her protector (5)

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All the edited pictures are belongs to the real editor...


in the evening  Narendra and ommkara went to jayant house...

Since afternoon gauri is ignoring ommkara.... Not talking with him properly.... And it's disturbing ommkara.... He doesn't know what wrong he had done? He was just taking care of her... That's it...
Then why she is mad...

Finally they reach jayant house...
Narendra talk with the guards outside of the house....

"We want to meet jayant khurana... Tell him I come here"

Narendra said politely...
The guard went inside to take permission... While ommkara is observing the house...

It's a big house like haveli... It has a big garden front of the house... Many guards are there....

Finally the guard came and take them inside...
Ommkara is following Narendra...
While walking inside Narendra say to ommkara....

"Ommkara... They people are not good... So please be careful... I don't want you to involve in all this beta... You just stay quite... I'll talk"

"Don't worry daaduu... I know your concern for me.... No tension"

He said smiling....

They enter the big Hall...
It's a big hall with all the expensive things...

There he see jayant khurana is sited with few of his bodyguard and manager...

"Arey Narendra ji... Come come please"

Jayant stand up and welcome Narendra....
Narendra nervously smile...

"Come please sit.... You should call me I'll come to meet you.... You don't have to come this far"

He said with smile...
But ommkara see he is pretending...
Narendra sit there...
At the same time parv come there and take blessing of Narendra....

"Arey... It's ok beta"

Narendra said..

"No dadaji.... I really need your blessing to get what I want"

Parv said with a smirk..

Ommkara is standing there and watching everything silently... He is observing.... (Tuffaaann se pehle ka sannata 😄😄)

Parv and jayant sit on sofa... Daadu look at ommkara....
Daadu is so nervous that he forget to introduce ommkara....

"Ohh.. I forgot... He is ommkara.... Satyam nephew"

Daadu introduce them....
Parv and jayant look at him...
They are expecting ommkara will greet them... But no...
Ommkara is still stands there....

"Come beta sit"

Narendra said to ommkara...he nods... He about to sit besides Narendra on sofa but parv spoke...

"Oye... Where are you sitting? Don't forget that you are a servant.... And you are sitting with us... Sit on the floor"

Parv said with attitude...
Ommkara just staring to him....
Hearing this Narendra get angry...

"Parv... He is like my grandson.... Don't behave like this...he will sit with me"

"We are sorry Narendra ji... But in our house servants are treated like this"

Jayant said... But before he finish ommkara sit on sofa besides Narendra...
With style like he is the owner of this house...😏😏

Jayant and parv is shock to see his attitude...

"Aery you sit here"

Jayant said...

"As you said I am a servant.... But not your.... I am with daadu... So I'll follow his order... Not your"

Ommkara smirk...
Jayant about to say something but parv stop him...

"It's ok dad.... Let him sit... Poor boy... Maybe he never sit on this kind of sofa ever... Let him enjoy"

Parv said smirking...
Ommkara rise his brow on a mocking manner and chuckle...
Parv get confuse to his behavior...
Like ommkara don't care about them...

"Ok Narendra ji... Tell me why you came here? "

Jayant ask though he knew the reason...
Narendra sigh... No matter what he have to talk...

"Jayant I am here to talk about my shop... See I know that you just bought that from aditya.... But it's illegal because I am still owner of the shop.... So I am here for the settlement... Please give the paper back... I'll give you the money"

Ommkara feel bad to see Narendra is requesting....

"Arey Narendra ji you are elder from me.... Please don't request... Just order... Not only that shop but all my property is yours"

Jayant said...
Narendra smile thinking he agree...
One servant come with the shop papers and give it to jayant...

"See... Here is your papers... You can take it.... But"

Jayant stop and look at parv... Both smirk....

"But... Why? "

Narendra ask...

"Actually dadaji.... Everything has a prize"

Parv said...

"I said na... I'll give the money"

Narendra said....

"This property cost is 2,00,000 now.... And we want the prize now"

Jayant said...
Narendra is shock...
But ommkara is still calm... And looking those creepy son and father...

"What? But how? "

"Now it's my property so I'll decide"

Jayant said...
Narendra get angry...

"Jayant.... Have some shame.... How can you be this low"

Narendra said...

