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Song In Media: World is Mine by Hatsune Miku

POV: Surge is a Chocolateholic

Siren: Oh my God who's gonna eat a brownie that big?
(The brownie in question fit a small pie pan and had M&M's in it)
Surge: That would be my fat ass.
Siren: (wheeze)


POV: Berix Why?

Berix: (outside in a thunderstorm as he picks a large stick up) Strike me down Zeus!
Gresh & Kiina: (wheezing nervously)
Berix: You don't have the balls!
Ackar: (having to parent those three to get them to listen to him) BERIX! KIINA! GRESH! GET BACK INSIDE RIGHT NOW!


POV: One of Siren's teachers

(Siren was in class with one of her favorite teachers)
(Siren and the rest of her class jump at that)
Teacher: (completely forgot where he was going with the lesson) I dropped my brain.


Moondrop: You can't spell basement without semen!
Moondrop: Until we meet again!


Serena: Here's the thing you need to know about being my friend. I will make fun of you relentlessly, but the minute someone else makes fun of you I will rip their soul right out of their mortal body and yeet it over into the abyss, so your protected just not from me.


POV: In one of Siren's classes

Teacher: (starts having a coughing fit) I think Satan is choking me.
Siren: (jokingly) Oh sorry.
(The teacher stops coughing after that)


Zib: We got a box, we are going to put everything we love inside the box.
Furno: Can I put Siren in the box?
Siren: Heh?
Zib: No.
Stormer: Can I put Siren in the box?
Siren: Heh?!
Zib: Also no.
Surge: Can I put Siren-
Bulk: Can we just stuff Siren in the box already?
Surge: Wouldn't that mean you'd have to admit to actually tolerating Siren?
Bulk: I'm not following mom's rules bro-
Surge: Put Siren in the box.
Bulk: Yes oh sleep deprived lordship.
Nex & Evo: What?!
Surge: Okay, I did NOT tell him to add that part.
Breez & Rocka: Bullshit!


Siren: (out bra shopping with Reala, reads a tag on one) Boning for support.
Reala: It's not friends with benefits, it's Boning for support.
Siren: (wheezes at her boyfriend)


Your favorite character is just a gender bent you
Me: (favorite characters are Reala and Meta Knight) HOW-


POV: These siblings

Thunder: (playing along, clutches chest) OAUGH, YOU GOT ME!
(Thunder pretends to die)


POV: This Trend from TikTok

Serena: (in her closet with her knees to her chest) Corroder?
Corroder: (on her bed as he sits there so she can calm down) Hm?
Serena: Am I monster?
(Corroder got off the bed and went over to her as he rested his forehead against hers)
Corroder: Your beauty never scared me.


Stacey: I made you independent!
Siren: You gave me the worst amount of mental issues of both families.


(Siren notices Bulk near the basement)
Siren: What are you doing Duncan?
Bulk: There's something down there.
(A growl like noise is heard)
Siren: Look I'm white but I ain't THAT white your on your own Duncan. (Runs off)


Aria: (holding her cat while petting him) Who's a good kitty Snowy?
(Snowy let out a meow at that)
Thresher: Wow.
Aria: He's a good boy.
Thresher: No I thought you went by kitty.
Aria: (Aria.EXE has stopped working)
Zib: Kirk really?
Thresher: What?


POV: Actor AU

(Voice check stuff)
Director: Can you say something to see if the mic is working?
Siren: YOU! Solider! Your outta uniform! Put on some pants!
Stormer: I'm gonna do something Siren showed me hold on. (Clears throat, horrid Goofy impression) Heya, (looses it) Fuck. (Laughs) I can't do that shit.
Furno: I can't even do my own voice what the hell? (Laughs)


POV: Monster AU

(Siren was awake in the middle of the night as she sat on the couch on her laptop doing a paper for school)
Furno: (in his normal monster form, walks past the couch) Hey Stormer, hey Siren.
Stormer: (watching Siren do her paper) Hey.
Siren: Hey mom.
(Furno pauses as he and Stormer look at her for that)
Siren: What?


POV: Mermaid/Pirate AU

(Siren sat on a barrel on deck of the ship before she looked up noticing a messenger dove making her hold her hand out to it allowing it to rest on her hand as she took the note from it)
Stormer: (notices) From him again?
Siren: Yup!
(Siren smiled after reading the letter then patted Ruth's head making him look up)
Siren: Can you fetch me my writing stuff bud?
(Ruth stood up with a bark as he ran off to Siren's quarters then came back with some parchment, a quill and a bottle of ink which Siren took from him and immediately began to write on the parchment)
(Siren gave Ruth a treat as she waited for the ink to dry then rolled the letter up and placed it back in its tube, carefully tying it to the doves leg)
Siren: (pets the dove) Thank you very much.
(The dove let out a coo as it flew off)
Stormer: I'm still a bit hesitant of him.
Siren: I know father, but as long as I'm happy you know? (Fiddles her locket)
Stormer: True...


POV: Student/Teacher AU

[Back then]
Siren: (bouncing her leg up and down due to her ADHD)
Teacher: Sit still Miss Parham!
Siren: (struggling not to bounce her leg)
Zib: (notices, sighs) Miss Parham.
Siren: (flinches at that)
Zib: If you need to pace around the room go ahead and do so.
Siren: (looked up surprised at that)

Aye! Somewhat been a while I suppose

Heres the Mermaid/Pirate AU Siren!

Siren is a mermaid who lives life on land after escaping her abusive mother and was adopted by Stormer and Furno who are two pirates, they don't know she's a mermaid at all
Siren's tail still has serious damage to it from her mother's abuse and her swimming for weeks on end to get away from her and hasn't had a chance to patch it up or let it heal
Siren has a hairpin at her bangs which the colors for the feathers represent Stormer, Furno and Reala
Reala in this is a human but a prince and messages Siren whenever the ship is docked and also gave Siren a golden locket with an R engraved on the front
Their not dating though, just hard core crushing
Siren prefers to be barefoot the most since if she ever needed to turn back to a mermaid she won't have the hassle with shoes
Ruth in this is a normal dog in this but like the other non main AU's is practically immortal
Bruh legit already had RP thing he didn't even get hurt slightly jumping from a docked ship to the ground like nothing
Siren has a scale pattern on her back which is usually hidden by her hair but when people ask she lies it's a tattoo

It's late now, my phone is on low battery and I wanna play some Stardew Valley before bed

Later hoes!

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