The Invasion from Below Rant

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I'm in the mood for ranting about the final installment of Hero Factory and how it felt like a middle finger.

Inspired by the most recent conversation with Gacha_Wolfie_UwU and how we both practicality hate the so called ending of Hero Factory.

And yes, I took it personally.

How the mechs are introduced:

They just come out of nowhere, like "we have these giant mechas now, look child, buy them and ignore the fact that we don't have our signature weapons anymore" with no explanation, this also leads to.

Character assassination, both physically and mentally:

This ain't Alpha Team, you can't convince me that this is Alpha Team no matter how hard you try.

Nex and Stringer were given mercy for not being included this time around as I don't want to imagine what the writers would have done with them.

The characters are random a— robots that share the same names with similar designs, them not having their signature weapons doesn't help either.

The biggest physical offenders are Furno and Surge in my opinion.

Furno no longer has his yellow eyes, they were kept throughout the ENTIRE series up until that point.

Surge no longer has his yellow face, just like Furno, that was kept for the entire series up until that point.

As a wise person who made a somewhat popular video about Hero Factory said "Plus, THIS. WAS. NOT. OKAY." While zooming in on IFB Surge's face without a helmet.

Mentality wise, it's practically everyone.

The absolute worst example is Breez, in my opinion, as she was completely okay with exterminating the beasts.

Isn't her whole thing about nature, most specifically animals?

WHY?!?! Oh wait...the plot must plot.

The beasts:

The antagonists of the wave as we all know, the third wave of animal antagonists in the series too.

They didn't really seem that malicious to me as the only reason they attacked was because they had their territory intruded on and were disturbed, simply the animalistic behavior to defend themselves and their territory.

Well... until you count them going up to Antropolis City and getting exterminated.

Their extermination doesn't work for me because in the previous episode, the heroes let the fauna go after releasing them from the brains' control, I'm not even bringing Savage Planet into this as you know what it's about.

Here, they don't even TRY to find out why they're attacking and just kill them on sight.

Even at the end, they're not going "oh wait...we just possibly drove an unknown species to extinction without completing analyzing the situation" and joking about it instead.

The cliffhanger:

Why, just WHY?

We already have the Breakout cliffhanger(though one can assume that it was the mysterious villain that made the Brain parasites) with the possibility of the Villain Factory, the Brain Attack cliffhanger(s) with the remaining Brain parasites and their creator(referred as the "Dark Creator" in this book) still being out there to plan another assault on the Hero Factory.

If you count the secret mission books, there is yet another.

There are a group of governments secretly planning to destroy the Hero Factory from the shadows.

Compared to those, the IFB cliffhanger lacks any form of menace as it is just a single pod attached to the drop ship.

Wouldn't the "heroes" just destroy the pod and kill the last beast?

Again, why another cliffhanger? This is the last installment of the franchise so a cliffhanger is absolutely pointless.

The continuity:

Or lack there of.

We all know the continuity of Hero Factory with Breakout bringing it all together and Brain Attack with the statues(rip Stringer).

IFB doesn't have any, no mention of the brains or the breakout, the only considerable sliver is mentioning the Assembly Tower and not even showing it.

Nitpicks because why stop now:

Bulk's machine has so much orange that it could be considered Nex's machine.

The animation and models are a downgrade from previous installments and feels less alive.

An example can be comparing this episode to the Rise of the Rookies quartet.

In ROTR, you can see the scuffs and dirt in and on the armor of the models, as well as chipped paint, and if you look closely, you'll be able to see that certain gear parts continuously spin on the models, the pic below is an example on the type of piece, they are also less vibrant than IFB.

Meanwhile, the models of IFB don't seem to have any texture outside of the scales on the beasts and minimal shading, and no other interesting features other than MS Paint basic colors level of vibrancy, not in a good way, may I add.

The only good thing:

The sets, I like their designs, they are actually pretty fun and offer great parts though I only have Furno's Machine, Rocka's Machine, Splitter Beast, Crystal Beast, and the Queen Beast.

The sets sadly don't scream "final wave/battle whoo" to me though, at least it wasn't BIONICLE STARS.

Note: yeah, I hadn't seen that episode in over 8 months and I'm just going off what I remember from the top of my head and my stubborn self still refuses to watch it again as I only watched it once and want the time I wasted back.

Random information that no one needed to know: During the entire time of writing this, I was(or still am) in the airport.

I'm calling this "my pettiness knows no bounds 2.0."

If you're wondering why "2.0."

This, this is why.

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