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Days passes sooner . Swara and Sanskar have been close friends . Sanskar is very much particular about Swara and never let her alone . They completed their project and today was the day where they had to do presentation .

Swara nervously : Sanskar it is good na ?

Sanskar looks at Swara who was nervously checking other college students project : don't worry Swara we have done our best and you only say that we need to do our best and shouldn't think of winning only

Swara nods her head : but still I'm feeling scared

Sanskar side hugs her as now it's common between them : don't worry if something goes wrong then I will look after it so just relax

Swara smiles at him making him relaxed. Their project was a simple one having houses around which has daily wastes, a van comes and collects it for which they had kept remote car to show, they collect it from houses and take it to a place and recycle things which can be used for recycling.

Many judges come and ask many questions and both answer bravely without being scared making each other proud and finally they gain first place making both of them happy.

Sneha : congrats guys I need party

Swara smiles : sure party tonight at my place

Sanskar gets hesitant : I can't join

Swara holds his hand as now it became common for them : offo Sanskar leave all this shyness behind and I know today you are on leave so your joining us

Sanskar nods his head making Swara happy

Sneha being excited : so where are you gonna give party ?

Swara with a wide smile : my home

Sneha's eyes pops out : what ? Your home ? Are you serious ?

Swara laughs : what's wrong in that ? It's my victory so even my parents play a part in it so I want to enjoy with them too

Sneha being confused : are you sure ?

Swara : yes I am so now stop all your questions and come to my home on time now bye

Sneha and Sanskar : bye

Swara hugs them both and goes to her home as she has to do many preparations while Sneha and Sanskar too go to get ready .



Sanskar and Sneha reaches Swara's home on time and Swara welcomes them happily .

Swara : maa papa this is Sneha and Sanskar

Shekar hugs Sanskar : must say she speaks a lot about you daily saying Sanskar said me that today Sanskar said this to me , do I look like joker and etc etc etc

Sanskar and Sneha are shocked while Swara gets embarrassed

Sharmistha goes near Sneha : she speaks a lot about you too and I guess you have given her a nick name too right ?

Sneha gulps and nods her head

Sharmistha smiles : must say you gave a right nick name for her talking tom

Swara pouts : maa you too

Sharmistha laughs : ok ok I will not tease more now you three enjoy I and Shekar will get snacks to you three

Swara makes Sanskar and Sneha get settled who are looking at her with wide eyes

Swara understands them : don't worry guys ! My parents are very much modernised and their thinking is also like a modern parents so I share everything with them

Sanskar's heart pains seeing this bond while Sneha smiles

Sneha : then that's fine

Shekar comes with juice while Sharmistha gets snacks for them and starts chit chatting

Shekar : congratulations to you to Sanskar

Sanskar smiles : thank you sir

Shekar makes face : do I look like any boss here ?

Sanskar gets confused : no sir

Shekar : then why are you calling me sir ?

Sanskar : opps sorry uncle

Shekar : that's better

Sneha laughs : uncle must say Swara got more of your genes in this matter

Sharmistha smiles : yeah she is more like her papa

Swara proudly : I'm my Papa's girl

Hearing this Sanskar remembers something " you aren't your Papa's boy . You are a bad boy your papa isn't bad like you "

Sanskar comes back to world as Shekar calls him : yes uncle

Shekar : Swara had said me that you are working in call centre is it?

Sanskar smiles : yes sir

Shekar : sir ?

Sanskar : sorry uncle

Shekar : good ! So what are your plans after graduation?

Sanskar smiles : I'm planning to open my own hotel along with lodge facility

Shekar smiles : that's a great idea

Swara : and I will go to eat food over there for free

Sneha hits Swara's head slightly : always talking about eating don't know anything other than it

Swara while rubbing her head : so what ? For living ..

Sanskar and Sneha cuts her sentence : talking and eating is most important

Swara giggles : yes and here I'm having benefit as my papa is having bakery while Sanskar will have hotel. And being his first ever bestfriend he will surely not take money from me, isn't it Sanskar ?

