her protector (4)

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Happy 500 followers to me.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
500 followers ki khushi mai ek update... 😎😍🥰

Forced marriage ka update kal tak dekhti hun😐😐😐

No proof read 😐😐

Ommkara reach at the shop only to be shock....
He see many people are there and Narendra is arguing with some people...
He went near Narendra pushing other people....

"What happened daadu... Who are they? "

He ask worried...

"See ommkara.... These people are saying that the shop is now belongs to jayant khurana"

Narendra said....

"What?? But how? "

Ommkara ask....

"2 month ago I borrow some money from aditya... And keep the papers of this shop as security.... And now aditya sell this shop to jayant khuran without my knowledge... How can he do this"

Narendra is really tensed....

"Did you talk with aditya uncle"

"I  am dialing his number but it switched off.... He just send a message that he sold the shop.... I don't know what to do now"

Narendra said....

"Now you get confirmation right.... Then just go from here"

One of the goon said...
More than 5 people are there to close the shop... But some villagers are also there to support Narendra....

"Ayee.... You all go from here... It's Narendra sir shop... We all here"

One of the villagers said...
Soon the quarrel start.... Narendra see the situation is going to out of control....

"Please... Don't fight like this for me... I'll handle it"

Narendra request the villagers....

"How can we leave you like this Narendra sir.... You were always there for us.... So we'll also here for you"

"I know that you all love me.... But please understand..... It's a legal matter.... We can't short out it like this"

Narendra request them and all agree...
They left from there after warning the goons and assured Narendra they'll always in his support.....

"Daadu.... what will we do now? "

Ommkara ask....

"You can go and talk with jayant sir... Request him and he will surely help you old man"

One of the goon said and laugh...

"Talk to him with respect"

Ommkara said in slow yet dangerous voice....

He went to them....

"Ohoo... The hero is here huh.... What will you do if we don't give respect"

One of the goon push him and he jerk a little....
At the same moment we can see more than 5 people who were hiding in different places a little far from ommkara they try to come there... All of them have well built body...

But before they come two step...
Ommkara secretly signal them to go back with his hand and they go back....

"Ommkara... Let's not complicate it... Let's go"

Narendra try to handle the situation...

"Tell jayant khurana that we'll come in the evening to talk with him"

Narendra said to the goons....
Ommkara look at him in confuse..

"But daadu you"

"We have no option ommkara.... Let's go.... I'll make you understand"

Narendra forcefully dragg ommkara with him...
Ommkara make him sit inside the car and then...

He looks at the goons.... And smirk...
The goons were confuse....
Ommkara snap once with his fingers and get into the car...

And the next second those 5 body builders attack those goons and they vanished from that place.....






Narendra and ommkara reach home...
Ommkara make Narendra sit on sofa and give him water and sit beside him...
Narendra is tensed... Ommkara patiently waiting for him to talk...
Narendra sigh....

"I tried my best.... But I don't know what will happen next.... I know what that jayant and parv wants from me"

Narendra said...

"What daadu"

"They will surely ask gauri hand for parv to short out all these... I just really don't know how to handle this"

Narendra said tensed...
The moment ommkara heard about it he close his fist tightly to control his anger...

"No daaduu... It'll not happen ever... I'll not let it happen"

He said in anger...
Narendra look at him...

"Ommkara I know you are also tensed... But right now I am not finding any other option to save my princess"

Narendra hold his head...
Ommkara place on his shoulder...

"Don't worry daadu... Everything will be ok... "

"No ommkara.... Now I am trapped... This house and our crop fields  papers are also in mortgage... We have nothing to call our own... My gauri don't know anything about it... I am just"

Ommkara is shock to hear this...
But he console him...


They heard gauri voice...

"Ommkara please don't say anything to gauri about it"

Narendra said and ommkara nods...
Gauri come there.... Ommkara stand up...

"Daaduu.... You ok? "

Gauri sit besides Narendra...

"I heard that some people were arguing with you at shop"

"There is nothing beta.... I am fine"

"Ommkara... You tell me what happened there... Because daadu is not going to tell me I know that"

Gauri stand in front of him...
Ommkara gulp because she is in angry mode....

He look at Narendra and Narendra nods in negative...

"Why you are looking at daadu?? Look at me Mr "

Gauri said and ommkara look at her with a nervous smile....

"Nothing Gauri ji... It's a small matter... We short out it"

He said and Gauri frown...

"Ohh so now you are also in daaduu team? "

She said glaring at him...

"Gauri... Don't scare him.... He is not used to see your gundi avtar... He will get attack"

Narendra said and chuckle...
Ommkara also do the same...
Gauri gasp...

"Daadduu.... Don't change the topic ok"

"Baccha there is nothing serious... Everything is fine... There are some misunderstanding.... I'll clear it by meet with jayant today evening"

Narendra said and gauri look at him in worry...
A little bit she knows about Narendra fear....

"You are meeting them? "


"I'll come with you then... We'll never leave our shop like this"

Gauri said...

"No gauri... I'll handle it"

"But daaduu"

"I said no"

Narendra said strictly....
Gauri made faces... Ommkara is smiling looking at these two.... They are so cute.... He thought....

"Gauri ji"

He said and gauri turn to him....

