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Oh hey! Number 60 of this mess!

God I need an actual life at times

Song in Media: Gales of Song from Belle English Version

POV: Siren has a new weapon

Siren: Check this out. (Spins a pink yoyo around on her finger)
Stringer: (raises a brow) A Yoyo?
Siren: Watch.
(Siren spun the yoyo a bit longer before she wrapped it around a blank hero making the main part of the yoyo slice up the blank hero into several pieces like a hot knife through softened butter)
The team:


POV: Something of Irl Friends
[I have three irl friends and that's it]

Me: I remember showing Lexi a photo of Sebastian from Black Butler and she begged me to delete it because she was about to whistle.
Lexi: (Trans MtF friend) L-Listen-
Cres: (Practical sister like Lexi who's Pansexual and Polysexual) I don't blame her, Sebastian is hot.
Spencer: (The parent friend and oldest of us) He's a 2D character and a demon the fuck guys?!


Nebula: Don't be mad at me but my arms are actually bigger than yours.
Purge: I am compact, okay! I know I'm small, but that doesn't mean I'm not strong, okay mother fucker?!


Thunder: (has some tears in his eyes)
Meltdown: Dude you okay?!
Thunder: I-I'm fine...
Kayra: .... (Grabs their gloves, walks off) Someone made my brother cry, do da, do da. That someone is gonna die. Oh be do da day.
Serena: (running after them with Corroder) KAYRA NO!


POV: Monster AU

Siren: (16, brushing her teeth in the bathroom as she's in her pajamas to relax from work and school)
Nex: (from the hall) Do you know, the Muffin Man?
Siren: (grins at the memory when she first got along with them) The Muffin Man?
(Siren laughs as she continues to brush her teeth with Breez watching over her shoulder)


Kayra: (literally still a kid but grew up too fast bc they were on the bad side of the Foster System)
Thunder: (whatever accident he had in life before he became a villain made him act as he does but have times he's like an actual child)
Meltdown: (Will not hesitate to commit several offenses and break several laws if someone ever dared to hurt his two siblings)


Zib: Genuinely curious what everyone's kinks are.
Surge: .... The hell made you want to ask that-
Siren: I am proud to admit I have a fucking Voice Kink of my kinks!
Stormer: ... What the-


NiGHTS: Dude I have no clue why your so scared of Siren's parents.
Reala: Unlike you, I have to worry of winning over my partners parents. Kiina's are dead so you got lucky, meanwhile I have to deal with Stormer, Virus and Furno and I am absolutely terrified of fucking up one single thing that they'll make me break up with Siren when she's legit the only thing keeping me sane still.


Siren: If your parents are upset you didn't turn out they way they wanted you to. Remember, you don't exist to please your parents, you exist to spite GOD!


Siren: (places a sticker on the bathtub in the mansion that reads Perfect For The Toaster)
Zib: Kid no.
Siren: (groans in annoyance)


POV: If Alpha team went to Dave & Busters

Rocka: What's the most expensive thing here of the tickets?
Siren: The fucking Roomba.
Black Phantom: What the fuck-


POV: These Villians

Nebula: If your happy and you know it clap your hands!
(No one in the living room of the Villian base aka Serena, Corroder, Purge, Thunder, Meltdown, XPlode and Rotor, didn't react at that)
Nebula: Damn y'all depressed as fuck.
Serena: You didn't clap either.
Nebula: Shut up!


POV: Monster AU(again)

Siren: (showing something to Breez) I got this.
(Siren spun the Toilet Paper roll a bit making an audio play from it)
Item: I don't like them putting chemicals in the water, that turn the freaking frogs gay!
Breez: (wheezes)


Furno: (not used to being a team leader) I don't know what to do, I need an adult! (Realizes) I am an adult. I NEED AN ADULTIER ADULT!


Corroder: (walking past in the hall) Hey Thunder, hey Kayra.
Kayra: Hey dad.
Thunder: Sup dad.
(The three immediately pause at that)
Thunder: (confused) What?
Kayra: You called Corroder dad.


POV: When Reala spends the night with the heroes unannounced

(Stormer poked his head in Siren's room from the cracked open door and rose a brow seeing Reala in bed with Siren as he held onto her as if she would vanish if he'd let go in his sleep while Siren had her face buried in Reala's side and her plush Tigger)


Corroder: Is there a reason to this?
(Serena was straddling Corroder's lap with a blanket over her)
Serena: Because I crave attention from you!
Corroder: (snorts, pokes her nose) Sure.
Serena: (squeaks at that) S-Shush!


POV: Monster AU Reunion


A currently twenty two year old Siren sighed as she rubbed her eyes after walking in her apartment and greeting her dog Ruth with some head scratches as she came back from University classes. "God I wanna yeet myself into the void." She mused to herself aloud. Siren went to her bedroom remembering the choirs she never got a chance to do before classes and had to go through some stuff in her room.

She went through some boxes under her bed before noticing a small wooden box she recognized vaguely. Siren was confused as she pulled it out from under the bed "Huh.". She sat on her knees as she opened the box which played a soft tune(video above) and noticed a familiar looking necklace inside it and carefully looked it over. The necklace was a flat pendant of silver in a disk shape as one half was a baby blue and white while the other half was red and yellow but seemed to be a single necklace, the white and red of the necklace joint together in an H that was in the pendant.

Siren carefully brushed her fingertips against the pendant before slipping it on as the music from the box stopped playing. "OW!" A loud thud was heard along with a pained males voice under her bed making Siren grab the knife she had between her mattress and box spring as she looked under it noticing a familiar red monster with yellow golden eyes rubbing his head under her bed. "Furno?" The monster perked at that and shot his head to Siren as she dropped her knife in shock.

"Y-You see me again?" He asked in disbelief as tears flooded his eyes seeing Siren nod in yes. Furno didn't hesitate as he reformed from under the bed to next to Siren and immediately hugged her tightly which Siren immediately hugged him back. "I missed you mom..." Siren said in her tears.

Ehhhh number sixty and I have no life as per usual!

Bro I can't even continue a drawing I'm loosing motivation to even live at this point more than normal

I'ma go now

Later hoes!

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