Chapter Two- His Queen

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She woke as he lifted her into his arms. She groggily opened her eyes to see that he had already packed everything up and even put the fire out. He had her pack on his back.

"What time is it?" She asked, yawning rubbing her eyes.

"It's five in the morning babe you can go back to sleep I'm taking you to my village." He answered, kissing her head. As he ran through the woods. Down one of the mountains to a valley where a small town laid hidden from the rest of the world. It seemed old fashioned but somewhat modren. We walked out to the gravel road. Through the small town where people started walking out.

"Hey Leon where you been?" An older man walked over.

"Busy as you can tell Gorge." He teased gesturing to Heather.

"Your mate?" He asked he nodded.

"Congratulations and congratulations to you ma'am. Are you expecting?" He asked.

"Yes. Nice to meet you I'm Heather." She said, extending her hand he smiled shaking it noticing he hand the same gold eyes as Leon. But seemed so how different.

"Damn Leon you work fast. Are you at least going to marry her?" Gorge teased him.

"Yes that's actually why I brought her I want to marry her officially here. Is the elder in?" He asked.

"That's excellent news. Yes he's doing his morning prayer. You want me to put that up so your not lugging it all over the village?" Gorge asked, Leon nodded slipping off her pack off his back and handing it to him. He took it into the house and they made they're way to a small church.

"Gramps you in?" Lion asked, as he carried me in.

"Yes Leon I'm here. What were you up to you had us worried sick." An older man with gold eyes and a full head of grey hair walked over.

"Sorry that's partially my fault." Heather exclaimed. When he noticed her and a huge grin spread across his face.

"You found your mate? Did you already get her pregnant?" He asked noticing her stomach.

"Ya that's why I'm here to ask you to marry us. I want you to marry us officially since you raised me like your own. I also want raise our children here. If that's ok with Heather?" He asked, she nodded.

"I was going to ask you anyways." She assured him.

"Then it's settled I'll marry you two right away. But first let's get that leg fixed." Gramps announced. Taking Heather off him. He took her to another house not to far from the church. He carried her in to a doctor.

"Hey Doc got you a new patient." Gramps said, as a woman walked out to check Heather. She had him carry her into one of the rooms and lay her on an examination table. She carefully and bandaged her leg. To get a better look she properly cleaned it wrapping it up, putting a cast around it so Heather could walk without help. Then she handed him some medicines.

"That's for the pain and that's to fight of any infections. Okay dear?" She said, Heather nodded. Then she lifted her shirt exposing her growing baby bump. She rubbed a cold gel on it running a machine over Heather's stomach.

"Shifter Cubs is she Leon's mate?" The woman asked, gramps nodded.

"Are they healthy?" Heather asked nervously.

"Not to worry my dear their perfectly healthy want to know how many?" She asked, Heather nodded and she held up two fingers then three.

"Sorry I didn't see the third one hiding behind the others. So all together you have three. I can tell from the one in the front is definitely a boy but the others I can't quite tell yet." She informed them and Gramps hugged her.

"Your letting me spoil them." He said she chuckled holding back her tears of joy. Doc hugged her giving her a clean bill of health and sent them off. He carried her back to the church and into a room in the back with wedding gowns.

"Take your pick my dear." He said, putting her down. She limped over checking them out. Till she found one she really liked. He called in a woman his wife an older woman.

"Hello my dear could you help Heather get into this one and prepare her for her wedding. She's Leon's mate. This is my wife just call her grams and if you need any help don't hesitate to ask her." He informed Heather she nodded.  He left leaving them alone. She walked over stripping, cleaning Heather's body down and washing her hair. Then she dried her off and dried her hair. She slipped on some lacey underclothes before slipping the dress on her. Adjusting it so it wasn't to tight on Heather.

"Not to tight is it dear?" She asked.

"No just perfect thank you." Heather assured her. Then Gram brushed her hair out fixing it into beachy waves pinning some of it up. Before doing her makeup and putting her in proper shoes. Then she slipping the Vail into her hair and covered her face. She walked Heather out to wear the man Gorge. That they met when they first walked into the village took her arm.

"I'm going to be the one to walk you down the aisle." He informed her. She nodded she kissed his cheek managing not to get any makeup on him.

"Thank you." She said, he smiled admirably.

"It's no problem now you ready to go marry your husband?" He asked she nodded. He walked her threw the doors down the aisle to Leon who was waiting with Gramps at the end. Gorge handed her off to Leon. All the village was gathered watching as they said their vowels and exchanged wedding rings. Putting them on their fingers.

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Gramps announced. As Leon kissed her passionately. The villagers cheered and appauded. Then they cut the cake and threw icing at each other as they shared the first piece. They laughed ate till their content and danced till their hearts content. Heather and Leon took the first dance as everyone joined in. The bride and groom took turns dancing with each guest. Then the girls lined up as Heather threw her bouquet. One of the young daughters caught in. She was only about nine but they could tell by the huge grin on her face it made her day. She was jumping with joy. They all laughed. After they collected all the wedding gifts and carried them back to Leon's house which happened to have been the biggest. Leon and Gorge carried them in as the little girls mother Rachel who caught the bouquet walked Heather into the house. Helping her into the living room and setting her down. It was much more modern on the inside.

"Thank you but you didn't have to." Heather smiled.

"None sense we mother's have to stick together." Rachel assured her. The men started setting the gifts in front of her. When they got them all in Heather and Leon started opening them together. They were all wonderful. Mostly baby stuff but they were still very thankful. They thanked each guest for they're wonderful gifts and hugged each one. They all wrote small notes in their cards not to mention left money in them for the Cubs. Which was a pretty good amount. Heather put it all in one envelope and had Leon stash it in his room. Gorge brought her pack into the house leaving it in the kitchen. Rachel and him even cleaned up the wrapping paper. Any garbage they had after opening gifts and threw it away.

"You guys didn't have to we made the mess not you." Heather protested.

"Darlin around here we look out for our on and help each other. So yes we do." Gorge assured her. She nodded not wanting to disrespect his wishes. He smiled then Rachel ran the vacuum cleaner through the house and Gorge took out all the trash. Replacing them with new empty trash bags. Then she mopped he did the dishes. Leon dusted and put up their wedding pictures. Heather cut out the copies they got for the guests. They even got some so Heather could send to her family members back home. She gave the ones she was giving to the guests to Gorge he took them passing them out with thank you cards she had made. Then she handed him the ones she was mailing out to her family back home with a written note she wrote for her family letting them know how she's doing including a new phone number they could contact her on. Rachel had given her a new cell phone with a new number so her ex couldn't track her old one. After they left and the house was spotless Leon carried her up to bed. She soon drifted off to sleep as she laid in his arms.

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