"Relax dadaji.... I have a solution.... Why don't we become relatives...? As you already know I love gauri.... Give me your granddaughter hands for marriage and then our all things will be yours"

Parv said...
Narendra stand up in anger...
But someone is more angrier than him... It's ommkara... He close his fist to control it... Glaring at parv murderously....

"How dare you parv? I knew it that both of you will play this game.... Don't you have shame"

Narendra shout...
Ommkara stand up and hold him...
He have high bp problem....

Parv and jayant stand up...

"Arey sir why you get angry.... My son just said his wish.... And what is wrong in it? "

"Just shut up jayant.... How can you make relationship as a deal... My gauri is not a product that I'll sell her... Do you understand"

Narendra shout and start coughing...
Ommkara get worried and hold him...

"Daaduu please calm down"

Ommkara said....

"Abey buddhe.... You are in a stage where is no guarantee of your life... And you are fighting with us? If not today then tomorrow gauri will be mine"

"Enough.... "

Everyone get silent to hear him.. It's ommkara.... He shout at peak... He make Narendra sit on sofa....
And then look at parv in anger...

"How dare you to talk like that with daadu? "

He again shout...
Everyone was shock including Narendra.....

"Who are you to ask? You bloody servant"

Before parv complete ommkara said...

"You bloody moron just shut your mouth.... Say sorry to daadu... Right now"

Ommkara said and for few seconds parv get scared....

"Ommkara... Beta don't"

"No daadu... I was still silent because you told me... But now these morons cross their limits... "

Ommkara said....

"How dare you to insult us in our own home... You"

Parv come in front of him.... Ommkara just looking at parv like he will eat up that stupid....

"And... How dare you to insult daadu? "

Ommkara said gritting his teeth....
Narendra see the situation will be out of control so he stand up and hold ommkara....

"Ommkara... Let it be.... Let's go from here"

"No daadu... We will go with the papers"

Ommkara said glaring at parv...

"Ohh really? And can you explain Mr oversmart servant how? "

Jayant said laughing....
Ommkara turn to him and smirk...

"You should talk with aditya uncle for explanation"

Hearing ommkara all of them are confuse.... But then shock to see aditya come there....

"Aditya? Where were you?? I was calling you"

Narendra said in shock....
Jayant and parv gulp to see aditya there... They realise their plan is fail....

"I am sorry Narendra ji... Please forgive me.... I was a stupid"

Saying this aditya hold Narendra leg and beg to forgive him...
Narendra make him stand....

Then aditya revealed that jayant threatened him to give the shop papers.... And he was scared so he run away.... And the most shocking things for jayant is aditya give him the duplicate papers....

"I am sorry Narendra ji... I was scared.... But I didn't Bateryed you.... Here is the original papers.... Please take it.... And you can return the money whenever you want"

Aditya give the papers to Narendra feeling guilty....
Narendra sigh in relief... And forgive Aditya....
Then he look at jayant and parv....

"There is no point to tell you anything... Because you both are blind in your greed.... But listen to me carefully... You'll never be successful in your motive... At least not untill I am alive... Shame on you... "

Saying this he left with Aditya....
Ommkara follow them but stop...
Narendra and Aditya leave...
Ommkara turn to parv.....

"Mr parv khurana"

Parv look at him...

"This is my first and last warning.... Don't ever try to hurt this family... You will regret.... I promise"

Ommkara warn... Parv get angry and stand in from of him....

"You servant.... How dare you? May I didn't successful today.... But one day I'll... Gauri will be...... "

"Gauri jiiiii.... Add a jiii after her name whenever you say it.... I really don't like if someone take her name like this"

Ommkara warn in a dangerous way that parv get goosebumps......
He is scared...

After warning them ommkara left....


Gauri was waiting for her daadu in tension.... She knows parv so she is scared.... But she have relax that ommkara went with him...

Why she started trusting him? No answer....

Narendra and ommkara enter the house laughing with each other....
Gauri run to him...

"Daadu... What happened... What they said.... ? Did you get the papers? Are you ok"

"Relax my mummy.... First sit I'll tell you"

Narendra make her sit and sit besides her...
Ommkara sit on front sofa...

Narendra said everything to Gauri...
And give him the papers... Gauri feel happy and hug her daadu...

