her protector (12)

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No proof read... Adjust yourself 😁😁😁

Gauri is sitting on floor... Scared and sobbing... she is terrified...
Parv took her here forcefully...
She tried her best to save herself but couldn't....

And now she doesn't know what will parv do....
Parv enter with his 4 friends gauri stand up scared...

"Ohh.. My darling why you are scared? At that time you were showing attitude when your lover was with you"

Parv said... We could see he still has burries on his face...

"Parv please let me go.... Why you are doing all this? "

She plead...

"Ohh... These kind of words doesn't suits you gauri.... "

He goes near her... Gauri get more scared....

"Your lover beaten me to the hell... You were the one who told you that right? "

Parv is so angry...
But gauri is scred And confuse...
She remember that day....
She doesn't ask ommkara about the night because many things happend after that....

"You are a fool gauri... You don't know that ommkara is not what he is looking"

Parv said...

"What..... What do you mean? "

Gauri ask...

"I mean he is not satyam's nephew.... He is a fraud"

Gauri is shock after listing this....

"I know you are lying.... Ommkara is not like that"

Gauri said... She has faith on him....

"Wow... I am impress.... So you have this much trust.... You fool, I saw in front of my eyes... He was there with many bodyguards who had advance weapons.... And he told me his real name... OMMKARA SINGH OBEROI"

Parv said making Gauri shock...
And she remember that night...

Ommkara beaten parv... And what about the car.... She totally forgotten....

"Do you really think that a middle class boy would have this much bodyguards?? "

Parv again said....
Gauri look at him....

"I don't know anything... I just know one thing that he is far better than you.... You are a monster.... Ommkara never disrespect me... "

Gauri said....
Parv get angry to hear this....

"Ohh... So you love him? "

"Yes... I love him... I love ommkara"

Gauri said....
Parv hold her arm and make her stand forcefully...
Gauri cried in pain....

"You always reject me... And now for that ommkara... No Gauri.... This time I'll not lose... You are mine... You"

Before he harm Gauri more...
They heard some noise....

Gauri , parv and his friends look towards it and find something shocking....

More than 10 people are coming towards them... They are looking like a highly trained bodyguards.... They are loaded with advance guns....

Parv and his friends gulp... Because they could guess who is coming....

(Well.... You should think before... Now it's too late😏)

While Gauri is confused and scared.... Are they planted by parv...

And then... Her worried and scared face looks relax and she smile....

She see ommkara is coming towards them with all the bodyguards...

Ommkara come and stand a little far from them....
His eyes is buring like fire....
He looks at parv... Who is terrified... He looks parv is holding Gauri tightly....

Parv quickly leave Gauri hand in fear... All the attitude and anger he was showing to Gauri is vanished now.... Because he remember that night... Where ommkara beats him to hell...

Gauri looks at parv who is scared... But she take this opportunity and run towards ommkara....

Ommkara looks at Gauri...
Gauri almost throw herself on ommkara....
He hugs her with outmost love and care....

"Omm... Ommkara"

She cry....

"Shhh... Gauri relax... I am here"

Ommkara patted her head and back...
He breaks the hug and wipe tears from her cheeks....

"Ommkara... He... He kidnapped me... "

She is sobbing and complaining...
Like a kid.... Ommkara try to make her calm...

He hug her again.... Hiding her in his arms....
Then he look at parv with his red eyes....

How dare he to touch his Gauri...
Parv gulp in fear and turn to his friends for help but...
There is no one.... They all gone after seeing ommkara....

Parv turn to ommkara only to found the bodyguards pointing the guns on him....

"Order sir"

Khanna is ready to shoot him...
Ommkara is hugging gauri and thinking something....

Parv doesn't know how to save himself....
He dig the grave for himself...
But then something comes to his mind....

"See gauri... I  .... I kidnapped you only to show this ommkara real face to you... See how many bodyguards he has.... Do you still believe him"

Parv said...
Ommkara eyes goes wide in shock...
Gauri hear parv and break the hug observing everything....
Parv is right..... Bodyguards?

"I told you he is not what he is looking.... He is a fraud gauri.... He comes to hurt you and you daadu.... "

Parv again said... Gauri look at parv then ommkara.... Totally confused and shock.....

"And do you know that day when he beats me that night... He said you are his would be wife.... So imagine how much dirty eyes he has on you"

"Shut up you moron"

Khanna almost put the gun in his mouth....

"Khanna stop"

Ommkara order....
Khanna look at him and leave parv...

Ommkara look at Gauri who is shock and confuse....
Yes he is planning to tell her the truth but not like this.....

"Omm... Ommkara... What's all this? "

Gauri ask composing herself...

"Gauri... First listen to me before you come to any conclusion"

Ommkara said a little scared...
He is scared to lose her trust... To lose her....

"Are you... Are you not satyam uncle nephew? Who are you then? See ommkara... I trust only few people in my life.... Don't break my trust please"

Gauri said sobbing.... She knows she is in love with ommkara.... And if he breaks her... She may not able to handle it....

"Gauri he is a liar"

Parv said again... And it really trigger ommkara....
He quickly went to parv and punch him hard on his face....
He fall on floor vomiting blood...

Gauri flinch to his violence act...

"Take away this bastard from here... I'll think later about it... Right now Gauri is most important for me"

Ommkara order Khanna....
They take parv from there who is in pain...

Ommkara comes to Gauri....
He hold her arms... Gauri look at him..

"Gauri.... I.... I wanted to tell you the truth but not like this.... Please don't misunderstand me"

"First tell me... Are you not ommkara? "

Gauri ask again.... What if the person she loves is not even exist.... Her heart is beating faster....

"I am ommkara... But... I am not satyam nephew... I am"

Before he complete Gauri hug him tight and cry...

"I don't know who are you... I just know one thing that I love you ommkara "

Finally Gauri confess....

"Please don't lie to me... I can't handle... Please ommkara... I lost everything in my life... I don't want to lose you... I love you"

She is crying in his arms...
While ommkara is in shock to this sudden confession.... Yes he knows she has feeling for him but didn't expect her confession this soon....
His happiness is over the moon..
Finally he succeed in his motive..
To win her heart forever....

Now it's the perfect time to tell her the truth and confess his feelings... But he is a little bit afraid... Will she understand him and his situation?

Well... No matter what he has to tell her everything....
He is lost in his thoughts that he forget to hug her back...

He about to hug her...


They heard Narendra...
Gauri break the hug and turn to her daadu... Who is so tense and crying...

She run and hug her daadu...

"Are you ok beta? "

Narendra ask...
Gauri just nods sobbing...

"I am sorry my bacchi.... I left you alone"

Narendra said...
Some villagers are also there with sticks...

"Where is that parv? We'll punish him... How dare he to touch our daughter"

Ommkara about to come to them when his phone ring...
He quickly pick up the phone..

His eyes goes wide whatever he heard from other side....

"What? Don't.. Don't worry... I am coming"

He quickly cut the call and look at Gauri once before leave...

"Just wait for me Gauri please... I'll be back soon and tell you everything... Till then please trust me"

He murmur to himself and leave the place before anyone see him...

Narendra ask Gauri who saved her...
Gauri said ommkara and turned but no one is there....
Everyone search but there is no sign of ommkara or parv....

Gauri is confuse... Where he vanished suddenly?






Hmm... So where is ommkara?
Who is he in real?
Why he was shock and left without informing anyone?
Will Gauri find out him?
Or this is the end?

Wait for the next chapter which is more interesting...
Sorry for the late...

Love you all..
Micky 😍

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