The Rift (scarian AU)

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This is part 1, im making 3 parts :]
Grian POV
"Hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft!! Today we're.. we're.. wait what the heck!?"
I tried to start the beginning of another hermitcraft episode when I was RUDELY interrupted by my rift. It's opened back up? I really dont have the mental capacity for another crossover event so I hope that's not what's happening.

"Eh, I could just reseal it with obsidian" I said to myself. I went to my chest monster and pulled out a stack of about 45 obsidian. "This should be enough" I think.

I fly back down to the portal and start to place down obsidian in front of it, but every time I place a new block, the one I placed before disappears!

"Ughh this is so infuriating!" I mumble. Not only did I lose seven pieces of obsidian, I can't close the rift!

I'm about to fly away to get someone to help me fix this when I hear a noise coming from the portal, and Grumbot's wires shifting around. I swiftly whip my head around, and my wings fluff up subconciously. I go pick up the piece of paper Grumbot dropped on the ground.
It read,
One last adventure, father.
I think you'll like this one ;)

I don't even have time to comprehend what that could possibly mean when I hear another noise from the Rift. I turn around again and see Scar.. but not elf Scar. It's Wizard Scar from a few seasons ago!?

I take a few steps forward and force myself to say, "hey.. Scar?"
"Oh, hello Grian! You look quite different!"

Wait it is Scar!! "Yeah uhm.. how did you get here?" I ask him. "I just walked through my portal at the Nether Hub and ended up here!"

Well this definetly shouldn't be happening.
He walks over and leans on my head. Scar does this all the time to show how short I am and it's very unnamusing but it makes him laugh so I guess it's fine. Sometimes.

I hear another noise from the Rift and both me and the wizard turn around to see what happened. Now it's two people, Myself and Scar.. but we look different. I looked like I was thirsty for blood, and Scar was completely colourless.. and shirtless. I felt my face slightly heat up at the sight.

"Scar, what the hell did you do!?" The other me yelled. "Uhh sorry, G... I think the nether portal got messed up.."

I was so confused, so naturally I asked, "What- or- who are you?"

"Oh my god Scar, what the hell!" The other me threw his hands up in the air and turned around, "I'm leaving"

"Oh, okay Grian!" The colorless Scar said, but intead of following that Grian, he walked closer to me. "Hey, you look familiar.. both of you do" he motioned to Wizard Scar. "That's cause I'm a different version of that other Grian I'm pretty sure, and you must be another version of-"
"Me!!" Wizard Scar interupted, "yeah, that."

"Cool, okay! So uh, are you guys dating like me and my Grian are?"
My face went cherry red when he said that.
Apperently, so did the wizard's.
"NO!" We both screamed in unison, my voice cracked really badly. I think the colorless Scar realized that meant I was embarrassed. He giggled before asking, "he isn't your Scar, is he? Theres another one here for sure!"

"I- uh- yeah there's another Scar here"
Just as I said that, the Rift sounded again. I turned to see Scar from Boatem in season 8!
Jesus Christ, how many Scars are there?!

"Is he your Scar?" The colorless Scar asked eagerly. "Nope." I responded, "You're closer though."

"Hey uhh.. why are there so many of me? And why exactly is there a huge robot that creepily resembles Mumbo Jumbo?" He asked.

"Wow I'm surprised your first question wasn't 'how did I get here'?" I remarked.

"Oh yeah that too"

Wizard Scar cut in with "I wanna go find your Scar!!" And started to run away, but I grabbed his wrist and said "Nope! We are definetly not doing that!"
I mentally slapped myself for letting out a nervous giggle, practically giving away what I was hiding. "Ugh fine" Wizard Scar said, fortunately clueless. Just as I though I was overreacting, colorless Scar coos, "ooohhh I know what's going onnnn" and Boatem Scar catches on fast.

I know I'm blushing hard, but I try to keep my cool.

"You and your Scar aren't dating.. but you liiiiikkkeee himmm" they hummed.

"Ugh shut up" I mumble, turning away.

"Awwwww" they all said in unison.

There was a moment that something seemed to click in all of their brains, and they all smiled slyly at each other before Wizard Scar flipped his wrist out of my hand and intertwined our fingers. Colorless Scar walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my chest and rested his head on my shoulder.

My brain just about short circuited, and my wings- though tucked away- fluffed up like crazy. Boatem Scar walked up to me, grabbed my hand, and kissed it like a prince does to a princess in movies, "just go for it, love" he whispers.

If I wasn't already blushing, I would be so red now.

Colorless Scar kisses my cheek, and Wizard Scar nuzzles his face into my hair.

"Okay, okay fine!! ..I'll tell my Scar I'm in love with him, okay!?" I practically screeched. They all retreated and Boatem and Wizard Scar stood in a line in front of me, with the colorless Scar still behind me.  "finally, we've been waiting for years!" Boatem Scar exclaimed, "I know right!" Wizard Scar said, fist bumping Boatem Scar.

This is such a confusing day.

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