her protector(13)

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So finally updated....
Long chappy.. 2000 words😇
I want lining cmnts, ☹️
Samajh aaya? 🤨
Chalo padho aur cmnt karo😁😆😆

No proof read... 🧐


It has been one month and there is no sign of ommkara...
He is missing since one month....

After that incident no one found out where is ommkara or parv... Jayant, parv father is also vanished over night.... His all the property seized by government... No one knows how this happened..

Narendra try to find out about ommkara but couldn't....
He contact satyam who is in Delhi but he also don't know about ommkara.... At last he filed a missing report of ommkara in police station...

Here, Gauri is so sad and broken... She confessed her love to him and he left her just like that.... ?

Was parv right? He is not her ommkara but someone else... ?
Why he left her? Is he doesn't love her? So many questions but no answer...

does he forget her? Or he is in any danger? She doesn't know how she is feeling...she called him for many times... But the phone was switched off... In this one month she cried every night thinking about him....

And now she started thinking that maybe he doesn't love her that's why he left her... Maybe she is not worth for him..
But what was that feeling when he kissed her? She doesn't know what to do.... She just want to know the answer from ommkara who is missing...

Narendra is well aware from Gauri situation... He guess that Gauri is in love with ommkara... But he acted like he doesn't know.... He tried his best to cheer her up.... But nothing work... She is not talking or smiling at all..








One day...

Narendra is roming in his little garden and Gauri is hanging the wet clothes....

When they heard the sound...
They look at see near 4 cars arrived at their gate..... The cars are looking expensive...

Narendra and gauri are confused...
A man come out from the car...
He is wearing a black suit and goggles... Along with him more three people come behind him...
He come to Narendra with a smile....
Narendra look at him while gauri is looking them from far...
The man bend down and touch Narendra feet....

"Bless me uncle"

He stand up and look at daadu...
Daadu is confuse but...

"Stay happy" Daadu said..

The man see daadu confusion and smile....

"You didn't recognize me, right? "

He ask... Daadu nods...

"I am sorry beta.... I couldn't remember.. Who are you? "

Daadu ask....

"Can we sit and talk uncle? Please"

The man said... Daadu nods with a smile... They sits on the chairs in garden. .gauri is standing at her same place....looking at them...she doesn't go there untill daadu said...they are strangers...
. The other three people standing there.... Daadu see this...

"Armm... I am bringing some more chairs for you"

Daadu said... But one of them said...

"No sir... No need... You please sit and talk with sir"

Daadu nods...

"I still can't recognize you beta... "

"It's ok uncle... It has been more than 30 years we didn't meet... So it's obvious"

The man said....

"I'll give my introduction uncle... But before that I want to meet gauri"

The man said shocking daadu...

"How do you know her? "

"I know everything.... Please let me meet her first... I was waiting for this day from long"

Daadu is confuse but seeing the man smile and excitement he thought....

He look at gauri and sign her to come... Gauri slowly come there and stand there . ...

"She is gauri... My granddaughter"

The man stand up and look at her with adoration....
Gauri feel a little uneasy but join hands in front of him...


The man smile and keep his hand on head....

"Stay blessed beta... You are looking just like your mother... So adorable.... You will get all the happiness and love you deserve beta"

He said with so much love that Gauri feel happy automatically.. She doesn't know this man but feel like an attachment with him...

The man smile then turn to daadu...

"Uncle you must forget me but I couldn't.... I am Tej... Tej singh oberoi... Do you remember how I and gauri father troubled you to bought ice cream for us? "

He said...
Daadu try to remember...
Tej hold daadu hand...

"I am alive because of you uncle... After my parents death you were the one who took my responsibility... You are my living God.... I am really sorry for not coming these years... "

Tej said with teary eyes... He is looking guilty for not coming here... Now daadu remember him...

Tej was daadu best friend son...
He and gauri father were best friends.... After tej parents death he took care of him and send him Mumbai for higher studies...

Tej was talented and he got scholarship to study in London..
So he went there....
He was in contact with Narendra and family.... He got a job there and got married....
He wanted to come when Gauri parents got married but couldn't due to work....

For Many years they were in contact but from last 10 years they lost contact due to some reason....

Daadu hug tej... He is so happy to see tej after years....

"Omg... I can't believe you are here tej... I am so happy... I am proud of you"

Daadu said.... Tej have happy tears.... He broke the hug and look at Gauri...

"I am sorry beta... Please forgive your uncle... I couldn't come when your parents"

Tej said...

"No uncle... I can understand... "

Gauri said... Tej hug her and kiss her forehead....

"Can I have a cup of coffee from your hand....please"

Gauri smile and nods....






Narendra and tej have tea... Gauri give tea to the bodyguards...

Tej make her sit near him...
Gauri feel so special the way tej is treating her....
Tej told them that he is now a successful businessman in London... And now he is planning to start in India.... After talking for more than 20 minutes...

"Actually... Only business is not the reason that I came to India... There is another reason... If you give permission then I'll say"

Tej said to daadu....