"If daaduu is saying he will handle then trust him... He will"

He said with a smile.... Gauri think for few seconds then say...

"Ok.... But I have one condition"

"Now what? "

Narendra ask suspiciously....

"If not me... Then ommkara will go with you.... "

Gauri said...

"What? No way.... I don't want to involve ommkara in this"

Narendra protest...

"Fine then... I'll come"

Gauri smirk...

"Gauri... Don't blackmail me ok"

"I am daaduu"

They start argument again...
Ommkara chuckle...

"Ok both of you stop"

They look at ommkara...

"I'll go with daaduu... "

Ommkara said... Gauri laugh and Narendra shock...

"Ommkara..... You don't have to.. "

"No daaduu... I agree with Gauri ji... See I help you to convince Gauri ji... So now I have to obey to Gauri ji too... It's my first duty"

Ommkara said smiling....

"Good ommkara.... Thanks... "

Gauri smile...
Narendra gives up...

"Fine.... I'll take ommkara with me... Happy my mummy? "

Narendra ask and Gauri nods with a victory smile....

"Ok.... Now let me prepare something for lunch... I take half day from school"

Gauri said...

"I'll help you"

Ommkara said...

"No no... I'll manage"

"If we two prepare lunch will ready quickly"

Ommkara said...


Gauri said and went to kitchen and ommki follow her...






Gauri give ommkara to cut veggie and she prepare pullao....
Ommkara is trying his best but couldn't cut it...

"Gauri ji.... How to cut this potato? It is roming everywhere"

He asked...
Gauri chuckle....

"Give it to me ommkara.... I'll cut"

Gauri said taking the knife....

"No Gauri ji... I'll do it"

"Yaa... I can see"

Gauri said and laugh....
Ommkara feel embarrasse...
Suddenly his phone ping with a msg..
He saw it and his face expression change.....

"You go and see what dadu is doing"

Gauri said cutting veggies...
Ommkara went from there quickly....






He come out side of the house....
Looking here there....
He found a man with a bag.... 👜

He handed the bag to ommkara..

"Here are the clothes"

He said and ommkara nods...
He take the bag and said to the man..

"Thanks.... But I have an important work.... Tell the team be ready to finish a task"

Ommkara said and the boy nods and left....
Ommkara secretly went to his room and exchange all his expensive  clothes with the cheap once...

He sigh....
Then he take out his phone and dial a number....

"Hello.... I have an important work for you"

He said...





After finish the call ommkara enter kitchen....
He stand there for few seconds admiring the beauty in front of him...
She is making curry.... Her hair is tied in a bun.... She is so cute...
Ommkara look at her from tip to toe...
Observing every little feature about her....

Then he slowly went near her and tuck the hair behind her ear from her face....
Gauri look at him in shock...

"Oommm.. Kara... "

She said looking at him with her hazal brown eyes... And he lost in it...

"You are really beautiful Gauri"

He said and pull her towards him holding her waist.... Without breaking eye lock.... Gauri is in shock... Couldn't react...

He slowly cup her face with one hand... His heart is beating faster...
Gauri close her eyes breathing heavily..
He lean towards her face.... And



"Ommkara.... "

He come out of sense and find himself standing at the door of the kitchen....
He look here there....

"What happened?? What are you looking for? '

Gauri ask still busy in cooking...

" Armm... No... Nothing "

He said feeling embarrasse...
It means all those moments were his imagination... Shit...
He curse himself for having these kind of thoughts...

"Control omm.... It's not the right time"

He murmur...

"Are you saying something? "

Gauri ask....


Ommkara reply....

Suddenly Gauri hold the hot pan and flinch in pain....

Ommkara rushed towards her...
He hold her hand...

"Omg... You"

He pull her near basin and on the tap and put her hand in water....

"Why you are not careful Gauri.... See what you did.... Always thinking about others... Daadu is right.... You really need someone to take care of you.... "

And he goes on... He is calling her Gauri without adding a "ji" ....
Gauri look at him in shock... Because it's the first time someone is scolding her like this.... Her daadu always obey to her... And she remember when her parents scolded her like this...

She is feeling a little emotional...

Ommkara take her out side of the kitchen and apply jel on her wound... He is so worried and holding her hand all the time....
He is blowing air on it so she didn't feel more pain...

"It's burning"

She said innocently...
Ommkara glare at her...

"(Mimic her) it's burning.... So what do you think how it will feel if you burn yourself? "

He again blow air....

"Stop scolding me... I am not a kid"

She said with teary eyes...
Ommkara look at her and realise...
He left her hand slowly.....

"I.... I am sorry... "

Gauri take her hand back and look down to control her tears.....

"I am really sorry Gauri ji... I didn't mean to hurt you.... I was worried... So I "

Before he finish Gauri run to her room... Ignoring him...
Ommkara close his eyes in disappointment....

"What the hell I was doing.... I can't messed up everything before it even start... Aaagghh"

He said himself...



Precap:- parv and ommkara face up...

So how was the chappy 🤨🤨🤨🤨
Chalo vote aur cmnt karo...
Free me padhne ko milta hai iska matlab ye nehi ki free mai next update bhi milega... 😏😏😏


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