Darkness (Scarian)

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this contains:

Panic attack

This takes place in season 7

Grian walked down the street of the shopping district, looking at the sky. The sun was starting to set and Grian's elytra has lost durability.

It was going to be a long walk.

Especially since Grian was scared of the dark.

Now, I know. That's pretty childish, and although Grian is technically the child of the server (man-child lol) he's very embarrassed about it. The only person he's told is Mumbo, but Mumbo isn't in Hermitcraft right now.

Grian started to panic.

The sun was nearly gone by now, and it was getting very dark. All the store's lights were off and pretty soon, Grian could barely see.

He sat by the Diamond tree, and lit a torch. He could hear mobs starting to spawn, but he was too scared to open his eyes. He just sat there, curled up
In a ball, hoping nothing and no one comes near or sees him.

Scar was looking for more materials for his base when he found the small hermit. He could tell, even from far away, that he was shaking.

As Scar walked closer, he could see that Grian had been crying. Scar felt pain for his fellow hermit, and wondered why he could be out this late, and why he was so upset.

Grian couldn't breath correctly. He kept hyperventilating, his vision blurred, and he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Why? Why must this happen to me?

He then felt a hand on his back. First, he was startled and thought it might be a zombie. Then he realized that if it were a zombie, it would've hurt instead of feel comforting.

He looked up and saw Scar with a concerned look on his face. "Gri.. are you okay?" His voice was calm. Grian couldn't help but smile at Scar's presence. "Y-yeah. Just.. uh.. scared" he choked. "Of what? Do you need help?" Scar frantically replied, worried for Grian.

Unfortunately, Grian had come to the point where he was too busy trying to breath to be able to talk. Scar seemed to notice this. "Hey, Gri, do you wanna go to my base? I'll help you calm down." Grian slowly nodded, pulling his legs away from his chest.

Scar helped him stand up, Grian still shaking and almost refusing to open his eyes. He was scared that as soon as he did, something would come get him and he'd be helpless.

"Hey, Gri.. you gotta open your eyes. You cant exactly walk if you can't see" Scar said, however it wasn't in a rude, mocking tone, how most people would imagine. He said it in a more calming and, I guess you could say, soothing tone.

"O-okay" Grian managed to say. He still couldn't bring himself to, however. Scar noticed. He stood in front of Grian and put his hands on his shoulders. "Gri, it's okay. Do you hear any monsters?" He asks him. Grian shakes his head no. "Do you hear other people around besides me and you?" Grian shakes his head no again. "See, you're okay" Scar reassures him.

Grian slowly opens his eyes, and looks directly at Scar. After a few seconds, he then looks around, taking in his surroundings. "C'mon Grian, I'll take you to my base." Scar says.



Scar opens the door to his base and leads a now calmer Grian inside. He sits him down on the couch and goes to turn on the lights. Grian smiles as he watches Scar walk back towards him.

"Mind telling me what happened, G?" He asks
Grian was still embarrassed, but he could tell Scar, right? "I dunno.. you sure you won't make fun of me?"
"And why would I do that?"
"It's stupid.."
"Nothing you do is stupid, Grian. C'mon tell me, i promise i wont make fun of you."
"You sure?"
"Of course"

So Grian told him, "Since I was a kid I had a crippling fear of the dark.. and just now I had a panic attack because I was alone and well, it was dark." Grian chuckled, it was pathetic.

Scar, however, thought differently. "Thats valid, actually. For as long as i can remember Ive been terrified of spiders"

Grian smiled, "hah, really?"

They talked for a bit longer, and Grian explained his elytra broke so Scar let him stay over.

"Here, you can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch" Scar started walking away, but Grian grabbed his wrist. "Nope, pretty people sleep in their own beds. Its the rules" he explained. "Hmmm, are you sure about that G-man? Or are you just tired?" Scar laughed. "Both" Grian shrugged.

Scar played along and slept in his bed, yet they stayed on opposite sides.

Lets just say, they definetly woke up cuddling.



ive had panic attacks for the same reason, Grian. Sucks, Doesnt it?

850 words :0

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