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Song in Media: A Million Miles Away from Belle

Aria should not get drunk

(Zib took Aria back to her dorm as she was drunk as all heck)
Zib: Aria, lay the fuck down.
Aria: (drunkenly talking) Come on Zibby~
(Zib shakes his head before Aria got close to his face in her drunk state making him immediately tense up)


When done with someone's shit

(Shadowzone was harassing Aria again who hugged herself through her sweater tightly enough to cause bruising)
(Hydro was suddenly in front of Shadowzone and held the front of his armor in a painful manor looking absolutely done with shit)
Hydro: You are so lucky that no hero team wants you if you had to be reassigned, but it also shows EVERYONE HATES YOU AND YOU'RE BULLSHIT RYAN!
(Aria immediately went to Bot and Zib's sides who were about to step in before Hydro did)


Highschool AU

(Siren stumbled into class a bit late making everyone look at her)
Zib: Miss Parham are you okay?
Siren: (nods before she stumbled a bit)
(Stormer and Furno immediately were at her side and paled noticing the amount of injuries on her)
Stormer: .... Who did this?
Siren: (looks down more) ...
Furno: Siren. Who hurt you?
Siren: S-Some jocks.. I-I'm fine thou-
(Siren nearly fell over as she coughed up blood before Stormer caught her)


Past AU
Serena pre death

(A younger Serena still technically Siren sat in the back of a Hero Craft with Evo as the team were taking Corroder back to Hero Factory)
Siren: (makes a ball of flower petals in hand and throws it at him)
Corroder: (shakes the scattered flower petals off him, looks up at her) Oi!
(Serena giggled at that as she stuck her tongue out at him in a playful manner)
(Corroder was confused for a second before he did the action back hesitantly making Serena giggle more, Evo was just confused but didn't say anything)

Okay I had the idea Serena in her universe before her death and resurrection she was somewhat friends with the villians in her universe especially Corroder, Meltdown and Thunder
Ironic? Eh Probably


Highschool AU, again

(Shadowzone was an asshat self proclaimed class clown who made Aria cry, which every student loved her)
Aria: (steps out the calm down)
Shadowzone: (still laughing)
Surge: (the quiet kid who knows man went to far, immediately decks Shadowzone)


Aria's Cat when she first got him

Aria: (looking at a kitten version of Snowy) W-What you doing?
Snowy: (let's out a long meow before falling asleep)
Aria: (wheezes)


Alpha team family game night of Cards Against Humanity ft. Aria, Bot, Fortiss and Mak
Yes Thresher is there as well bc he's the dad/grandpa

Siren: (reads a black card) How come dad never came home with the milk?
Zib: Cause he never went to get the milk.
Siren: Kachigga.
(Everyone immediately starts laughing at that)


Past AU
When Siren was still with her biological family

Siren: (guys herself something)
Stacey: That bitch-

The reason of this bc it's not with her money so she can use it as a manipulation tactic
Something of my irl family sadly


Aria: (hugging and petting her cat Snowy who's a large white ragdoll cat)
Bot: Snowy, you gotta give her some space so she can sleep. (Tries to pull the cat off)
(Snowy meowed while clinging Aria which sounded like a no making the two laugh)


When your partner matches your kids ADHD Energy

(Serena was sewing a hole in Skye's Cheshire plush)
Thunder: (runs past in a practical ADHD randomness) WEEEEEEEE-
Corroder: (immediately after him as a joke to make Serena laugh) WEEE-
(Both Serena and Corroder laugh at that)


Thunder: (has an H and A balloons in hands) Haha. (Puts the H balloon down) AAAAA-
Meltdown: Why do you have to be my brother?


Corroder: (sitting on Serena's bed trying to play with a fidget spinner)
Serena: (reading a smuty book while sitting in his lap)
Corroder: You need to stop reading porn.
Serena: Mind ya' business.


This Poly

Zib: (being carried over Mak's shoulder bc he was drunk and wanted to fight Aria's ex who showed up at the club he, Mak and Aria were at)
Aria: (mentally) Why do I have to have a crush on this guy?..
Zib: Mak let me at him!
Mak: No, Aria please get in front of me incase your ex follows us.
(Aria nodded and did so)


(Serena, Corroder, Thunder, Meltdown and Kayra were on the city rooftops while Serena looked for a person to eat and one for Kayra to kill)
Random Woman: (rips up her husband's birth certificate as their arguing) Shut up you don't exist anymore!
(Thunder and Meltdown fell on their back on the rooftop wheezing with Kayra landing on Thunder laughing as Corroder cackled and Serena snorted)


Aria: (child proofing her dorm in Hero Factory) Baby? No (not yet any), cat.

Explanation at the end


Serena: Can you guess what my partner got me because I wouldn't stop biting them? Chew toys, they looked on Amazon and found chew toys for autistic children.
Serena: (chewing on one) This doesn't mean I'm not gonna stop biting you Corroder but it'll sate me till we get to the bedroom.


