Chapter One- His Betrayal

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Scarlett is one of the most pure people you'll ever meet. She's engaged for a while to her abusive rough bad boy boyfriend she's been with since high school. She stayed with him even though he cheated on her every chance he got. Manly were her friends. She was saving herself for marriage she only stayed with him cause he told her he loved her and she foolishly believed love is blind. Love  makes you do stupid things. At least that's what she kept telling herself. She almost broke up with him when she caught him in bed with her twin. Not identical but they were supper close even best friends. She admitted it wasn't the first time either. Till she pulled that stunt. But he proposed making her stay. Telling her it would never happen again. But after work she got a picture from her sister Livy in bed with her fiance Cain. With the text. 'You might want to take care of your man so I don't have to.' 

With tears in her eyes she texted her. 'You two are made for each other you're both pigs.' She sent it turning her phone off. Taking off as fast as she could as soon as she started the car. She drove mindlessly for hours. When her car stopped she took all her important information out of her purse. Grabbed her huge back pack of nesities and stuffed them in it. She always carried nesities in her car because when she doesn't want him to find him she goes on hiking trips he hates forests. She threw the keys in the car and pushed it into a lake she wasn't planning on going back anytime soon. If ever she even threw his engagement ring in. She followed the road to a small gass station and grabbed some alcohol and walked up to the cashier who was reading a newspaper not even looking up. She handed him the money and her ID he just took her money. Waved her away. So she just shrugged taking her ID and walking out. When she noticed a very handsome masculine, fairly muscular, tall rugged dark man watching her as she walked out. His expression immediately charged when she walked out. She slowly backed away when he started sniffing her. She turned taking off into the woods when she found the perfect place to set up camp. She set the fire and started drinking she's never drank. So it hit her rather quickly. The next thing she knows the same man that was sniffing her was looking down at her. But as soon as she looked away she was being pinned down by a huge lion. But she wasn't afraid somehow. When he suddenly appeared in front of her. She for some reason was very attracted to him. Her body seemed to have a mind of its own and she did the unthinkable she laid with him. He was very gentle with her and made sure she was fully satisfied. She ended up passing out.

Waking up the next morning in her tent covered up by a blanket. She woke up to find a pot placed at the entrance with a letter. 'For your hangover.' She drank it. It wasn't actually as bad as she antisapaited. Then she packed her stuff and went farther into the forest. She loved taking pictures of the seinery and wildlife. But she kept feeling like she was being watched. She shook it off. Proceeding further into the mountains. When she noticed hunters nearby. She took off when she heard a gun go off. She didn't stop till she was sure she ran far enough. She started taking pictures again till she noticed something odd a male lion. She thought she was seeing things till she looked up to see him right in front of her. She felt like she should be abulutely terrified but she wasn't. When a gunshot went off again hitting her leg. When suddenly she was picked up and carrying off. They ran carrying her to a cave deep in the forest. When they put her down all she seen was the lion. She was very confused by this. She tried to get up but couldn't when she looked down noticing her swollen stomach. The lion started purring rubbing against her sniffing her stomach making him pur even louder. She lifted her hand and he started licking her lovingly.

"No wonder I'm not afraid of you." She smiled running her fingers threw his thick long main. He started nuzzling up against her when she noticed he was trying to get her pack off.

"Oh ya probably a good idea to loss the excess weight." She said slipping it off noticing how swollen her stomach actually was.

"Damn how did I grow so big already. How am I supposed to take care of children. I can't even take care of myself so freaking stupid." She muttered to herself looking down. As the lion slightly growled licking her head and nuzzling against her trying to comfort her.

"But at least your here with me. I'm gonna need all the help I can get. Are you up too the task?" She asked smiling kissing his head. He nodded his head eagerly making her laugh.

"Oh ya is that right. I must be losing my mind it's almost like you can understand me." She chuckled as he nodded again slightly growling at her  comment. As she whipped her cheeks noticing she was crying.

"Wait can you really understand what I'm saying?" She asked, he nodded using his claw and carving in the dirt 'Yes.' She stared in disbelief snapping a picture.

"Holly shit either I'm losing it or I'm the luckiest girl in the world." She smiled, he started purring rubbing up against her.

"So I'm not losing it?" She asked him he shook his head and suddenly the man who got her pragnant appeared in front of her. She just gawked.

"Your not afraid?" He asked hesitately.

"Why would I be so that's why I wasn't afraid of you. I wasn't just imagining things that night." She replied.

"No I'm a shifter. I'm a lion I didn't say anything cause I didn't want to scare you. My species only has one soulmate so I didn't want to let you out of my sight." He exclaimed. She reached up cressing his face.

