The Final Breath

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Y/N's pov

Charging at Adam, he quickly slashed at me which i jumped over before spinning and slamming my foor down.

He blocked it and looked up to me before pushing me off making me back flip through the air before i landed.

Sheathing his sword a red glow surrounded him before he yelled as he slashed forward and a red wave came out.

Quickly dodging to the side i flew past me as i watched it, hearing a gunshit i flipped my head to the side before something struck me in the cheek.

Adam hopped towards me and caught his sword in mid air before slicing downwards, i jumped to the side as a slash appeared on the ground and he turned his head to me.

Activating the dust on my sword i dashed at Adam before he blocked my strike, we clashed as he began to overpower me so i ducked before thrusting my sword.

He sidestepped it and grabbed his sheathe before it turned into a gun, he fired at me however i deflected the shots.

Jumping backwards i caught my breath and stared him down as he re-sheathed his sword.

Parts of him were highlighted in red before he dashed towards me and it left weird after images.

He slashed at me but i blocked it however the after images followed and i was forced i to defending the oncoming attack.

Adam appeared again and slashed downwards but i dodged however he cut off my poncho revealing my top.

The empty sleeve where my left arm/stump rested flowed in the wind, he smirked before charging at me again.

Blocking his attack he kept pushing as i struggled under him before i focused, the spectral arm appeared suprising him as i punched him across the face.

He was sent flying into the cliff face as black lightning sparked around him and my arm as it filled the sleeve.

Me: Adam... this is my revenge

Adam: Revenge? Humans don't need vengance! It's us Faunas who will take our revenge at what humans have done to us!

He kicked himself off the cliff face as he was high lighted with red again, quickly i pulled out my eyepatch before tossing my sword at him.

Adam deflected it but i took it's place shortly afterwards and grabbed his face with my spectral arm and slammee him to the ground.

He yelled in pain while being electricuted as he squirmed under me, he threw his head back before i felt a sharp pain in my side.

The arm disappeared before Adam kicked me off him as smoke wafted off of him and i clutched my side in pain.

My shirt was stained with blood but the wound began to heal as Adam stood up with blood on his blade.

I stood up and picked up my sword from nearby as we panted, still twitching in pain.

He growled before sheathing his sword and slashing out, a red wave cane at me which i parried but a few more were sent my way which i did my best to parry however one of them came to fast.

It struck me in the chest however my aura took the damage so i dashed at Adam, he slashed at me but i dropped my sword and slid inbetween his legs.

He went to turn and stab me but i took my sword place and jumped up as i focused making the spectral arm appear.

I threw a punch towards him as he spun around again, hitting his face i connected the punch before kneeing his stomach however he slashed at me.

Before i could react a yelled in pain as i fell to the ground whilst clutching my left eye, the arm went away as i tried to heal but Adam denied that want...

He broke my aura before kicking me as i was downed making me roll along the ground still holding my eye.

Adam: What made you think you could beat me!?

He stomped on me as i cried out in pain, trying to get up he kicked me upside the chin making me fall backwards

Adam: Faunas are superior to humans!

He picked me up by the collar after he sheathed his sword. Suddenly he began strangling me as my eyes widened

Struggling to pry his arms away he scowled at me with hate in his eyes... oh god, he's dead set on killing me

Adam: I'll watch as you breathe your final breath!

In one last attempt i let go of his wrist and grabbed his sword before planting my feet in his stomach.

I knocked the air out of him as he dropped me, coughing and gasping i looked up as he held his chest.

Getting up he went to grab his sword but realised i was holding it so he crouched down and picked up mine.

He stared eachother down before dashing forward, as he got close he slashed vertically which i managed to bend under.

His eyes widened before i shot up and let out a cry before thrusting his sword forward

We stood there as i held the handle of his sword, he looked down and breathed shakily until i pushed the sword all the way inside him.

He coughed as blood spilled from his mouth before i got close to him with a scowl on my face

Me: I'll watch you as you breathe your final breath...

His eyes began to lower as i uttered the same words, he let out the final breath he'd take before he fell backwards.

Blood stained his sword as i fell to one knee and used it to support myself

Me: I win...

(Lemme know what you think)

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