"What is it beta? Tell me, if you need help then I am here"

Daadu said... Tej smile and look at Gauri then daadu...

"Actually uncle....you know I have a son, ommi...he is now handling my business... And I want to ask Gauri hand for him... I want to make gauri my daughter officially only if you give permission"

Tej said smiling....
Gauri is shock to hear this....
Daadu is surprised.... But he knows gauri condition...
He can't think what to reply.....
Tej look at them and understand...

"I am not saying you to say yes now.... I want my gauri to take this decision After meeting my son. Believe me beta... It was mine and your father wish.... We had decided it the day you born... But I am not going to pressurised you. .. It will be solely your decision"

Tej said... Gauri look at him and then daadu with questioning eyes... Daadu sigh....

"Yes beta.... Your father had told me about it.... Tej is right.... But... As tej said... It will be only your decision"

Daadu said to Gauri...
Gauri stood up and go inside tensed.....

"Did I say something wrong? "

Tej ask tensed....

"No beta.... Gauri is just.... Please wait... I am coming"

Daadu said and go inside....







"No daadu... I don't want to get married"

Gauri declare before Narendra speak... How could she? When she loves ommkara only...

"But why? "

Daadu ask... While he knows the reason.... Gauri couldn't answer... Daadu caress her head..

"See baccha.. I know the reason"

Gauri look at him surprised...

"What do you think... I don't know? I raised you Gauri... I know everything you feel for ommkara.... But beta you know he disappears .... I tried my best but couldn't find out anything about him... I don't know what happened to him... "

Daadu said...

"But daadu... That doesn't mean that you will say me to marry someone else... If he come back then? "

Gauri said with teary eyes...

"If he loves you then he would come back early..or at least try to contact you... It has been one month beta... Please forget him"

Daadu said with concern.... He can't see his princess in pain...
Gauri feel like cry her heart out...

"But daadu"

"I am not saying you to marry tej son... I'll never force... Tej also said that it will your decision.... I just want you to at least meet him...you know how much I am tensed for your marriage...and it may be God's will...please meet him once .. At least for your father's wish"

Daadu said...
Gauri feel helpless... What to do... How can she meet him when she loves ommkara....
No matter what she is going to reject the proposal and tej uncle son.... But in a polite way so no one will hurt....
She nods to daadu....






Gauri come there....
Tej smile to see her...

"Armm.. Tej"

"No need to tell me anything... I promise uncle.... The last decision will be hers... "

"Where is your son? "

Daadu ask...

"He is coming with janhvi.... My wife"

Tej said....

"That's great.... I'll meet janhvi for the first time.... I only saw her in pictures"

Daadu said smiling...
Tej smile.... Gauri is feeling nervous..... She doesn't want to meet anyone but....

Another car stop in front of their house... All look at....
A lady come out from the car wearing a designer saree...
She is looking gorgeous...

She smile brightly to see them...
She quickly come to them...

"Here is she? My wife janhvi, and janhvi this is..... "

Before tej finish janhvi interrupt...

"Gauri... This is Gauri... I know tej.... Omg I was so desperate to meet you beta"

Janhvi said excitedly...
She hug Gauri.... Gauri smile to her.... Janhvi broke the hug...
Gauri about to touch her feet... But janhvi stops her...

"No no beta... Don't do this.... You know right, daughters don't touch feet"

Janhvi is looking so happy...
Gauri feel a little emotional seeing janhvi...
Janhvi kiss her forehead...
Tej introduced janhvi to daadu...

"I am so happy to meet you uncle.... It was my biggest dream to come here and meet you and my bahu"

Janhvi said...
Gauri look down feeling sad hearing janhvi...


Tej sign her to control herself...
Janhvi bite her tongue...

"I am so happy to meet you beta... But where is your son? "

Daadu ask...

"Ohh there is he "

Janhvi said....

"I think he is also feeling nervous"

Tej said and laugh...
Gauri and daadu look towards the car....
A young man come out from the car....
Wearing goggles... Tall and well built body.... Looking damn handsome and hot.... Like a hero from a movie...

Gauri and daadu gasp see him... They are utterly shock....
Are they dreaming?? Is it really him? Is it really ommkara?? A middle class boy...

He removes his googles and look at them......he comes towards them slowly.....
Gauri couldn't even blink... Her mind is blank....

Ommkara comes to daadu and touch his feet... He stands up and look at him who is so shock that words are not coming from his mouth.... Then he look at Gauri who's face is blank...

"Uncle... This my son... Ommki.... Ommkara singh oberoi"

Tej introduce....
Gauri and daadu turn to tej in shock.... Then again ommkara who is looking so nervous....

"Is not my son is so handsome Gauri beta? I think you'll like him"

Janhvi tease...

Ommkara is looking nervous and scared... Because he knows they had shock.... He has to explain many things to them....






Ta da 😉
So finally i update....
I think it's good na... Hehe😄
Ok.. Now wait for next one...
Everything will reveal... 😉

Micky... 😍

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