar forget the previous night encounter of their mothers and attend the college . As Swara and Sanskar are given task for completing the project work , they are allowed to utilise any 2 hours and attend remaining 3 hours . They selected first hour for today and selected an empty classroom for their work .

Sanskar was working with thermocol while Swara was making house of cardboard sheet .

As Swara is a talkative person she cannot sit quite for a long time period : you know Sanskar I love small houses a lot .

Swara was admiring the small house she was doing while Sanskar looks at her face .

Swara feeling his gaze looks at his face : you know small house keeps everyone connected with each other . There will be limited rooms and everyone needs to spend their time in one room so it will be easy to know everything about the family members .

Sanskar smiles at her thought : hmm that's true

Swara while continuing her work : after I get a job I will build a small house for myself .

Sanskar while continuing his work : hmm

Swara while preparing another house : this is my house ok so don't dare to put your eyes on this

Sanskar chuckles : ok

Swara hugs that small house : this is my home sweet home

Sanskar presses his lips firmly : hmm

Swara : next one more house is enough na ?

Sanskar : ok

Swara twitches her nose : that will be your house very big one and small away from mine

Sanskar is having difficult time to manage his laughter : ok

Swara gets angry : won't you ask why ?

Sanskar while sound his work : why ?

Swara twitches her nose : because your boring person . I don't want boring person near my house . I'm doing big house for you because you will sit in your room without mingling with anyone

Sanskar feels bad and just nods his head .

Swara isn't aware of his sadness as he is expert in hiding his expressions : my house will be beautiful than any other house in this project . Everyone should say Swara's house is so beautiful and I will make sure that my house will produce less waste .

Sanskar continues his work : hmm

Swara gets irritated : are you a human ?

Sanskar : hmm

Swara keeps her hand on her waist : how do you survive ?

Sanskar looks at her face : I guess I'm blessed with nose to breath , eyes to watch , ears to hear and mouth to eat

Swara while being confused : that much is enough ?

Sanskar looks at her like an alien : what else is needed ?

Swara keeps her house on table : God has given you such a beautiful voice can't you speak ? God has blessed you such a talented pretty partner and your not speaking . You know I can't stay a minute without talking .

Sanskar chuckles : that's why God has given me strong ears to bear your non sense

Swara gets angry and throws waste cardboard papers on Sanskar : you !!!! How dare you to say that ?

Sanskar laughs hardly as he was controlling himself from so long time and now bursts out . Swara throws all the wastes on him angrily .

A senior who was passing by hears their noise and rushes : what the hell are you both doing ?

Swara and Sanskar gets startled looking at the vice student representative and stands still .

Student : what the hell have you made with the classroom ? Who will clean it now ?

Swara shows finger to Sanskar while Sanskar shows his finger to Swara . Senior glares them angrily and that's when they look each other and gets angry .

Sanskar : it was you who poured things on me

Swara while twitching her nose : it was you who teased me

Sanskar : I said fact

Swara : your bitter guard

Sanskar chuckles : truth is like bitter guard and thus you got angry

Swara twitches her nose : all started because of you

Sanskar : you were blabbering nonsense not me

Senior gets tired of their fight and shouts : stop

Swara and Sanskar who were busy blaming each other gets startled and stands like obedient students.

Senior : both of you can't attend your classes without cleaning this classroom or else I will make sure that you both will clean the whole campus

Swara's eyes pops out : whole campus for one classroom ?

Senior chuckles : yes whole campus so decide what you want whole campus or only one classroom ?

Swara while gulping answers quickly : I will clean this classroom and the ones who have problem will clean the whole campus

Sanskar eyes her angrily : it's you who did the mess so it should be you who need to clean whole campus along with this classroom

Swara was about to fight with him again but senior stops her

Senior : now if you start again then the punishment is gonna be worst

Swara gulps and starts cleaning the classroom by collecting all the paper pieces while Sanskar too helps her and they finish cleaning the classroom within 10 minutes .

Senior smiles : good and again don't mess with classroom

Swara and Sanskar nod their head . As soon as senior goes from there Swara sticks her tongue to his back while Sanskar laughs at her .

Swara turns her face angrily from him : all because of you this happened

Sanskar chuckles : ok

Swara : I hate you

Sanskar : same to you

Swara gets angry : I will not talk to you

Sanskar chuckles as now he got to know she is a talkative : ok

Swara stamps her foot angrily : go to hell with your ok

Sanskar chuckles : ok

Swara gets angry and was searching things to hit him

Sanskar gets scared as again if someone will come he needs to face them along with this wild cat : Swara do your work we are having only 10 minutes then first hour will be done and we need to attend class .

Swara realises that period came to end and looks at her watch and panics : oh no I dint finish my work

Sanskar chuckles : stop panics work will be done we are having 14 more days

Swara : yeah but still

Swara starts working without uttering anything while Sanskar is shocked to see her concentration on her work and continues his work .



Sanskar returns Sneha's book : thank you so much Sneha for completing your book and writing class points for me . It really meant a lot for me thanks a lot .

Sneha smiles : well there is nothing to thank me Sanskar as even I too write class points and today I must thank you

Sanskar gets confused : me ?

While Swara looks at Sneha's face being confused

Sneha continues : you were facing this talking tom right so I managed to write class points .

Sanskar laughs loudly while Swara gets angry and stamps her foot making Sneha gulp

Swara : I'm talking tom for you ?

Sneha nods her head in yes but seeing Swara's anger quickly nods in no

Swara angrily : I'm not going to talk to you

Sanskar : your saved Sneha . Happy independence day

Sneha giggles while Swara gets more angry

Swara stamps her feet : I hate you both

Sanskar : same to you

Swara goes from there while Sneha sighs and runs behind Swara and pacifies her and finally settles the matter by buttering her .



Swara was explaining things to her parents and they were having very tuff time while controlling their laughter

Swara after completing everything : do I speak much ?

Shekar nods his head in no while chuckling : you can never speak much

Swara giggles : I knew that those 2 are idiots

Sharmistha hits Shekar's hand slightly : stop teasing her

Swara pouts : that means I talk much ?

Sharmistha laughs : you don't talk much but you talk nonsense

Swara pout while Shekar laughs loudly

Shekar : whatever it is I'm enjoying your college days a lot . By hearing your stories I'm remembering my college days

Swara gets excited : even you were talkative ?

Sharmistha laughs : worst than you

Swara while placing both her elbows on dinning table : means ?

Sharmistha smiles : he used to bleed our ears . He used to speak about everything except studies .

Swara smiles : I'm proud of you papa

Shekar raises his imaginary collar while Sharmistha smiles

Sharmistha : did you complete your notes ?

Swara giggles : who will write again so I took photocopy as it's more easy task

Sharmistha shakes her head while Shekar pats Swara's back

Swara : I'm done so good night

Shekar and Sharmistha : good night

Swara goes to her room with a bright smile as she explained her day to her parents .


Other side

Sanskar while working in his office thinks to himself : how could I be so free with her ? I was laughing like manic . How can I forget myself ? All these things aren't meant for me . I need to maintain distance from her. That would be better for both of us .

Sanskar's thoughts comes to halt hearing his phone ringing sound and he sighs seeing the caller ID and keeps his phone on silent mode and continues his work while his phone keeps on ringing .


Hey guys !

I know I'm very late with this one . But my whole concentration is on other book now . But as many very asking me to update , I wrote this part . From now on weekly one's I will try to post this one . I hope you all will be ok with it .

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