The benefits of dehydration (Scarian)

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This contains:

It doesn't take place in any season so pretend everything magically makes sense thank you

Grian has wings

Also all degrees are measured in Farenheight

(I want this to happen to me 😔...

Well besides the dehydration bc that happens all the time anyways lmao)

"Ugh it's so hot out" He groaned. "Why must it be hot on the one day I decide to finish the back of my base, huh?!" Grian yelled at no one in particular.
He walked down to his mess of a storage system and started looking for suitable blocks.

As he started building, Grian realized that it was probably unhealthy to be building when it's this hot. He checked his communicator and, for the first time in forever, watched Xisuma's weather forecast. "102 degrees!?" Grian repeated out loud. "Since when does it get that hot!? Where are we, the United States?"
Despite the heat, Grian decided to keep building. He is a workaholic after all. He promised himself that as soon as he finished, he would go inside and rest; however, Grian had been forgetting to drink water throughout the day because he was focused on building instead. Not to mention, he never ate breakfast either.

It was around 3 pm when he heard his communicator start dinging.

<MumboJumbo> has anyone seen Grian? I need to talk to him but he hasn't gone to town at all

<XisumaVoid> I haven't since yesterday

<Iskall85> me either

<ImpulseSV> nope

<MumboJumbo> huh okay

Grian decided to ignore it, it's not like it mattered if he was gone for one day. Another hour passes by at the speed of lightning, and Grian starts to feel very light headed.
No, I am going to finish this today.

He is determined to work on the back yard/ back wall of his base, and focusing as hard as he can while barely being able to think or see correctly. He knows he should stop, but he'd rather not. Rest can be a reward for this later.

Out of nowhere, he heard someone approaching in the air. With his mind being practically compromised, he assumed it was a phantom, even though it was day time. Out of instinct, and habit, he grabbed his sword and hit it, rather weakly because of his dehydration and lack of rest. "Woah, G you.. you don't look okay.." the person said. Grian's eyes still had to adjust to realize it was Scar. "Oh.. hey Scar" Grian managed. His voice was very raspy. More than normal.

"Grian have you just been building all day?"

Grian took a second to think about Scar's question, the dehydration was really messing with his mind.
"Yea, maybe since around 9 in the morning" he croaked.
"Oh stars! Have you taken any breaks"
"Errr no.."
"Grian!!! You havent eaten or drank anything for 8 hours!? And its 100 degrees outside! Thats not okay"
"I just really wanted to finish."
"Youre gonna be dehydrated! Come on, your coming to my base."

Scar grabs his arm, Grian wants to protest but decides not to. He is exhausted, anyway.
"Y'know Mumbo's looking for ya?"
"Yea I s-saw"
It was getting harder for Grian to speak the more he did.  The lack of water was really messing with his abilities.

Scar tries to pass him an extra elytra, but this is when Grian allows himself to protest, "no.. elytra is a b-bit uncomfy, I'll use my wings th-this time" Scar nods, and they take off.

They arrive at Scar's base, and he takes Grian to the backyard area. He has a cooling system there, so the temoerature is closer to 88°f than 100°f. Scar sits Grian down in a hammock he has in the back. Next to it, there is a table, umbrella, and Jellie is sitting on the ground.

"Dont move." Scar commands the shorter hermit. Grian shots him an annoyed look, but doesnt complain.

Moments later, Scar comes back with a glass of water and tells Grian to drink it. Grian hadn't really thought about it, but he was really thirsty. He took the water and after he was finished drinking it, set it down on the table. Scar walked away for a second to get Jellie's food and placed it down on the floor next to her. Scar just stood there for a minute, the three of them just sitting in the comfortable silence of the jungle biome.

When Scar started walking back towards the hammock to talk to Grian, he regretted waiting for Jellie to finish eating. She walked in front of him and tripped him, causing him to fall on top of Grian. The hammock nearly flipped them upside down, but the trees it was atrached to didnt even shake.

Grian swallowed hard as he felt his face heat up, and Scar froze.
Shoot, what the hell do I do now?!
He let out an awkward giggle and rolled onto his back. "Naughty Jellie" he said to his beloved cat, as she walked away with a proud look on her face. Grian tried to stifle his laugh but failed. "Grian!!" Scar laughed playfully.

Grian sat up a bit more and grabbed the water bottle again, drinking almost the entire bottle this time. He couldn't help but think, what if, even if just for an hour, he stayed and lay here, with Scar. He wanted to. Being in Scar's company made Grian feel safe. He was happy.

Scar felt the same, but kept pushing the thought out of his head due to embarrassment. He went to stand up, but didn't notice the weight on his legs and shoulder. Grian, half-asleep i might add,  had laid his head on Scar, and Jellie was sleeping in his lap.


Scar tried to kick Jellie off of him, and that definetley did not work. Then, he tried to see if Jellie would wake up if he just went ahead and stood up. He began to worry when she didn't move at all, but he still tried. To his surprise, Grian grabbed his hand, "no, stay please" the hermit mumbled.


Scar hadn't fully sat up yet, and currently was frozen in a very uncomfortable sort of half-sitting, half-standing, position, and he was a blushing mess.

The sun was started to set, and it wasn't as hot out as it had been before. With Jellie on his leg and Grian holding his hand, Scar realized he didn't really have a choice, so he laid back down in the hammock and sighed.


With Grian and Jellie both asleep, Scar could only lay there and question how he got into this mess. Part of him wanted to wake Grian up and tell him to go home, the other part wanting to just go to sleep and enjoy his company.
He chose the second option.

Well that took forever


[Grian POV]

I wake up and immediately realize I am not at home. As memories of yesterday evening slowly flow back to my mind, I find myself still laying with Scar in the hammock.. just... in a different position. Instead of just laying next to him, his hand is in my hair, I'm laying my head on his chest and my arm is around his shoulder. Jellie is laying between our legs, and my wings are slightly spread outside the hammock. I don't want to move. It's humiliating but I wish we could stay like this forever.

I shift in my place a bit, so that I can spread my wings out a bit more. I still feel a bit lightheaded. When I move my wings out, I feel Scar's hand move down from my hair to my neck.

Holy hell

"You're awake too?" He asks. "Yeah" I say, with a more disappointed tone than I meant to come out. He laughs a bit, god I love his laugh.

"I think Mumbo's probably still looking for you, y'know" he jokes.
"Ughhhhh i don't wanna gOoo"
"Grian you have to at some point"

I think it over.
"Hmph.. fine. Five more minutes."
He accepts my bargain, "okay fine, five minutes"

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