Sanskar nods his head while laughing

Sharmistha shakes her head : you will never change

Swara proudly : never

Sneha : aunty why she won't gain weight ? I mean she keeps on eating but never gains weight , how is that possible ?

Sharmistha laughs : only she knows that even I couldn't find out

Swara : it's my secret and I'm not gonna reveal it

Sneha : ok I will find it any how

Swara : let's see

Shekar : cool down girls what's wrong with you two ?

Sanskar shakes his head : uncle these two are like this when it comes to the matter of beauty and shape . Thank God ! I'm a boy or else don't know what would have happened with me

Sneha and Swara glare him angrily making him gulp

Shekar laughs loudly : two girls can share anything but when it comes to their shape , size , beauty , marks and boyfriend they are not less than any wild cats

Swara and Sneha makes faces : we aren't wild cats

Shekar : let's see

Sharmistha sensing the situation : ok now enough of your fights let's have dinner

Swara smiles brightly : ok let's go I have prepared palak panner for you two

Sanskar with shocked expression : you prepared ?

Sneha being shocked : we can eat it right ?

Swara angrily keeps her hands on her waist : it's not first time I cooked something ok and ask my parents if you still have doubt

Sanskar and Sneha acts like gulping : ok we trust you

Swara : good now come

Swara takes them to dinning table and they spend good time while chit chatting happily . Sanskar feels happy being with a family . He never had a happy moment with his family. He always wished to have a family , but the family never gave him any happiness . It only gave him pain and tears while this family is beyond his thinking . Being busy in his own thoughts they complete their dinner .

Shekar looks at his watch : Sneha beta it's bit late so it's better if you reach home early or else your parents would get scared

Sneha too looks at her watch and widen her eyes : yes uncle I will take my leave then

Sharmistha smiles : it was good to have you both here . Whenever you both will be free please keep coming here so we can have good time . With this even I and Shekar can cherish our college days

Sneha smiles : sure aunty and even I had great time with you both and thus couldn't make out how fast time passed

Sanskar : I agree with her . Now we will take our leave

Shekar and Sharmistha nod their head

Swara : I will leave them till gate and come

Shekar and Sharmistha smile and nods their head

Sneha while going out : must say Swara your parents are very cool and supportive

Swara smiles : yeah they are very understanding and aren't strict

Sanskar smiles : your lucky

Swara with proud smile : yes I am

Sneha smiles : it's also a way of parents to keep their daughters in control as leaving daughters alone is a danger , isn't it Swara ? 

Swara : yes I agree

Sneha : my dad is very strict but my mom calmly asks me about my day and knows every details of me . Boys will not understand that

Sanskar's face falls but he doesn't show it : whatever it is you both are lucky as your parents have time to spend with you .

Both look at him being confused

Sanskar changes the matter : I will take my leave then however Sneha's house is nearer while mine is bit far

Swara and Sneha nod their head and bid him bye

Sneha seeing Sanskar's disappearing figure : Swara don't you feel like he is hiding things from us ?

Swara : yeah Sneha I always feel it but alas I can't ask him directly na

Sneha shrugges her shoulder : might be personal matter and when it's personal we shouldn't interfere

Swara nods her head though her heart wasn't agreeing with Sneha for the first time . They both hug each other and Sneha goes to her home .

Sharmistha : it was good to have your friends here Swara. We too enjoyed a lot .

Shekar : yes beta and we are proud on your choosing skills

Swara smiles : I was scared you might scold for making a boy as my friend but I'm happy as you both liked him

Sharmistha : yeah beta we liked him as your best friend and there is nothing wrong in making a boy as your friend

Swara smiles understanding her mother's words .

Shekar : ok now go and sleep tommorow you have college too right

Swara nods her head and goes to her room while still thinking about her mother's words deeply .


Hey guys !
Up with another part

I don't know why I'm missing the flow of this book . I believe it wasn't bad to read *fingers crossed*

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