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Song in Media: The Wolf by SIAMÉS

If the mansion wasn't a thing and Siren had a dorm in Hero Factory

Stormer: (pokes his head in Siren's room bc she's still asleep at ten in the morning)
(Stormer notices Siren has one of those pod hotel beds)
Stormer: ... Zib! When did Siren get a pod bed?

Okay, I would sell my SOUL for that as my bed bc I LOVE enclosed spaces! Makes me feel safe since my bedroom isn't safe space anymore
Especially when I can't keep my door closed with mine and my little brother's cat constantly opening the door every second after I close it


This should explain itself

Wtf Greg?! 🤣


Past AU
Serena first meeting The Villian Boss

(Serena was huddled behind a dumpster in an alleyway covered in dirt and black blood and wearing fraying teal hospital scrubs and barefoot with some wounds of IVs and whatnot, she leaned her head against the dumpster as the rain poured down and tried to relax enough to nap before she heard something making her shoot her eyes open as she was about to hiss before she noticed a robotic person standing in front of her holding an umbrella above her head)
Boss: Now what do we have here?
Serena: (hisses at him baring her fangs)

If anyone ever needs a visual of Serena hissing here

Your welcome for those who needed it


These two brother's

Makuta: Someone will die..
Mata Nui: Of fun?
Makuta: No.
Mata Nui: (sighs)

Makuta only goes like that when pissed off enough, so whoever pissed him off is dead from a literal DEATH GOD


Love You For Infinity AU

Furno: I am not a brat, and if I am lying may the devil take me now!
Virus: (in control of Stormer, the devil in question, picks Furno fireman carry and walks off)
Furno: (panicking and flustered mess) VIRUS PUT ME DOWN!
Virus: Nah, you said may the devil may take you. My turn instead of letting Preston hog ya'!
Zib: (sips his coffee) I don't get paid enough for this.

For those who are confused, Love You For Infinity is a Stormer X Furno fic I have
And it is spicy as fuck


If Siren was around for events of the series

The Enemy Within'
Furno: Where the hell is he?!
Siren: (looks up at the VR Training Sphere) Uh, guys!
(The team looked and saw Stormer/Virus climbing to the top of the VR Training Sphere)
All: Shit- (runs after Stormer)
Trials of Furno
Siren: (looking at XPlode)
Siren: Why you so fucking ugly bro?
Rotor: (cackles)
Trials of Furno Pt2
Stormer: (holds Furno up by his side)
Siren: Just carry him bridal style, it's not gay trust me y'all do that with me all the time when I'm asleep!
Core Crisis
Siren: (sees Corroder from Bulk, Stringer and Surge's cameras)
Stormer: (notices her expression) Kid?
Siren: (inhales sharply) That just awoken my inner monster fucker seeing Corroder.
Quaddle & Zib: WHAT THE HECK-
Von Nebula
Siren: (enters the black hole void after Stormer and Furno with Ruth)
Stormer & Furno: SIREN?!
Siren: Oh hey! The whole family is together! The two not dating heroes, their adopted witch shapeshifter daughter and the family dog!
Ordeal of Fire
Siren: (cackles seeing Furno's 2.0 armor)
Furno: What's so funny?
Siren: Mom you look like a Cloaker from Payday 2 with an adult diaper on the outside of his cevilar suit! (Wheezes as she kneels over)
(Breez and Stormer immediately began to laugh at that as Furno looked offended)
Savage Planet
Siren: (on Stormer's shoulders) Dad you look weird with Rino themed armor.
Stormer: (sighs) I know.
Siren: Could be worse, could be like Furno's 2.0 armor.
Stormer: (snorts) True.
Furno: I'm right here!
Siren: I kno.
Siren: (sitting sideways in her chair of the Co' Pilot seat in the Hero Craft while Stormer catches Speeda Demon)
Evo: (calls her on the coms)
Siren: (answers) This the nut job adopted daughter of Alpha One leaders Stormer and Furno speaking? Who has the displeasure of having to call me?
Breakout Pt2
Stormer: (from the coms) Hey kid?
Siren: (answers) Yo?
Stormer: Best way to get Speeda Demon back to the Hero Craft when he's cuffed to his bike?
Siren: Chain his bike to yours and drag him back. The snow should be soft enough to not cause him that bad of bodily harm.
Brain Attack
Siren: (sees Furno's armor) Why the cape? Wouldn't that be an advantage to the enemy to hold you back or hang ya'?
Furno: Comedy wise?
Siren: I think of Edna from The Incredibles whenever I see capes just, "No capes"! (Laughs)

Listen I refuse to add in IFB bc that's the biggest kick in the nuts to EVERY Hero Factory fan of an episode


Loose Control?

(Siren was in the training room fighting against a training drone before she throws her hands up making ice trap herself and the training drone. Siren tries to melt the ice around which doesn't change making her panic which gets her necklace active)
Stormer: (runs in after a bit) Siren what- WHAT THE FUCK?!
(Stormer nodded as he turned off the simulation from the control panel and started to chop at the ice with his multi function ice weapon before his hand touched the ice and his elemental abilities acted making the ice shatter which he immediately dropped his gun and grabbed Siren from hitting the ground who was shivering)
Stormer: (in his coms) Nex, Furno I need you both in the training room, NOW.


TW: Angst

(Serena had gotten badly injured on a task from the boss and was currently hiding from a hero team while trying to slow her bleeding wounds)
Serena: (breathing heavily, goes to her coms) H-Hey Corroder?
Corroder: (answers after a few seconds) Yeah?
Serena: I-I'ma say this, whatever happens. Know that I love you and the kids more than being alive...
Corroder: (starts to panic a bit) Serena what's going on?
(Serena hissed a shit as she hung up her end and ran from the hero team again despite her wounds)

Another one ik, but I just wanted this out before I lost it

Also have some images I want to share

Also added in more of another incorrect quote and edited another

Does anyone ever wonder if these are actually real? Bc I'd kill for one of each just so I can mentally pretend I got autographs from these mf's

Also found out there's more fan art of Furno than Stormer
Like dang, give my dad some love too y'all

So I woke up late in the afternoon one day and went into the kitchen for something to drink and found one of my old Hero Factory figures hands on the counter and began to cackle like I was high like, "Why is Natalie Breez's severd hand on the fucking kitchen counter?!" 😂
I just found it so funny at the time idk why tho it just was

This is obviously unfinished as fuck (bc I like to color in my drawings to count them as finished, makes them feel actually complete, and my actual good red color pencils are dying on me bc how small they are, never realized how much red is in my art oml) but I wanted to do a visual of Siren's Curse

I was rereading some of the older RP's from older incorrect quotes and I totally forgot of Puzzler and his Android's and a curse Siren has on her from Ruth's previous Familiar in attempts to kill him by killing his current/perma familiar bond partner

Describing them when Siren first got them and the second time, their four claw marks in patches that cut deep into the muscle and make the skin above them hang loosely like gummy flesh state, at one time the one in the middle of her back has actually reached her spin
The one at her left arm is the only one that isn't fully on her back

Though due to the current state of her powers strength that continues to weaken like her body she's unable to undo the curse and return to the sender so she has to suffer through it when it happens

I'ma go now so I can work on Love You For Infinity to at LEAST get my current chapter out at 2k words, had to chop it so I can get it out sooner unfortunately

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