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Next day

Swara and Sanskar are attending their classes while Sanskar and Sneha are busy writing class points while Swara is busy in her own dreamland as the hour was very boring for her .

Swara to herself : why did Sanskar say that me and Sneha are lucky to have understanding parents ? He don't have parents or don't they give their time to him ? But wait ! Why I'm thinking about him ? I need to think about my Varun Dhawan not Sanskar Maheshwari .

Lecturer : ok students we have got a notice from principal

Hearing notice word Swara gets alert as she knows it's gonna be a bomb blast for her for sure while Sanskar gets keen to hear along with Sneha .

Lecturer : I'm happy with the students participation for our fest and it was a successful one

All claps hearing it

Lecturer eyes them : notice hasn't completed

Swara murmurs : there is surely something else

Sanskar chuckles hearing her : dont worry you can manage

Swara with blank expression : let's see

Lecturer continues : due to fest we cannot ignore our academics . Days are running fastly and we are having very less time gap . So there will be internals next week while semester will be commenced after 2 weeks of internals . All the best .

This was a bomb for all the students . They knew that their semester came near but hadn't expected it to be so sooner as all very drown with fest and now sudden examination made them scared .

Swara gets scared : God ! Internals ! Next week ! I haven't prepared anything , infact my notes is also incomplete what shall I do now ?

Sneha pats Swara's back : had said you not to ignore studies along with project work but you dint listen

Swara gets panicked : I .. I .. will collect books from library

Sanskar gets tensed seeing her : hey Swara don't worry it's just internals and don't forget you are my competitor . You don't hear classes but still you score marks don't forget that .

Swara in panicked state : but that time I had a complete notes with me but now ..

Sanskar was about to console her but lecturer catches them

Lecturer : Swara Sanskar are you both planning for exam from now only ?

Class laugh at them as they both are good in studies

Swara who was panicked gets more scared while Sanskar gets embarrassed .

Lecturer : till now whatever I have done is there for your internals and about other subjects within tomorrow you all with get to know

Students nods their head while Swara checks the syllabus and gets more scared seeing the load. They had hell 2 big chapters . Sanskar feels bad to see her like that but he isn't able to talk to her as class was going on .

Soon period gets over and as soon as lecturer goes out Swara runs to library . Sanskar too follows her while Sneha sits in class as she know Swara .

Sanskar enters library and checks the list of books Swara is going to issue and gets panicked : Swara there is no need of these many books don't worry

Swara : no Sanskar I need to prepare well and for that I need to study from today

Sanskar sighs : Swara yaar don't take so much tension

Swara goes near librarian and issues all the books : no Sanskar I'm not taking unnecessary tension about marks but I'm scared as I don't want to loose my scholarship

Librarian : now it's time for class so come afternoon and collect your books

Swara nods her head and goes to class while Sanskar sighs and goes behind her .

Sneha smiles : so madam how many books you issued ?

Swara : 10

Sneha looks at her as if she is an alien : we have only 5 subjects while you issued 10 ?

Swara nods her head

Sanskar remembers Shekar's words and thinks to himself : uncle was right two females can never be friendly when it comes to marks , shape , beauty and boyfriend . God ! I need to be careful as both my friends are female . But wait ! Why I need to be careful ? Sneha is just my friend while Swara is my bestfriend . So all I care is about Swara than Sneha as Sneha is secondary for me .

Sanskar's trance gets broken as next hour lecturer comes to class. Like this all the hours gets over while Swara was fully silent today . Even during lunch break she dint speak much and bought her books .



It was evening finally . Sneha had left home early saying she needs to start her preparation for exam . Though she is an average student but scores well but being best friend of toppers she too needs to manage her reputation in college and thus she runs fast .

Sanskar feels bad for Swara : Swara yaar please don't burden up yourself I will help you

Swara smiles at him : thank you Sanskar but I can manage you don't take tension . Bye will meet you tomorrow .

