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Surge: (wrapped with a tortilla blanket) I'm a buwitto, I'm a buwitto! And I'm gonna commit arson!
(Siren and Rocka who walked into the main room)
Siren: What the?


Siren: (looking at the Steam website) Why the fuck is Black Ops 2 still sixty fucking dollars?!


(In the training room in the mansion)
Surge: She stopped working out last week, she's weak!
Siren: (being pinned by Bulk) I was sad!
(Ruth wheezes at that on the sidelines in dog form)


Zib: Good morning fuckers!
(Siren and team froze hearing him swear)
Zib: Repeat after me, my anxiety is delicious but this coffee is vicious. (Realizes) No wait, reverse that.
Ruth: (was drinking a hot chocolate) What-
Siren: ...... I'm taking your coffee privileges Zib.


Siren: Evo fire a warning shot!
Evo: Siren this is an M32 Grenade Launcher-
Siren: Ah potato potato, just fire it Evo!
(The rest of the team laughing at that)


Furno: (sent this video to Surge) Follow your dreams bitch! I love agressive positivity. Hey you! Your fucking wonderful! I love you and your a beautiful butterfly who deserves love bitch!
(Siren, who's recording the video for him, laughs at that)


POV: Frustrated Dad
(May hit feels for ya')

Siren: (has her head in her knees as she sits on the floor) I'm just not important.
Stormer: (growls as he then punches the wall) Alright that's enough!
(The team and Siren jumped at him punching the wall)
Stormer: (At Siren) You are important, and at this very moment you are the most important person of my life! Not because of Pity, but because you are here existing in my life.
(Siren and the team were silent as the listened and watched)
Siren: Dad-
Stormer: (cuts her off as he sits in front of her) Have you just thought that maybe, that every inch of YOUR existence is the most important of someone else's life?! How does a plant grow without the rain, how does the boat move without the wind, how does the britter night break without the sun! (Takes a breath) You are in important element of nature, that the world relies on to exist!
(Siren is still silent)
Stormer: And maybe you don't see it, (starts to tear up) But I do, I do...
(Siren just stares at him as a tear leaves her eye)


Stormer: Wait, are you wearing a bra?
Siren: No I took that thing off, it was getting in the way of my girls.
Stormer: Siren, I'm telling you to put a bra on this instant!
Siren: I refuse! My mellons were meant to be free!
Stormer: Siren, stop this stupidness!
Siren: (who embraces being stupid, dancing a bit) I jiggle if I want to, I can leave my bra behind! My girls can bounce 'cause if they don't bounce well their no boobs of mine!


(Bulk sent this to Siren)
Bulk: I need a tire!
(Stringer throws a small tire behind the camera)
Bulk: That's a tiny tire! (Catches it and throws it into the dirt) What the fuck!
Bulk: (runs past the camera with a normal truck tire) Easy! (Runs past again in another clip) One tire! (Runs past again in another clip with a second tire) Two tires! (Runs past again in another clip with three tires) Three tires! (Video clips again showing Bulk in front of the camera) I don't get tired! (Throws tire at camera)
(Siren is laughing at that)


Siren: I will never understand, why companies will not give women decent sized pockets! What are they afraid we're gonna put in there?! Wage equality, Nuclear Codes, the location of the Cliterai, COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA?!
(The team, Zib and Thresher in the main room who heard that)
Breez: Why is that normal to hear Siren vent of?


POV: Minecraft Hunger Games with some of the team, Toa & Turaga

Siren: We need to kill Zib before he gets to powerful!
Furno: What do you mean before he gets to powerful? He's Zib he's old, A STRONG BREEZE WOULD KILL HIM!
Zib: (hogging the chests in the game at the main spawn) OUR CHESTS! (Hits Surge's character back) NO!
(Vakama is literally barking at them)


POV: Stormer has low resistances

Stormer: (making Nuggets for Siren) Don't try, don't try it hard. (Gets burned through his mitten) OW SON OF A BITCH! GOT ME RIGHT THROUGH THE GOD DAMN MITTEN! OOOOOH LORD! That's gonna blister. Ooooh, you little rascal you chicken nugget. Oooof, that's gonna smart. (Calls for Breez) BABE! I need Coco Butter.
(Breez is laughing in the main room with Siren)


Siren: (to the team) Listen, all I'm saying is, it's not my fault you thought I was normal! You had plenty of time and more than enough clues to figure that shit out on your own!


(Siren is on the floor of the hallway as she has her plush in her arms while singing quitely having a Dislocated moment hearing her biological parents yell at each other as Stormer and Furno are at her sides with the team watching in worry trying to snap her back)

Ayyyye finished this before 5am US timezone let's go!

Also my Gacha variants for RP!Me and Human form Ruth!

Duo together

(Was gonna make these for those Hero Factory Hero cards I found a fanart of on Bing(originally saw them of Stormer and Furno)but forgot I did not have the required app for it. Also please pretend that there's an ice blue streak next to the red one)

And Ruth human form!
I did add his tail bc he sees the extra limb thing RP!Me/Siren does is very helpful with a tail!

Later hoes! I must try to sleep now!

Also I apologize Wolfie if I don't reply to RP Replies immediately I'm ether asleep, in the car or in the bath

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