"Your not mad?" He asked.

"Of course not you saved me in more ways than you know. I'm glad it was you. But is that why I conceived after I gave you my virginity?" I asked he smiled hugging me.

"Yes sorry I wasn't expecting that to be your first since I smelled another male on you." He replied kissing her all over her face.

"I was in a abusive relationship. He was a cheater but no I never had sex with him and was planning on saying myself till marriage. But after the last time he asked me to marry him but I caught him with my twin sister so I broke it off. He hates forests so I went hiking. I knew it was the only place he wouldn't follow me." She attmitted, he growled.

"Well I'm glad I found you then. I was going to ask you to but I was nervous you already had another. Guess I should have talked to you first. But since your my soulmate I have a hard time controlling my instincts." He assured her.

"Ya but I'm kinda glad things happened the way they did. It made it easier for me to understand you alot better and at least I know you won't cheat." She informed him.

"I'm glad. I'm Leon." He exclaimed.

"Heather." She kissed him. He smiled deepening the kiss more passionately then her ex ever kissed her.

"My dearest I know it's a little early but would you do me the honor of being my wife?" He asked hesitately.

"Yes of course." She answered almost pouncing on him. He kissed her passionately. Slipping a ring on her finger and held her gently in his arms.

"No one's ever treated me so gently before. I used to him so forgive me love if I don't respond properly to your touch at first." She informed him. He kissed her head.

"You'll never have to worry about that with me I know how delicate women can be especially in your situation. I can promise you. I'll never leave, cheat, or raise my hand to you. I might not be human but I don't believe in hitting women in any situation. I treat them with respect. Your ex is lucky he's out of the picture or I'd probably shedded his ass if he even raised his vioce to you." He assured her.

"I believe you would." She chuckled. He then took his shirt off and ripping it. He pulled the first aid kit out of her bag pouring antiseptic on it to clean her wound. He cut the bottom of her pant leg so he could get the bullet out. He put the handle of her tooth brush in her mouth so she won't bite her tongue. He careful injected her leg near her wound with something to numb it so she wouldn't feel as much pain. When he reached in with long tweezers. Grabbed hold of the bullet gently and carefully pulling it out. Then he used the ripped clothe he soaked in antiseptics and started gently cleaning her bullet wound. Then he carefully put medicine on it thourghly placing gause over it. Gently wrapping it firmly to her leg with ripped peices of his shirt tying in.

"Thank you." She said unable to look away from his naked chest. She had forgotten how beautiful his muscular body was. 

"Anything for my queen." He anwsered, chuckling noticing her gawking.

"How are you not cold. I'm wearing a jacket and I'm still freezing." She joked.

"I'm a lion so I'm pretty much a built in heat so the cold really doesn't bother me. Hold on my dear I'll make a fire and you can use my body heat to warm you up." He chuckled, kissing her and slipping out of the cave enterance. She didn't have to wait long for him to bring back fire wood. Plus a couple of rabbits and some fresh clean water. He set up the small fire getting the small pot she cooks with. He stripped the meet off the rabbits and put in the pot. Placing it over the fire. Walked over handing her the water.

"Thank you love I've never been so taking care of." She smiled taking a drink and handing it to him. He took it closing the lid placing it beside him.

"So how long will I be pragnant?" She asked.

"About the amount of time I loin maturity date is. Which is about three to four months. But you can carry one to three Cubs." He informed her.

"Damn no wonder I'm growing at such a rate. Oh geez and here I am freaking out about one. But three shit your going to have fun delivering." She teased snuggling up to him.

"Don't worry I'll marry you before their born and I'll be there every step of the way. You'll have my full support." He assured her taking the pot off the fire to let it cool before they eat it. He didn't want her to burn her mouth. She kissed him lovingly. As he lifted her up setting down on the long wide tin mat she lays on. In the tent to cushion the ground. Then he pulled her blanket out covering her with it. Making sure she was comfortable. Then he fed her most of the meats in the pot. After making sure it was cool enough for her to eat. He waited patiently till she was finished to eat the remaining meat.

"Baby why'd you give me most of it?" She asked.

"Your the one carrying my offspring I have to make sure you're eating properly. It's not like I can't go get more if I'm still hungry. But your my main concern." He replied honestly. She kissed him.

"Your so considerate. Honestly I've never really had rabbit it's pretty good." She replied.

"I'm glad, you like it. Your going to crave alot more meats then you normally would since the babies are going to be shifters like me." He informed her.

"Will they all be lions?" She asked excitively. He nodded.

"Yes dear." He answered, laying behind her snuggling up to her he wrapped his arms around her affectionately. As she dozed off.

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