Your Wish Is My Command (Yato x Hiyori)

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Requested by @BriMicky101

*Hiyori's P.O.V.*

I skipped happily to my house at about 6 in the evening. Yato was letting me stay! It was the night after we defeated Rabo and I was SOOOOOO happy to be safe and still with Yato! He was so sweet! You wouldn't think so since he was a God of Calamity at one point but he's really just a big softie. I closed the front door behind me and called,

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" And bounced up the steps to my room. Bubbles of giggles erupted from me as I thought about the raven haired God. Sighing I reached my hand towards the ceiling and smiled. I loved everything about him. His ego, despite his lack of followers, his caring heart under a dark shell, and even the sweatsuit! Yato was just.... HE WAS JUST SO KAWAII! I squealed and rolled around from cuteness overload, ending with me falling off the bed and landing on my butt.

"Yeow!" I yelped and rubbed my sore butt, suddenly noticing my tail. Not again! I groaned and glanced at my body sprawled out on the floor. Sighing, I took my homework out of my bag and started working on it at my desk.

"67+z=192.55x-(-24.91)=K and x is equal to 421..." I muttered while biting my eraser. A buzzimg caught my attention. I grabbed my phone and picked up.


"Hiyori! Where are you?" A breathy but familiar voiced asked quickly.

"Yato? What's wrong? I'm at home." I said quickly.

"Get out of there!" He yelled feverishly. I was about to run out when I remembered my body.

"Yato my body! I'm in Phantom mode!" I told him.

"Dammit! I'll be right there!" He huffed and hung up. I ran outside whipped my head around, looking for the God.

"Hiyori look out!" A voice called and I whirled around to see a Phantom the size of a 18 wheeler. It was long, like a giant freak snake. It had two long red arms with jaded, footlong claws, and a flat, wide face. It was all dark blue, other than its arms, and its thin boney tail was tipped in a spear. I gasped as it shot towards me. I lept away, but it clipped my tail a bit, leaving a small cut on it. I screeched as pain wracked my body. Yato rushed up to me.

"Are you alright!?" He asked. I bit my lip from the agony, shaking my head.

*Yato's P.O.V.*

"Hiyori!" My blonde companion gasped. Dammit! Hiyori's tail got hit! I helped her lay down gently and turned to glare at the Phantom.

"Go to Hell!" I howled and slashed the demonic Phantom with Yukine's Sekki. It screamed and shot a boney tail tip at me. "Woah!" Barely dodging, I scowled as the snake Phantom dashed towards Hiyori. "Yukine!" I yelled. "Right!" His voice echoed as he placed a Borderline between them. It hissed as the demon tried to throw itself through and I took my chance. "You who would desecrate this land if the rising sun. With my advent, I, the Yato god... Lay waste with the Sekki... And expel thy vast defilement! Rend!" I commanded and cut through the rotting flesh of the creature with the same energy I used to defeat Rabo the other day. The beast wailed, shattered, and I quickly got back to Hiyori. This thing was after her in the first place, no doubt. I bit my lip as I waited for her tail to heal itself, if it could. I couldn't lose Hiyori, damn, I'd go back to being a God of Calamity if that happened. I'd be so horrified and angry. "Yukine." I whispered flatly as he appeared beside me.

"Will she be alright?" Yuki asked fearfully.

"I'm not sure. All we can do is hope." I told him with a sad monotone. As I spoke, though, the brunette stirred.

"Hiyori!?" I gasped as she woke up, sore, but alive.

"HIYORI!!" Yukine glomped the poor girl.

"Yato, Yukine! You guys saved me! Again.." She smiled sheepishly.

"Shut up of course I'd save you, I love you." I said matter-of-factly then slapped a hand over my mouth. Hiyori's eyes widened and Yukine accidentally stung me.

"Y-you... Love me?" She asked, almost to herself. I nodded with cherry coloured blush appearing on my frosty cheeks. Next thing I knew, there was a certain chocolate-haired girl that I just so happened to love on top of me. Yes I know how perverted you readers must be thinking right now and yes I just broke the fourth wall. Back to story, at that moment my face decided to become a tomato from Spain, and Hiyori looked like someone threw red paint on her for no good reason.

"Well, I-I love you too, Yato-gami!" I smiled happily as she threw her arms around my neck.

"That's all I ever wanted to hear." I whispered huskily in her ear and kissed the now strawberry-faced girl. She quickly melted into the kiss, and we only pulled away for air. DAMN YOU OXYGEN WHY TOU GOTTA BE SO RUDE!?

"Awwww KAWAII!" Yukine squealed like a little fangirl. I shot him a look.

"Watch what you're thinking, Yukine!" I warned and he gulped. I smirked and kissed Hiyori again, a little bit rougher but with just as much passion.

"I love you, Yato," Hiyori whispered. "May I make a wish?"

"Of course."

"Let me stay with you and Yukine forever."

I smiled. "Your wish is my command. But I still want 5 ¥." I cackled as she slapped my chest, yelling I had ruined the moment. Yuki was laughing along. All was right with the world.

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