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Two more days passed, Imlie kept a distance from Aryan. She calls everyone except Aryan. He knew how mad she is. She hate the ideaof separation and he himself made it happen. He is in his room alone.. Just then he heard..

Di... He is afraid of my safety.. Why the hell he think am safe here.. What if someone attack me here.. Far away from his focus.. What if someone try to kill me here.. Will he able to save me🥺

That was the audio message imlie sent to Arpita. Arpita find it reasonable so she played it before her UNB..

Arpita: she tells the fact.. Far away from our sight is more dangerous than in our house.. We cant do this Aryan.. We need to keep her next to us.

Sundar : haa saale sab.. You knew naa.. How precious is our imlie.. Even i don't want something bad happen to her.. When we are not around her

Aryan: today.. I donno why.. But ny heart is literaally beating like its about to go wrong. Di we can bring her back.. I too can't be awy from her..

Narmada and Neela ji enters

Narmada :Am too coming..

Neela: i will look after cheeni.. You guys go and bring back kacchi ambiya.

With in an hour, Aryan with his fam reached there. Aditya was the one who opened the door for them

What happened.. This late🥺 anything serious..

Arpita : without her we cant even smile there.. We are here to take her back..

Rupi: taking her back 🥺 it was so much fun to have her here.. But yeah we can't keep her forever.. I wil go and bring her..

Rupi left to bring Imlie.
Aryan and others are waiting for Imlie. Just then


Aryan was literally become mad.. He expect the worst and runs to there.. And he saw his lifeline lying in floor unconscious.. Whole room is filled with smoke.

Aryan scoop her into his embrace while Aditya make a way for them to hall.. On the way

Imlieeee open your eyes.. Yeah am at wrong.. Sorry.. Really sorry.. Please dont do this to me💔

He placed her in hall. Aparna sprinkled water. She slowly opened her eyes

Aryan: am sorry.. I wont ever leave you alone.. I wont ever keep you away from.. 💔 Am taking you back..

She slowly sits... Aparna hugged her softly... Narmada cupped her face. Malini is hell shocked and holding her hand like if she leave that she will loose imlie 💔

Am not going anywhere. ABP you can leave ✌🏻

Imlie slowly raise from her seat and walked away from there. Aryan without wasting time followed her.

I knew u are mad at me but now and at this moment.. I only want to take you back from here.. We can fight as much as you want. But please come with me🤞🏻.

Imlie : why should i come with you. You don't listen to me naa.. Why should i listen to u.. No way. Means no way🤞🏻

Imlie you can ask me anything i returns.. 🤞🏻

Imlie : really... Dont back off..

He come closer to her

Do i ever back off from my words.. Ask me anything i will give u... 🤞🏻

Imlie: who is behind this attacks. Why you separate me from my family....

Aryan: i will tell you everything on tomorrow.. Till then please be patient..

Imlie: and Keep yourself safe.. If something happened to you.. I wont forgive you💔.

He nodded yes. Later Rathore's left by taking their sweet imlie back. Tripathi are sad...


As usual our couple is too busy in morning fight...

Why can't i go to office.. Where are you taking me🥺

Somewhere.. Dont you trust me...

Imlie: i do.. But still i must know what are you upto

What's happening here kids🥺.. Morning itself started the fight🤨

Imlie: maa he hides manything these days.. He is doing what he wants.. He is not willing to reveal anything 💁‍♀️

Arpi: its wrong aru.. Just tell us.. So that we can solve these mess together..

Aryan: whatever stored ahead will confront me before confronting you guys.. There is some mess but i cant reveal it now..

Imlie : i never put myself in danger intentionally.. I expect the same from you too.. If you go against that... Then remember... The consequence will be worst 🤞🏻

I wont.. Are you happy.. Now come.. Lets go.actually i don't want to take you.. But your adamant to come with me 🙄. Maa di.. Joe.. Bye.. Today is so important....

Imlie turn towards him..

Imlie: why  it's so important.. ABP.. There is something fishy.. If i find out you are upto something bad.. I promise you... I.......

She stumbled a bit.. Aryan hold her immediately without wasting

Time, others gather near her..

Arpi : baccha are you okay.. Ohh the side effect of that smoke... 💔

Am fine... Maa.. Am really fine.. Lil exhausted..

Aryan: you take rest jungli.. I will be back in few hours..

No.. I wont let you go alone...

Narmada : okay.. Wait.. I and arpi with sundar will take imlie to hospital.. Aryan you can go where ever you want..

Maa.. He is going to do something bad....

Narmada: hospital visit is important.. No play with your health... Aryan you can leave i will handle her 🤞🏻

Imlie hugged her saasu maa nd replied with a pout..

Okay fine.. ABP you can leave🤞🏻.. I will be  a good girl.. And be safe..

Aryan: What ever happen it will be for good naa..

Imlie:  no.. No way.. Something bad happening to u is not for good but for worst💔.. No... I wont allow such thing. Like u said. If something bad happened to you.. Remember... You wont see me again..

Aryan: imlie🙄🙄🤨🤨🤨

Imlie: yeah.. I will move back to Tripathi house🤞🏻

Aryan: ooh you mean. That... 😁

Narmada : stop the fight...

Aryan come forward and caressed her forehead. Then he bid bye..

To be continued 🪄

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