23.5 (Italy x Reader)

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*Reader-chan's P.O.V.*

I laughed as I watched Italy fall into the water. He was so adoroble sometimes~! We met after Japan decided to drag me to the Axis Powers meeting. I am (y/n), or more commonly called, (c/n). I loved being with the Axis! It was really fun! Well, when we weren't trapped on a deserted island and out of food it was fun. I wasn't as hungry as Germany and Japan, though. Italy would give me some of his food whenever he had it. He was so kind... and cute~ heh. I've been in love with that idiot since I first saw him. Just like him, my eyes are usually closed. I've only opened them once, and that was to Italy. I never knew their color, but he told me they were a beautiful shade of (e/c).

"Don't drown you idiot!" I shouted and chuckled.

"Don't-a worry, bella! I-a won't drown-a!" He called happily. I blushed slightly when he called me bella. It meant beautiful. I knew a good bit of Italian. Germany shook his head, as he usually does when Italy is up to his antics, but this time there was something else in that motion. Saddness, almost horror it seemed. Strange.

"Hey, (c/n), would you mind looking for some sharp sticks?" Japan asked with an almost sad expression.

"Uh, sure." I bounced up and walked into the forest leisurely but a dead weight had settled in the pit of my stomach, and I quickened my pace.

*Third P.O.V.*

Night had come and Italy had fallen into a joyful sleep. Germany and Japan subtly nodded to each other before quietly walking over to the Italian. They gently picked him up and quietly carried him to the ocean's shoreline and set him face down in the water. The ravenette pushed Italy's head under and held him there, while Germany looked away with eyes shut tightly. The small bubbles trailing from under the water became larger as Italy began to thrash around and attempt to get out of Japan's grip.

"Gomennesai, Italy." Japan said sadly as the bubbles ceased to rise and the Italian nation's limbs went still and limp. The two once again lifted the now waterlogged Italy and placed him on his spread jacket which was next to (c/n)'s. The blonde slumped and stared into the fire as if contemplating what they just did. Japan dreamily walked over to his katana and unsheathed it slowly with a 'shhhhhhink' sound. He then continued over to he Italian and gulped. Before he could make his incision, a horrified voice rang out across the beach.

"ITALY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING JAPAN!?" (c/n) had appeared out of the trees with sharpened sticks tied to her belt and tried to run over to Italy.

"Germany!" Japan sharply growled. The blonde was suddenly behind of the female nation and gripped her arm with one hand and put his gun to her head with the other.

"Pleaze don't move (c/n)! I vill have to zhoot yoo if yoo try to." Germany told (c/n) sorrowfully. (c/n) glared straight into his eyes with her closed ones as she struggled.

"You won't shoot me!" She snarled and broke from Germany's hands. She ran to Italy and pushed away Japan who quickly slashed her from her left shoulder to her right side before he fell. (c/n) grunted in pain and shook Italy over and over. "Italy! ITALY! ITALY, WAKE UP!" She soon collapsed next to him, falling onto her own jacket, and watched helplessly as Japan cut Italy open. (c/n) choked at the sight and tears began to collect from her own pain and her love's.

"Gomennesai Italy, (c/n)." Japan murmured sadly as he sighed and he cut what looked like liver out of Italy. He set it down on his own white jacket, which quickly became bloodied, and cut out another organ, a kidney. With this his hands became bloodstained and (c/n) bit back sobs.

"You're a monster. Both of you!" (c/n) whispered hoarsely as Germany skewered the liver and set it over the fire. It was silent as the liver slowly cooked and soon enough Germany took it away from the fire, handing it to Japan.

"Itadakimasu...." the ravenette said quietly and took a bite from the liver. (c/n) nearly gagged at the sight of this. How could they EAT their own FRIEND!? She understood the situation but if they needed food that badly she could've split her own three ways! A small voice made everyone stop what they were doing.

"Doi...tsu..? Bel..la....?" Italy whimpered.

"Italy!?" The girl cried from beside him and weakly turned her head to him.

"What's-a happening!?" He gave out a shrill yell. No matter what Germany said he couldn't make Italy quiet down so he tugged on his curl to make him momentarily shut up.

"Italy, ve-ve're in a bad zituation r-right nov, ve've run out of food. Ezeryone is hungry and ve're trapped on zhis izland. Japan and I had no choice." Germany explained. Italy calmed down and nodded sadly. (c/n) whimpered at his submission. He turned his head to her and smiled.

"Don't-a worry (c/n). Even if I-a go, I-a know you will-a follow." He said with a mournful undertone to his usually perky voice. She smiled as well and glanced at her own wound.

*Reader-chan's P.O.V.*

This wasn't right, what Germany and Japan were doing, but at least if I died I would die with Italy.

"Bella." He snapped me out of my thoughts as he spoke.

"Yeah?" I whispered. I felt myself fading. I didn't have long. Italy gently laid his cold hand on mine and leaned forward slightly. I met him halfway and our lips connected. I broke on the inside and salty tears rolled down my cheeks and across the bridge of my nose. We broke away and we looked at each other with our eyes open. His warm honey-gold ones staring into my (e/c) orbs.

"Ti amo..." I whispered as small smile sat on my face as I kept my eyes open and fell into darkness. The last thing I heard was a soft Italian accent whispering,

"Ti amo."

*Italy's P.O.V.*

I watched as (c/n)'s loving (e/c) orbs glazed over and her hand's grip on mine became limp. A few tears escaped as I turned my attention upward to the stars, keeping my own eyes open. I heard doitsu and Japan talking sadly. My hearing was fading but I heard a depressed Germany say over and over,

"I'm zorry! I'm zo zorry!" The stars reflected a light that I had only seen in my beloved (c/n)'s eyes. I felt myself slipping away and used my last few breaths to speak quietly,

"Amore mio, ti vedo... vedo i tuoi occhi.... fra le stelle.... io vengo... io vengo bella..."

My love, I see you... I see your eyes.... in the stars.... I am coming... I am coming beautiful...

--DONE! ANYONE ELSE CRYING? Pandora decided to play the two perfect songs for this, Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons and My Last Breath by Evanescence. GAH! Anyway, I put the original video as the video option so for any of you who haven't actually seen it, it's there, or you can look up Hetalia Episode 23.5 on Youtube. IT IS NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED!--

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