For Now

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     "So, where does it hurt" Serena questioned Ash. "Everywhere" he said. "A little more specific?" she said with a grin. "oh... yea" ash grinned back "well mainly in my head and slightly on my side". Serena inspected his body. His head most likely got hit on the fall, and that's what knocked him out. But his side, she hadn't noticed anything there.

     She rolled him over onto the side he said didn't hurt to get a better look. Ash let out a slight whimper of pain as she did so. Then, she realized what had happened. His cloths seemed a little sticky and darkened. She soon realized this was blood. Lodged in his side, was a sharp and nasty looking black rock.

     She at first was in shock. Ash was hurt... bad. But then, she realized what she must do. She looked through her backpack, finding a small first aid kit. The only problem was the band-aids were tiny. It did have some disinfectant in it which would help clean the wound. She just needed a bandage.

     The perfect material would have been a long piece of some type of cloth. Of course she didn't have that, or did she? Serena looked over at the balloon that they had chased over the cliff in the first place. As she stood up to walk over to the balloon, she heard ash make a small noise. She realized that he must be in a lot of pain.

     The normal ash would be trying to shake off his injures, but these, these were ones he couldn't just shake off. She crouched by the balloon, pulling out a small pear of scissors began to cut a long strip. This should be enough, she thought holding on to a long strip of about a meter or so.

     She sat by ash. "This is gonna hurt" she whispered to him. She tore out the piece of rock that was stuck in his side. He jerked his whole body with the motion, feeling pain coursing through him. Serena knew she had to work quickly. She began to dump the disinfectant onto the wound, seeing him cringe even more. After that, she wrapped the bandage around him many times, before knotting it off tightly.

     This will have to do, she thought... for now.

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