3| Rooftop

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The bell rang at 2 p.m. The girl trudged out of the classroom and headed up the stairs.

She just wanted some fresh air, away from the stuffiness of the world.

To her, the world seemed to be calmer and more peaceful at the rooftop.

Nothing could hurt her at the rooftop. Nothing could disturb her at the rooftop. Nothing at all.

She pushed open the green door and stepped outside, staring at the tiled floors. Yes-the air did feel much better for her lungs. She inhaled and sighed contently. After taking off her shoes and adjusting her hoodie, she looked up.


This time, a girl with brown hair sat on the railing. She could fall any moment. Her ponytail and black hoodie fluttered in the wind. 

"What're you doing here?" the girl inquired Black Hoodie.

Black Hoodie stared at the girl. Black Hoodie's eyes were empty, as if she had given up in life. Black Hoodie rolled up the sleeves of her hoodie. Many bruises were tattooed on her arms. 

"I came here, hoping to erase pain of the bruises that keep increasing every time I come home. I don't have anyone anymore. Just let me die."

The girl had finally found someone with the same problems as her.

The girl didn't know what reasons to give Black Hoodie. The girl herself didn't know how to solve her own similar problems. The girl knew that she had to save this girl.

The girl pondered for a moment, searching her brain for reasons.

But time was running out. Black Hoodie could take her life any moment then.

"Hey, just don't do it."

Those words just tumbled out of the girl's mouth. She knew it wasn't a good reason to stop one from taking their life. She knew that it wasn't something she really belived in anyway.

But she knew that she needed to do her best to talk Black Hoodie out of doing it.

Black Hoodie's eyes seemed to look into the depths of the girl's soul. It seemed as though Black Hoodie knew that the girl wasn't convinced.

"Thanks for trying but...I don't believe that. You don't too, right? I'm diagnosed with an illness that will stay with me for my entire, short life."

"Life has no meaning. It was nice talking to you. Sorry (not sorry) for not listening to your advice' I really can't take it anymore. Goodbye."

Black Hoodie disappeared from the girl's line of sight.

It was the first time she wasn't able to save someone.

She closed her eyes.

Everything turned pitch black.

She felt the wind blowing at her. She felt...nothing. Nothing at all.

Everything felt peaceful.

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