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Song In Media: She Keeps Me Up by Nickelback

POV: he fucking dead

XPlode: (managed to piss off Serena) DON'T LET HER HURT ME! (Voice went high at the end)
Serena: (being held by Purge over his shoulder to hold her back as she lashes to XPlode's direction, southern kicks in) I'm not gonna hurt ya', I'm just gonna beat ya' till you can't breath no more! COME 'ERE BOY!
(The villians watching which were Nebula, Corroder and Rotor laughed at that as Purge sighed)

Yes reference to Bashr, Rip Watermelon King


Bulk: I just read that suppressing your emotions could lead to memory loss.
Stormer: ... Bulk, what the-
Siren: (holding a can of Dr Pepper) That would explain why I don't remember a lot of my childhood moments.


POV: Siren's Witchy Jar Threats

Shadowzone: (being an asshole & bully as normal)
Siren: (summons a jar in her hands as her nails tap the bottom) That bitch is dead. That bitch is dead. That bitch is dead, going-
Zib: (takes Siren's jar) No hexes Siren.
Siren: (wines) Grandma.


POV: Siren hates being in public

(Alpha team is in a club)
Siren: (hugs Stormer's arm)
Stormer: Kid-
Siren: (used up her social battery for the day and can't handle all the energies around her) I wanna go fucking home, I wanna go fucking home.
(Stormer pats her head)
(Stormer was carrying Siren in a similar hold of a small child)
Stormer: I'ma get her home, (walks off) see ya' guys.
Siren: (half asleep) No, no no no... (Drifts back off)
Stormer: (chuckling as he pats Siren's head) Yes.


No one:
Absolutely No One:
Siren whenever she's in Zib's part of Mission Control: (spinning in his spinny chair endlessly)
Mr.Makuro: (was talking to Zib then noticed Siren) Zib-
Zib: I'm fully aware what Siren's doing.


POV: This family

(Siren and Surge were in longer little spaces than normal so the team went to a park)
(Thresher is on a wheel thing with Siren and Surge that spins/acts like a hamster wheel)
Thresher: (when it starts moving and has his hands on the "roof" of it to stand, panicking) Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit! OH SHIT! (Gets off immediately as he can) NO NO NO!
(Zib is struggling to not laugh)


Corroder: (enters the backyard and looks around before noticing Meltdown) Meltdown have you seen Serena?
Meltdown: (points in a direction) Over there.
(Corroder looked and rose a brow seeing a pile of plants in a spot)
Corroder: Uh-
Meltdown: Hey mom! Corroder needs ya'!
(The pile of plants moved a bit before Serena sat up from under them as they retracted into the ground but there was some flowers in her hair and one on one of her horns while they glowed)
Serena: What's up?


Siren: You know what would help you from walking in on Bulk and Stringer of their stuff Mark?
Surge: What?
Siren: There's a thing called, KNOCKING!


POV: Siren and her sides

Rocka: So who's fronting today?


POV: Idk anymore I justed wanted to do this

???: Mata, here's your bitch back. (Gives Mata Nui Makuta)
Mata Nui: ... Thanks Jesus.


POV: Their Song


Serena & Corroder: (singing) I sense there's something in the wind
That feels like tragedy's at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that I have
The worst is just around the bend
And does he notice my feelings for him?
And will he see how much he means to me?
I think it's not to be
What will become of me, dear friend?
Where will my actions lead us then?
Although I'd like to join the crowd
In their enthusiastic cloud
Try as I may, it doesn't last
And will we ever end up together?
No, I think not, it's never to become
For I am not the one
My dearest friend, if you don't mind
I'd like to join you by your side
Where we can gaze into the stars
And sit together now and forever
For it is plain as anyone can see
We're simply meant to beI sense there's something in the wind
That feels like tragedy's at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that I have
The worst is just around the bend
And does he notice my feelings for him?
And will he see how much he means to me?
I think it's not to be
What will become of me, dear friend?
Where will my actions lead us then?
Although I'd like to join the crowd
In their enthusiastic cloud
Try as I may, it doesn't last
And will we ever end up together?
No, I think not, it's never to become
For I am not the one
My dearest friend, if you don't mind
I'd like to join you by your side
Where we can gaze into the stars
And sit together now and forever
For it is plain as anyone can see
We're simply meant to be.

This is fit for these two okay?!


