The Future Ahead {Finale}

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Blake's pov

Me: Y/N, where are you?

He scroll went to voicemail so i sighed and tried calling him once again as a tapped my foot on the ground.

Suddenly i heard his ring tone... but it was coming from atop a building so i climbed up onto it.

I was shocked to see his scroll laying on the ground as he was nowhere in sight, grabbing his scroll i jumped down and looked around.

He just disappeared, there's no way that he just ran away is there? Looking out into the woods Adam ran into my heart sank

No, he didn't go after him did he? I know he has a grudge against him but it would've been suicide.

Yang: Blake! Where are you going!?

Me: Just give me a moment

She jogged on over to me as i took small steps into the forest before Yang grabbed my arm

Yang: C'mon, we won't let you leave again

Me: I'm not doing that, i think someone i know has gone in there

Yang: Heh, nice excuse-

I pulled my arm away from her and looked to Yang angrily as she looked stunned

Blake: Damnit Yang, listen to me!

Walking off into the forest my expression softened amd changed to one of worry, why did i tell at her?

What am i going to find omce i get deep enough? Adam, Y/N? I kept going deeper as i shook in fear slightly

Eventually i made it to a clearing of sorts and my foot hit something, slowly looking down expecting the worst i saw... Adam's mask?

I stepped over it until i heard a groan making me pull out my weapon in feat and look around.

A moment later Y/N came out the tree line using Adam's sword to support himself as he stabbed it into a tree.

He was a mess, his shirr was stained in blood, his poncho was missing, he seemed to rip off his left sleeve exposing what was rest of his arm and had wrapped it around his left eye.

Quickly i sheathed my sword and ran to him as he turned to me, before he could say anything i pulled him into a hug.

Me: What happened to you?

Y/N: Adam... he's dead... B-Blake, i- oh god... i killed someone...

I held Y/N close to me as he began to break down and hold onto me as if i was some sort of life line.

Yang came out, seemingly following me, and saw what i was doing making her eyes widen in shock and... jealously?

Ignoring her, i turned back to Y/N and held him close to me whilst rubbing his back with a sad smile on my face.

What did he have to do to be able to beat Adam...? It doesn't matter...

Me: You're safe now... it's okay...

Y/N's pov

I waited at the train station with Saiyaka as i leaned on my crutch, people passes us by as i watched Blake talk with Ilia.

Saiyaka: Are you sure you should be up?

Me: Yeah, i'm fine

Saiyaka: Is Blake gonna be okay?

Ilia hugged Blake as i watched her hug back making me smile

Me: Definately...

They parted before i hobbled over to them as Saiyaka followed along side me. Ilia gasped making Blake look to me as i fiddled with my bandages

Blake: Y/N! Why are you here and not resting?

Me: I wanted to see you off before you go to Argus

She nodded before turning her head away, i went over to her and cupped her chin making her jump before i pulled her into a kiss.

Blake's eyes widened but she quickly sunk into it and wrapped her arms around my neck.

We pulled away when we heard Saiyaka say "Ew" making us laugh slightly, Blake looked at me sadly but i kissed her forehead.

Me: Come back safe, okay?

Blake:... Yeah, okay

Parting i saw a sad look on her face but there wasn't much i could do for her, so i patted her shoulder

Me: Don't look so sad, i'll have Saiyaka and your parents to keep me company

Blake: I know but... i don't know how long i'll be gone for

Me: Then how about this...

I leaned in and whispered something into her ear which made her gasp and look at me suprised

Blake: A-Are you serious?

Me: Of course

As i began smiling, she nodded and wiped some tears that began forming in her eyes before she kissed my cheek

Blake: Well... guess i'll come home as quickly as possible

Me: You do that

She walked off and gave me a wave as i waved back as she walked to her team mates and onto the train.

Ilia: What did you tell her?

Me: Something... and now i need to save up

Ilia: For what?

Me: A ring...

(Lemme know what you think, also i had fun writing this story and hope you guys had fun reading it but i made the finale short because i couldn't think of anything else to put in it)

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