"I am so happy daadu... We have to thank Aditya uncle"

Gauri broke the hug and said...

"Yes.... But along with that we have to thank ommkara"

Narendra said looking at ommkara...
Gauri is confuse and ommkara too...

"What do you think? I'll never know? Now I know everything about you ommkara"

Narendra said...
Ommkara get shock and gulp in fear...

"Wha.... What daadu? "

He ask... Gauri is confuse....

"Aditya told me.... How you call him and said everything.... How you made him understand the situation... And how you give him courage to face jayant"

Narendra said... Ommkara sigh in relief... Gauri look at ommkara....

"Thank you so much beta"

Narendra said patting his shoulder...

"Don't say like this daadu... I did it for my family"

He said smiling... Then he look at Gauri...
Gauri quickly turn her gaze....

"Daadu... It's a good news.... I'll make biriyani today.... You just fresh up.. Ok"

She said and went to her room to keep the papers....

Narendra went to fresh up...
While ommkara is tensed to Gauri behavior....


Gauri is preparing dinner in kitchen when she felt someone is there... She turn and see ommkara....
Ommkara look at her for a second and quickly keep something near her on kitchen slab and leave....
Gauri get confuse and look at the thing.... It's a dairy milk silk chocolate...
There is a note with it....
She read it...

"I am sorry if I hurt you Gauri ji"

Gauri smile after reading it...
And keep that chocolate in fridge to eat later....


At dinner table....
Trio sit on dining table to have dinner...
Ommkara is going to eat but find a note near his plate... He read...

"I am sorry too ☹️"

He look at Gauri and she smile...
He smile back and trio have their dinner....
Narendra and ommkara prise her cooking....


After dinner Narendra went to sleep...
Ommkara give him medicine ...

He find Gauri outside of the house sitting on stairs looking at the sky....

He went near her and notice she is sad...

"Gauri ji.... Are you thinking something? "

He ask... Gauri look at him and sigh look down...

"Do you really want to know? "

Gauri ask looking at him....

"Do you want to share? "

Ommkara said smiling....
Gauri turn her gaze and again look down...
Ommkara understand there is something which is troubling her...
And the good things is she want to share.....

He sit beside her....

"Thank you ommkara.... For helping daadu... And.... And I am sorry for my behavior"

She said still looking down....
Ommkara look at her...

"It's ok"

"I was not upset from you ommkara... It was something else"

She said looking at him...

"And what was that? "

Ommkara ask tensed.... He can't see her like this....
Gauri look other side....

"I was.... I was missing my parents"

Gauri said in sad mode....
Ommkara feel bad for her....

"You know ommkara I lost my parents when I was 16.... Till then my daadu is my everything.... Daadu loves me a lot... He never made me sad.... But still... Still I miss them"

Gauri said with teary eyes....
Ommkara feel her pain but stay silent so she can share her pain with him...

"Tomorrow is my mom's birthday.... I was missing her from morning.... And... And when you scolded me... I remember my parents... They also scolded me like this whenever I being careless... But I get angry because I want to be strong.... I just.... I don't know what happened with me I just behave like that... I am sorry"

She said wiping her tears...
Ommkara just want to hug her and console her... But he can't...

"It's ok Gauri ji... Don't say sorry please.... And who told you you are weak? You are a strong girl who taken care of everything alone"

Ommkara said... Gauri wipe her tears and smile...

"Whenever I miss mom dad... I just look at the sky and try to search them in between the starts.... I never share my pain to daadu because I don't want to make him feel sad.... I just try to be happy"

Gauri said....

"It's late now.... Good night"

Gauri said standing up....
Ommkara also stand up and smile....

"You go Gauri ji..... I'll come in few minutes.... I have to make a call to my friend... Good night"

He said smiling... Gauri nods and go...

Ommkara take out his phone and call someone....

"Hello.... You have an important work to do"


Gauri lay on bed.... She is holding the chocolate which ommkara gives her...
She open it and start eating...
She smile.... After a long time and for the first time she share her sadness with someone... Now she is feeling better.... A little happy too... She eat the chocolate smiling and thinking about ommkara....




So ommkara help daadu..
But how suddenly Aditya realise his mistake??
There is something fishey....
And whom ommkara call for work?
What kind of work?

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