Swara goes from there while Sanskar starts thinking to himself : why I'm thinking so much about her ? She shouldn't effect me ? Yes she shouldn't effect me and I shouldn't keep more expectations from her than being her best friend . She is my best friend and I should care her as a best friend so thus she is effecting me.

Sanskar who was busy battling with himself looks at Swara who was in verge of falling but held the gate and stood while she wasn't able to walk properly. Her bag was heavy and she had 2 bags in ger hand has she had to take 10 books home.

Sanskar couldn't see Swara like this and runs behind her and holds her : Swara are you fine ?

Swara smiles though the pain in her eyes was clearly evident : yes Sanskar I'm fine don't worry

Sanskar gets angry : when you can't lie then don't dare to say lie

Swara sighs : it's just headache after going home I will be fine don't worry I have to start reading from today

Sanskar who had enough : just shut up and come with me I will leave you to your home

Swara : no Sanskar I'm fine I can go

Sanskar leaves her : oh really ! Then prove me by standing straight and take a step forward

As Sanskar said , Swara tries to step ahead but fails miserably due to headache while Sanskar looks at her angrily .

Sanskar : be here I will come now

Sanskar stops an auto and makes Swara sit in it carefully and takes Swara to her home while Swara lays her head on auto's side as she wasn't able to bear her headache .


Reaching her home Swara falls on her sofa which was in their living room . Sharmistha who was in home gets tensed seeing Swara who haven't even removed her college I'd and sandals .

Seeing Sanskar coming behind with Swara's bag Sharmistha understands her daughter

Sharmistha : did she take tension ?

Sanskar gets shocked : yes aunty how you came to know that

Sharmistha sighs : please beta sit for sometime I will come now

Sanskar is confused while Sharmistha comes out with medicine and water . Sharmistha slowly picks Swara's head up and makes her eat tablet while Swara with great difficulty opens her eyes .

Sharmistha : can you walk up till your room ?

Swara's eyes was filled with tears : no mumma I'm not able

Sharmistha sighs : but here you can't take peaceful sleep Shona

Sanskar gets hesitant : aunty if you don't mind shall I take her ?

Sharmistha looks at his face for a while reading his face which was showing immense hesitation but then thinking about her daughter she nods her head .

Sanskar picks Swara in his arms and takes her to her room as Sharmistha guided him . All the while Sanskar was feeling Swara's pain as he was able to hear her heart beat which was very much loud . He makes her lay in bed while Sharmistha removes Swara's sandals and her I'd card and covers her . She makes the room dark and takes Sanskar out .

Sanskar is confused with all the happenings : aunty what happened to her ?

Sharmistha sighs : she has migraine beta and whenever she takes unnecessary tension then this happens. This girl never carry her tablet with her. But don't worry after an hour or so she will be fine .

Sanskar nods his head while understanding that Swara is hell scared thinking about the exams .

Sharmistha : beta what happened today ?

Sanskar sighs and explains everything while Sharmistha shakes her head in disbelief .

Sharmistha : this happens with her always . Whether it is internals or externals she takes lot of tension but at the end scores well . Don't know why this girl pressures herself to this extent . Well thank you beta for brining her safe and sound .

Sanskar smiles : it was my duty aunty as she is my best friend

Sharmistha smiles : you wait I will bring some snacks for you

Sanskar stops her : no aunty actually it's my time for office so I need to go

Sharmistha : but beta eat something and go

Sanskar : no aunty I will have it in office and once when Swara will get fine do tell her to call me

Sharmistha nods her head : ok beta .

Sanskar goes from there while Sharmistha smiles seeing him caring her daughter .

Sanskar thinks to himself while traveling in public bus : why I'm thinking much about her ? Why I felt so much pain seeing her in pain ? I wasn't able to see her being panicked . She is just my friend then why I'm getting attached to her so much . Is this just friendship or is it more than that ?

His trance broke as his stop came and he goes to his office and starts working while his mind was only revolving around Swara .


Back with another part guys !

How was the part ?

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