her protector (3)

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Hey my cuties....
So here is the next chappy....
I am not getting good response from this story... But it's ok..
Because I take my new year resolution - no complain, no demand and most importantly no expectations....
So enjoy... And do tell me your opinion...


Next day...

Gauri is an early bird....
She wakes up early... Take shower
Wakes up her daadu and clean the house....
She do the pooja of her sankarji and then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast....

It's 8:00 AM

Gauri give her daadu his morning tea...

"Where is ommkara daadu? "

Gauri ask looking around not finding him...

"I think he still not wakes up"

Narendra said...

"He slept this late? "

Gauri said..

"May be he was tired beta... Wait I'll wake him up"

Narendra said and stand up from his chair...

"Daadu you just have your tea... I am going to wake him up.... Then we will have breakfast together.. "

Gauri said smiling and went to ommkara room...


Gauri knock his room but find it is open...
She slowly enter the room....

"Ommkara.... Ommkara"

She called... But look at the scene...
She chuckle....

Ommkara is sleeping with his one leg hanging from the bed...
One pillow is on floor...
Another pillow on his head... Half of the body covered by blanket...
Look like this bed is so small for his huge figure....

Gauri chuckle again and call him...

"Ommkara.... Wake up.... "

"Ummmm..... "

He push his face more to pillow...
Gauri hesitately went to him and patted his back...

"Ommkara... Ommkara"

"Umm... Why you are waking me... In the midnight... Mariaa"

He murmur still in sleep....
Gauri get confused.... Who is mariaa? His girlfriend?

"Ommkara it's me.... Gauri"

She again try....

"Umm... Give me my bed tea"

He said again... Now Gauri is totally confuse....

"Ommkara it's me Gauri... Wake up it's morning now"

Gauri said a little loud...
Ommkara open his eyes wide and sit on bed quickly....

"Gauri ji... You... "

"Yes me... I came to wakes you up... It's 8:30 now... Fresh up quick"

Gauri said....

"Ohh... I.... I am sorry.... Wo"

Before he finish Gauri ask...

"Who is mariaa? And did you always get bed tea in your hostel? "

Ommkara look at her scandalize....

"Wh... What? "

He stammer....

"You were saying mariaa don't wakes me up... And asking for bed tea... So I "

Gauri ask... Ommkara look like he is trapped....
Gauri sigh...

"It's ok... I.... I am asking questions again... Sorry.... Come quickly... We are waiting for you in breakfast table"

Saying this Gauri left....

Ommkara sigh in relief....

"Thank god.... She didn't ask further.... I have to be more careful"

He lazily stands up from bed....

"Ohh God... How times change... I have to wake up at 8:30 in the morning? It's not even morning for me"

He said and dragged himself towards the washroom....


After breakfast....

"Ommkara... You drop Gauri at school... I am going to the shop"

Narendra said....

"What is the need for it? I'll go by myself dadu"

Gauri said....

"No.... Ommkara will drop you"

"Daaduu? "

"No means no.... Ommkara do you have any problem? "

Narendra ask ommkara....
While Gauri also look at ommkara...

"Arrmm... I don't have any problem"

Ommkara said...

"See... He don't have any problem"

Narendra said proudly...

"But daadu... You need help in the shop... And you have to go to the crop field also..."

Gauri said....

"I know... I'll manage"

Narendra said...

"No... Ommkara is going with you"

Gauri said...
And they start an argument..
Ommkara look at them for a while and then smile.... They are so cute.. He thought...

"Ok ok guys... I have a solution for this"

At last ommkara said and both look at him...

"I'll drop Gauri ji in school.... Then I'll
Go to the shop and field with dadaji... I mean sir"

Ommkara said...

"Hmmm.... This is a good idea"

Narendra said....

"But you have other works ommkara"

Gauri said..

"For next two month I have only one work.... To be with you and help you both"

Ommkara said smiling....

"Yes.... And you can call me daduu... Like Gauri you are also like my grandson"

Narendra said patting ommkara shoulder... Ommkara smile...

"What are you looking for? Let's move"

Narendra said... Gauri rolled her eyes and start walking as her scooty is on repairing....

Ommkara about to move but Narendra sign him to come asides...

Ommkara went...
Gauri is walking ahead....

"Ommkara.... I want to tell you something"

Narendra said tensed...
Ommkara frown in confusion....

Then Narendra tell him about parv and jayant.... How cruel they are... And how they are trying to trap him to get Gauri.... He also told that parv is trying to snatch his shop and field... Gauri didn't know about all this...
Ommkara was shock to know that now their house is also in risk....

"Ommkara.... I know you don't know us very well.... But don't know why I feel like you can help us... I have no worries about me... But my Gauri... "

He felt emotional and hold ommkara hand...
Ommkara look at him...

