Confronting The Demon

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Y/N's pov

We road on the boat from the Captain as we travelled to Haven to stop Adam and the White Fang.

Blake: We havent got long now

Me: Yeah... hopefully we can stop this nightmare

Blake: Then we could finally rest

I nodded as Blake leaned against my arm, resting my head on top of her i let out a content sigh.

I need this... cause my next step is going to be too dangerous to guarantee that i'll come back safely

Me: When we pull this off, what do you think about reuniting with your teammates?

Blake: I... i don't know...

Me: I'll be there with you, it'll be fine

She nodded as i kissed her forehead making her blush, i have to get through this... for Blake


As i stood atop a building with Blake we looked over the edge to see Adam so i put  a hand on her shoulder

Blake: Adam!

He looked up to see Blake as i took a step back so he couldn't see me although i saw the tall guy from before

Adam: Blake?

Hazel: Who is that?

Blake: Stand down!

Adam: Wait!

He held his arms out as the White Fang beside him aimed their weapons at Blake before he chuckled

Adam: To think that i went throygh so much trouble to find you, only to have you deliver yourseld to me

This piece of shit's cruising for a brusing!

Blake: This isn't what's right for the Faunas! Stop what you're doing and we can end this peacefully.

Adam: You're wrong Blake, and you can't stop us

Blake: No, i can't. Not by myself

Sienna: That's why she didn't come alone!

She stepped out with Sun shocking Adam as an army of Faunas came out the wood works all wielding weapons

Adam: What?!

W.F Member: Who's there!?

Ghira: Your brothers and sisters

One of them lowered their weapon slightly as he had a breif exchange with one of the Faunas

Adam: Make no mistake, brothers! These are our enemies! And we will not let them ruin-

He was cut off when the Mistral police came flying in and shined spotlights on Adam and his allies

Officer: Adam Tauras. This is the Mistral Police Force! Lower your weapons and surrender peacefully.

Blake hopped down but i stayed up on the building... I might not get my chance after all

Adam: How!? How did you do this!?

Blake: Adam, it's over.

She shook her head slightly as Adam looked around and backed up abit before he pulled something out

Adam: Then it's over for all of us.

They covered their faces as he pressed the button but to his suprise nothing happened as he pressed it repeatedly

W.F Member: What are you doing?! You'll get us all killed!

Adam: I am making humanity pay for what they've done!

Blake: We sent someone over to confirm your explosives, and once we did, she disabled them.

Ilia stepped out holding a group of cut wires making me smirk, nice going lizard girl...

Adam: What do we do?!

He turned back to Hazel but he just dusted off his shoulders and cracked his knuckles.

Hazel: This... is your business. Not mine. Fix it

Blake: I told you, Adam. It's over

He scowled at her before he ran towards Blake, drawing my sword i watched as he slashed at Blake but she disappeared

He looked to me in confusion before Blake slammed her hands down onto his head making him fall to the floor

Slowly, he got up as he shook his head whilst i sheathed my sword, i'm not needed.

Adam: Kill them!

The W.F began firing at us as they deflected the bullets and the Militia we built up began fighting back against them.

Adam slowly got up as he gravely laughed to himself and Blake stood above him

Adam: I'm going to make you regret ever coming back.

Blake: More police are on their way Adam. Huntsmen too.

Adam: Still too afraid to face me on your own.

Blake: I'm here for Haven... Not you

He pointed his sheathe atbher as it turned into a gun and Blake drew her sword...

Adam: You are still afraid, and you should be. I've made powerful friends while you've been away.

Sun: Oh yeah... where?

He walked over to them as i shook my head and chuckled, i'm really... not needed here...

Adam: Tell me... does Blake make all her classmates fight for her?

Sun: Nah, it's a volunteer gig. I'm just sayin', for someone who claims to have such great friends, there doesn't seem to be a lot of peopel here willing to fight for you.

Adam looked over and saw the W.F Members surrendering as they were surrounded by our militia

Blake: You can try and make me regret coming here, Adam, but honestly... i've got more important things to deal with.

He yelled before he began to attack them, Blake and Sun managed to make him run off but Blake stopped Sun from following him...

I sighed before taking out my scroll and placing it down before running after Adam as i heard it ringing.

Going through the woods it gritted my teeth and let out a sigh before stopping when i saw Adam.

He stumbled forward as his mask fell off so i took a step forward

Me: Adam...

He turned around as i saw a branding that read S.D.C over his eye

Adam: ...You know me?

Me: I do...

I drew my sword and pointed it at him as i scowled at him

Me: You aren't the only one scarred by those you hate...

(Lemme know what you think)

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