POV: You run into your parents in traffic

Siren: (was in a traffic on her bike in Mako Hero City then notices a familiar car making her get off her bike and run to it as she opened the passenger door) Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and savoir Jesus Christ?
Stormer: (was driving) Jesus fucking Christ kid.
(Furno was passenger and was trying not to laugh)


Siren: I had a weird thing I've wanted to do for years.
Zib: What?
Siren: I've always wanted to go to a Build-a-Bear Workshop and get a plush there despite how expensive they can be. It's something I've always wanted because kids when I was younger seemed to all have one plush from there minus me. Which was a rub in fact that always reminded how shit my biological family was when it came to giving gifts to me, who would spend thousands of dollars on my siblings and ignore me.


Furno: Hey Siren what do you want from McDonald's?
Siren: I didn't bring any money with me.
Furno: ... I didn't ask if you have any money, I asked what you wanted.
Siren: .... (starts tearing up happily as her tail wags) A ten piece.... Love you.


POV: One of Siren's technical kids

Bulk: (looking down at Miko) Uh, I don't know why Siren said to be scared of you honestly.
Ruth: Your fucked Duncan.
Bulk: Huh-
Miko: (seemingly magically had taken out two empty Pringles cans and stuffed her arms up to her elbows in them) I HAVE THE POWER OF GOD AND ANIME ON MY SIDE! (Screams as she chases Bulk)

Photo/gif for those who need it of Miko at the end


Siren: This is what happens when your brother like familiar and your mom have similar wavelength energy.
(Ruth was standing on Furno's lap and stomach in his normal/dog form as the two had their foreheads pressed together as they started at each other silently)


Quaddle: [So Shadowzone pissed Siren off earlier.]
Stormer: (Worried) How-
Siren: I'm so mad I could swallow gun powder and two bullets, eat a chaloopa, take off my britches, lay on my back, spread my ass cheeks, fart and drop a deer from a hundred yards.


Bombarda: Roses are red, bees live in a hive. If you are British, you are probably stuck on-
Reala: The fucking M-Twenty FIVE!

This is a joke to Reala in Journey of Dreams having a British accent from his voice actor Casey Robertson


Siren: (was about to get shot by Rotor)
(Rotor got his hand shot by a fire round making him yell as he held his wrist then saw Stormer(Virus) and Furno in protective stances in front of Siren in parental sense and looked like they were about to skin Rotor alive)
On a scale from one to ten my friend your fucked


Most of Siren's biological family: Hard Core Christians who are homophobic and transphobic
Siren/Me: Full out Pagan and Deviation Witch


Rotor: XPlode your an ass.
XPlode: You are what you eat Rotor.
Rotor: (starts laughing) That was pretty good!
XPlode: Thanks I worked hard on that!


Kayra: Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep little Blaze Boy.

Idk, heard it from LDShadowLady of Origins SMP so I had to


POV: They got kidnapped again

Siren: Bullshit. Don't tell him nothing mom, dad-
Kidnapper 1: Shur up kid! You're lucky I don't hit girls!
Siren: Me neither, but for you I'd make an acception! oOoOO!
Stormer & Furno: (join in) oOoOO!
Kidnapper 2: Enough!
Siren: (does it quietly) oOoOO....


Serena: I am a being of pure chaos! Powered by SPITE and ANTI DEPRESSANTS! Who's problem shall I be today?!
V.Boss: Serena, please no-


Surge: Kid when did you get a new tattoo?
Siren: Only recently, (shows it to them) See?
(Siren's new tattoo was on her left wrist which said "ADHD Highway to- Hey look a squirrel!")
Bulk: .... We need to get Rocka one.
Rocka: Hey!


POV: Besties

Siren: (on the couch with a blanket while reading)
Makuta: (behind the couch and climbs over to sit next to her) Hello, hello Siren. You look nice.
(Siren was laughing as she hugs Makuta who gladly hugged back)


POV: Siren being kidnapped again

Kidnapper: What's your name?
Siren: Fuck. You.
Kidnapper: ... Where were you born?


POV: He's PROUD a Feminist

Corroder: What is this weird male fantasy of turning lesbians straight? Like generally, what is that? Is it a power play? Do these guys seriously think their that desirable that they can completely change someone's sexuality? You can't! You're strange!


Reala: (boyfriend who always wants to spoil his girl)
Siren: (girlfriend who always feels bad getting spoiled)


Rotor: (walks in a room) Hey guys, boss is-
(Rotor cut himself off noticing Serena and Corroder. Corroder had Serena pinned against a wall as the two were making out)
Rotor: .... I never thought you'd two would be switches honestly.

Aye finally a new one!

Also here's a gif of Miko for those who need a visual aid

She and Starscream are two of Siren's unofficial adopted kids

Long story on that one

I'ma go now, later hoes!

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