"Beta I have no rights to ask you anything.... But if possible then be with Gauri when I am not around her... I can't trust that parv"

Narendra said...

"I'll daduu... Don't worry... I'll always protect her... I promise"

He said smiling....


Rikara is walking side by side on road to reach Gauri school....
Many people is greetings Gauri and blessing her.... Ommkara smile to see how much everyone loves her....

"Ommkara... Do you want to have a special tea"

Gauri ask while walking....

"Special tea? "

He ask...

"Yes... Come..."

She said and lead her to a near by tea stall.... Which is aside a road...

"Hi shekhar bhaiya... How are you? "

Gauri ask the boy... The owner of the tea stall...

"Arey Gauri ... I am ok... You come after a long time... You forgot your bhaiya"

Shekhar complain...
Gauri chuckle...

"No bhaiya it's not like that... See I bring one more customer for you"

Gauri said looking at ommkara...
The boy look at him and ommkara smile...

"Ohh... Who is this young man? Your brother? "

The boy ask...
And ommkara eyes go wide...

"What? No way . .. I am not her brother"

Ommkara almost shout...
Gauri and the boy almost jump to hear her voice....

"Ok... Fine... You are having the same cuteness like Gauri so I thought you are her brother"

Shekhar said... And ommkara calm down...
Gauri laugh to see his face...

"No bhaiya... His name is ommkara... Satyam uncle's nephew... He is working with us"

Gauri said...

"Ohh... Ok"

"Bhaiya gives us your special tea fast... I am getting late for the school"

Gauri said...

The boy give them tea and they drink...

"Wow... It's really tasty"

Ommkara said...

"See I told you... Bhaiya made superb tea"

Gauri said...
After drinking that tea Gauri is going to pay..

"Arey Gauri ji please... I'll pay"

Ommkara said...

"No... I bring you here... So I am paying"

Gauri said..

"No I'll"

"I said I'll"

"Gauri ji.. At least give me a chance"

Ommkara said...
Gauri rolled her eyes...

"Ok fine... Pay and come"

Saying this she start walking...
Ommkara smile and check his pocket...
But his scared to see only cards...

"What happened ? What is all this"

Shekhar ask...
Ommkara give an awkward smile...

"Armm... Do you accept cards? "

He ask ...

"Cards?? I don't know about cards... I know only cash"

Shekhar said confused...

"Damn it... Now how I will pay"

Ommkara curse himself....

"I told you... Go with preparation... But why the hell you listen me"

One person said ommkara coming there...

"Now stop your lecture and help me"

Ommkara said to that person...

"What's going on... Who is this man? "

Shekhar ask ommkara...
Ommkara look at him then the person...

"Now handle him... If he tell anything to Gauri then... Our plan will flop"

Ommkara said to the person...

"Oyee... What kind of plan? Are you planning against my Gauri sis? I'll kill you before you touch her... Do you understand"

Shekhar warn...
Ommkara rolled his eyes...

"Give me some cash... "

Ommkara said and the person handle him a bundle of cash...
And the next season the man hold Shekhar mouth tightly so he wouldn't shout...

"Handle him carefully... I am going"

Saying this ommkara leave...
And after few seconds we saw Shekhar is vanished from his stall...


Ommkara join Gauri...

"Nice shirt ommkara"

Gauri said...


Ommkara said...

"It's a branded shit... Where you bought"

Gauri ask walking...
Now ommkara feel trapped...

"Armm... Actually... Umm"

He is trying to find the words..

"Did you friend gifted you this too.. With the iPhone? "

Gauri said...
Ommkara look at her scandalize...

Then Gauri start laughing...

"See your face ommkara... I am just kidding"
She said...

"It's not like that... Actually satyam chachu's son gifted me this last year... You know na he is working in a big company? "

Ommkara said...

"Ohh... I know him... He is earning good... But satyam kaka is so obey to us that he is still working here as our driver"

Gauri said...
Then they again start walking...
Finally they reach gauri school...

"Ok ommkara now you go... And please help my daadu... I don't know why he behave like I am a small girl.. I can take care of myself you know"

She said smiling...
Ommkara smile to her...

"Yes you are a big girl... But for daadu you are still his princess.. "

Gauri smile at him... And go inside saying by to him...

Ommkara take a deep breath and take out his phone to call someone...

"Hello... Buy some cheap rate shirts, and other clothes for me... Today I managed somehow... But I have to be more careful... She is way too smart"

He said on phone...



So what's going on?
Who is the man met with ommkara at tea stall?
What he did with suresh?
Can Gauri will find out who is ommkara?
Or she will trap?

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