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Imlie and Others are about to go. But she stopped them..

Maa.. I dont why.. But my heart is not at ease.. I am getting vibe like something bad is lurking over ABP. I cant even think straight.. My hand is a
trembling...maa its not just a fear.. But am literally going through that

Sundar : Chipkali you are over thinking.. Stop overthinking its not good for you... Come we will take you to hospital.. Maa and arpita ji get in...

In otherside..

Aryan gathered everything evidence to lock the person behind the attack.....

Aryan: madhav thank you.. Thank you for helping me to find out about Jyoti and her deeds. This evidence is sufficient.. I suspected her from the first attack itself.. But i cant do anything other than protecting her because there is no evidence.. But now the situation is different. You just go and submit this in situation..

Madhav left with the evidence. When Aryan turn he saw Jyoti standing there .

So you already knew its me who is the problem.. Yes am the problem.. How can you do this to me.. How can you marry someone else..... 💔..

Aryan: am never yours nor it will happen ever... Be ready for your punishment. You played with my lifelong lifeline. But still.. I let police to deal it because you are a woman.. You cant hold the power of my revenge

Aryan walks away without spending a time there but 💔💔💔

Thud................ 💔

A bullet pass through his chest...

ABP.................... 💔

Imlie and others saw his car on the way. So they stopped to check on him.. But the sight literally shook everyone..

He is shocked to saw imlie there.. Before jyoti shoot her, aryan grab the gun from her.. Arpi and sundar grabbed jyoti.... Narmada call police and ambulance..

Aryan begin to loose his balance.. Before falling down he look at his wife is literally lifeless 💔

With in n time he land on the ground. She literally runs near him and scooped him up.. He witnessed her this weak many time.. But its first time for her to saw such a scenario 🥺

Maa di.. Bandar.. Come here.. Look.. Look at my ABP.. Why.. What happened to him.. Di.
Call ambulance.. Di save him..

She don't dare to look at him.
But he slowly grabbed her hand

Imlie : i dont want to look at you.. I can't.. ABP.. I cant see you like this.. ABP i will.. I will die if something happens to You.
ABP 💔💔 dont do this to me

Let.. Me look at you imlie... Atleast for once.. Once before i💔..

No you cant say that ABP... I will die.. But i wont... I won't let something happen to you 💔

Before she finish he loose his consciousness... She is numb

ABP... ABP.... 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔

Sundar and others took him to hospital without wasting time for waiting ambulance.. On the way, imlie didn't utter a word. Her deadly silence is more dangerous than anything...

Attender took Aryan inside. Imlie and others stand outside the OT

Maa Aruu.. Our aruuu💔😭😭

Narmada : i wont forgive him.. He cross every limit today.. How can he do that.. Why he didnt think about us.. About that kid.. That kid who trust him love him and care about him utmost 🥺

Cheeni is sitting next to imlie.

Doctor : actually... He is in observation.. We can hope the best.. First may i check him
Anyway pray for him....... 🤞🏻🙄

Imlie: ABP.... You can't leave me
.. You must come back.. Otherwise i wont forgive you..

Without knewing anything Malini called imlie

Baacha where are you.. If you are free.. Please come here..

Aditya grab the phone..

Imlie what about the second report... 🙄

Imlie : babu.... Saheb... 💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Aditya and others in Tripathi are shocked by her response..

What happened... Imlie.. Tell us something 🙄

Sundar grab the phone and explained everything... 💔 Within an hour they reached hospital. Aditya and others saw a broken imlie sitting quietly in the floor

Imlie beta.. Dont loose hope.. He is a fighter.. He will come back. Trust your maa.. Baccha🥺

Imlie stand up...

He will naa.. Maa he will naa.. I dont.. Want to loose him.... I

Shocking everyone she faints

Cheeni: mummaa🥺🥺🥺.. Mumma wake up..

Aditya and others take her to room. Doctor come and checked her..

Such pressure are actually not good for a patient like her. Already a best part of her memory is not with her.. And this type of trauma can make her weak.. Its risk for her life 💔. Take care.. For now she is fine✌🏻.

Narmada : when he wake up.. Look arpi... I will not let him meet my kid..

After Two hours

Doctor announced that he is lucky and the shot was not that deep.. Aryan regained his consciousness.. He is in his room waiting his family

Just then Everyone except imlie enters. Tripathi greets him..

I hope you are fine. But beta maa is angry at you.. You can tell us about this.. You can seek our help without putting yourself in trouble.. You.. Can.. But you chose to hide and handle it yourself..

Do you knew what happened to her after seeing you like that. You knew naa already she is weak.. And this kind of trauma can take her life... 💔

Maa.. What happened to her.. I was busy protecting her 🙄🙄

Narmada :but you yourself hurt her the most naa.. She faints.. She is too weak.. Trauma like this can kill her.. Do you hear that.. It can kill her💔

Aryan: am going near her...

He marched towards her room. His heart is heavy. How can he forget that his little wife is always leaving in the fear of losing her dear one.. How can she saw him like that.. Even his dialogue may shatters her to the core..

He cursed himself for putting her in such a worst situation.

When reached room.. She is not there.. He stumbles a bit. Aditya hold him..

Where is she. Did.. Did jyoti.. No... No way... Where is she💔

In otherside

Imlie is walking aimlessly in rhe road, she considers herself as the bad omen that bring bad luck to

Him.. She can't stop cursing her.. She hate to saw him like that..

In otherside.

Aru you are weak.. We will find her...

I can't di. I cant sit quiet in hospital when she is not here.. My life lies beside her di.. How can You expect me to sit quiet..

He without listening march towards the road in search of her...

To be continued 🪄

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