Serena: (Spooning Corroder from behind on his bed)
Corroder: Release me woman...
Serena: Nu.
Corroder: UNHAND ME-


Why they should not a have ring cameras

Stormer: (goes up to the doorbell camera holding Zita up in his hands, puts Zita's snout in front of the camera) Dog


Miko: (looking in the bathroom mirror, sighs) God damnit my pink is fading. Mom!
Siren: (pokes her head in after a bit) Yee?
Miko: I need hair dye again.
Siren: (sighs as she leans against the doorframe) Now why does this surprise me?


(It was late one night and Siren was in the kitchen making a warm mug of something)
Surge: Siren, why are you up this late?
(Siren turned and looked at him making Surge notice she was carrying a smaller Starscream in her other arm close to her chest who had dried tear stains on his face and Siren was making him a warm mug of Energon)
Siren: Starscream had a nightmare of the past, trying to make him some warm Energon to lull him back to sleep.


These Two Somehow besties

Serena: I'm feeling down today, make it good.
(Rotor sighs before he wrapped his arms around Serena's waist in a hug and spun her around before he picked her up bridal carry making them both laugh)

I somehow managed to picture Serena and Rotor as besties and now that image won't leave my head
This quote could also be interipated with Siren and Makuta


Stormer: Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.


Moments of Acid Cannibal (based off of Jake and Netryi from Avatar Moments)

Corroder: HELL YEAH!
Serena: HELL YEAH!
Serena: (hits Corroder with a bow making him fall on his ass)
Corroder: (falls off a chair)
Serena: (laughs as she goes to help him up)
Serena: (hits Corroder on the forehead with her palm) Stupid.
(The two just laughing like dorks)


Never Mess with Serena's kids when she's around

(A hero had Kayra in an arm lock with a knife at their throat)
Serena: (grabs the guy from behind, flipping them over her as Kayra ran to their brother's and Corroder, rips the heroes Quaza Core out)
Literally Everyone with common senses head: Serena scares the living shit outta me


(Zib drug Siren's bookshelves from her bedroom to the main room for an aesthetic a while back but Mr.Makuro was planning to visit so he had to take the ones with sex scenes out)
Siren: (giggling)
Zib: (already had two stacks next to him and one in his arms) This isn't funny. (Puts two more on the stack in his arms) It's porn Siren.
Siren: (laughs as she leans against the wall) I know!


(There was a rouge Infernal Demon loose in Mako Hero City and the villians watched as Serena tamed it for her group)
Serena: (on the Demons chest) Looks like your ready for the leash.
(Serena did a flip jump off the beast who rolled over to stand up before Serena, who landed two feet away from him lifted her right leg up and slammed on the ground making Madame Butterfly's right leg from their bond attacks crush the demon to the ground like a bug)
XPlode: Holy shit.
Nebula & Purge: Agreed...
Serena: (looks over her shoulder to the demon as she aims one of her guns at it) Now why don't you sit for mummy.
(Corroder nearly sat down at that before Rotor hit his head)


Slight Future AU

(The villians were eating dinner at the table)
Serena: (rubs Corroder's leg with her heel under the table)
Corroder: (mentally with the Soul Bonding to talk to her privately) Don't do that.
Serena: (mentally back) I'm not doing anything.
Corroder: (mentally) Yes you are now stop.
Serena: (mentally back) Make me then when we get to the bedroom.
(Corroder sighed a bit at that)

So okay two things to explain of-

I'ma first start with the Infernal Demon from the quote
The demon is called Strider rare times called Twilight Wonderer (yes he's from Bayonetta 3)
Here's the image to explain

And of AU lore base, no one knows what he's capable of as no people with abilities like Serena have managed to have him on their side of demons, so Serena is the first to do so

And now of that one Incorrect Quote-
Uh, so I made randomly that Aria is a single mom
Her ex aka the baby's dad does not know of the baby's existence and Aria prefers it that way bc how he was, he's worse than Shadowzone somehow so that's another reason Aria is afraid of Shadowzone bc he reminds her of her ex

The baby is a girl and her name is Hope bc she's had multiple heart surgeries and breathing issues requiring some machines, doctors didn't think she would live but Aria kept her hope up high, so she named her Hope

She's two years old so as old as the half of time Aria worked as a Mission Chief in Hero Factory

The only member of Stella Team who knows of her baby is Gaia, Hydro and Ember's don't know and she definitely is terrified if Shadowzone finds out

There are times she'll send her baby to her dad's for baby sitting and time with grandpa but most of the time she's in her dorm of Hero Factory

All more I have to say, Aria's ex was introduced to her of forced dating bc of her mother, who is MIA at this point when Aria and her dad cut her off

I'ma go now, hope this makes up of last chapter being short af

Later hoes!

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