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Song in Media: Anaconda by Nicki Minaj

(Serena was hugging Corroder from behind and kissing his neck)
Corroder: (blushing darkly) S-Serena...
(Serena hummed as she bit down on her neck making Corroder yelp as Serena accidentally punctured the "skin" and tasted his blood)
(Serena immediately froze at the sudden taste of blood)
Corroder: (a bit worried) Serena?
(Serena immediately pulled away from him as her hands slapped over her mouth, her face noticeably paled in fear as she breathed heavily)
Serena: (muttering) No no no no no no no no no no.


Future AU

(A currently ten year old Skye managed to convince her siblings Meltdown, Thunder and Kayra to let her join them on their task from the villain boss)
Skye: (laying on the ground with her ear pressed against the ground in a trance listening to the sounds from the ground)
Meltdown: (on high alert of big brother mode)
Thunder: (trying to figure out what Skye is hearing from the ground)
Kayra: (in the trees watching their siblings)
Thunder: What do you think she's hearing when she goes in those trances?
Kayra: No clue bro, no fucking clue.

I have some reference images of an older Skye I'll show at the end of the chapter, let's just say I am heavily inspired by Avatar The Way of Water and ideas I've had for, I think a year now or since I first introduced Skye
Maybe I'll add in some more info to explain of older Skye idk


These Two

Skye: (tugs a bit on Meltdown's hand with her free hand not holding her plush)
Meltdown: (looks down at her) What kid?
Skye: (holds her arms up at him)
Meltdown: (sighs as he picks her up) You're lucky your favorite sibling.
Skye: (giggles a bit at that)

Did I have the idea Meltdown and Skye are the buddies of siblings? Yes, yes I did


Me: (watching Savage Planet)
Me: (sees a certain scene) Taku? Pewku? That you two?

For those who need context, I got flashbacks to Bionicle: The Mask of Light with THIS-

If you watched Bionicle The Mask of Light you'd get what I mean


Idk if I used this before so here-

Five Things with the villains

Purge: Five things you would say in the bedroom, go!
Serena: Fuck!
XPlode: I'm ready!
Drilldozer: Where do I put it?
(The group starts laughing)
Nitroblast: I'm not ready!
Witch Doctor: WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!
(The laughter worsens)


These Two

Siren: (laying on top of Reala) One of these days I'm going to fist fight Shadowzone to shut him up.
Reala: That's kinda hot.
Siren: Pillows don't talk.


Siren: (laughing while holding her phone)
Evo: What?
Siren: Someone on TikTok is trying to use a love spell to make both Loki and Hades fall in love with her! She's like one of those dumbasses who would glue her fingers together!
(Evo starts laughing with Siren)

I wish that was a joke, the girl also is trying to put curses on patrons of both Loki and Hades as if she's not gonna have to deal with Persephone who turned someone into a plant for trying to steal her husband 😂


Siren: Sometimes I wanna strangle Conservative Christians to see if it'll jump start their brains to actually function.
Zib: Should I be concerned why?
Siren: They wanna ban Drag Queen Story Hours because they believe it's bad for the kids as if their not forcing kids into beauty pageants in tight dresses in front of strangers that also had a recorded history of sexual assault against minors, and also literally hitting them and act as if those things aren't shit.
Zib: (inhales sharply) I question humans.
Siren: You're far from the only one Zib, they now have to deal with the newest generation who's done with that shit and refuses to be silenced.

I honestly wish that was a joke


Siren has a new stim

Siren: (sitting on the couch playing Pokémon Violet with Furno trying to take a nap, catches a shiny Pokémon and gets happy/excited) HARRYDIDYOUPUTYOURNAMEINTHEGOBLETOFFIRE!
Furno: (jumps startled and falls off the couch)
Siren: (jumped at that) ... Oops...


Future AU

Skye: (ten, slipping off cardigan) I came to this wedding by myself but I will not be dancing by myself, do you understand me brother?
Meltdown: (puts down his drink) Yes.
(Kayra and Thunder snort)


Alpha team playing Minecraft

Surge: (breaking a cage that had 22 Warden's inside) I'm freeing you!
Siren: (notices) oh...
Surge: (runs away when they start running) BE FREE!!!
Stormer: And now there's twenty two Warden's loose on the server above ground...


The team got separated on a mission late at night

Siren: (furiously turning her flashlight on and off rapidly) Is this helping, is this helping?! Hello can you see me this is code for, AHHHHHHH!

Rip to whoever sees Siren doing that


Probably Past AU

Bulk, Stringer & Stormer: (trying to do a mission in a cemetery at night)
Random Scream
(The three immediately ran back to the Hero Craft)


When Siren doesn't have her first can of Dr Pepper in the morning

Siren: (singing) The best part of waking up, is not giving a FUCK!


Siren: I have come to the realization that the only way to function in society currently is if you act in your villain era.

Wish that was a joke especially here in America rn


Future AU

(Skye, Meltdown, Thunder and Kayra were being held by a hero team to lure Serena and Corroder out and Skye was about done with shit)
Meltdown: (notices) Skye no-
Skye: (starts cussing out the heroes in Enochian)
Serena: (from the trees with Corroder, mentally with the soul bond) When did our daughter learn Enochian?!
Corroder: (mentally back) I don't fucking know!
(The heroes immediately broke down in hysteria along with Thunder, Meltdown and Kayra)


Pick-up Lines of these two

(Aria and Zib were out shopping as Zib joined her to help take the groceries back to her dorm in Hero Factory)
Aria: (currently in an aisle with Zib looking for some Olive Oil)
Zib: (standing half behind her, pokes her side)
Aria: Y-Yeah?
Zib: (half regretting having the idea) I'm no dentist but, I could give you a filling.
(Aria froze at that as her face dusted a hot pink and her face markings turned a cherry pink color)
Aria: (hits his arm, whisper shouting) N-Not i-in p-public!
(Zib chuckled a bit as he shook his head)

Long story of that


These two besties

Serena: I got a new dress and it's too small, it doesn't close in the back-
Rotor: Nah it doesn't fit because it doesn't fit around your godly fucking chest! Look at it, (lifts Serena's arm up who's giggling quietly) doesn't fit because she's got these guns! (Let's out an unknown yell before he walked off like nothing happened)
Serena: (has her face in her hands as she giggling like crazy as her arms and horns glowed purple a bit)

The Hype Besties of the villains
Rotor Hypes Serena up of shit and Serena provides him of relationship advice
The two are practically besties at this point


When Meltdown first managed to harness radiation, joke wise I can imagine the real deal is more agnsty or whatever

Meltdown: Bad news I lost whatever sanity I had left.


Reala spent the night at the mansion and Siren was doing his makeup

Reala: (laying on his back on Siren's bed in the mansion) I forgot why I don't let you do my makeup.
Siren: (sitting on his lap while doing his eyeliner) Oh hush it, you like this position.
Reala: (chuckles fair)
Stormer: (walks in and just stares)


(Skye was in a moment thing where she wouldn't sleep if not by Serena's side which Serena literally had to start Co Sleeping with Skye to get her to sleep)
(Skye was sleeping peacefully with a Co Sleeping Cot the Villian Boss got her which made the sleeping more safe)
Corroder: (half asleep spooning Serena from behind on her bed trying to fall asleep but worried Skye will wake up and wake up Serena who hasn't slept in weeks due to the whole ordeal)


Future AU

(Serena and Corroder were on the rooftops of the city as Serena stalked for a person to eat)
Corroder: Hey Sugarcube?
Serena: Hm?
Corroder: With the whole soul bonding stuff, is it okay for me to get a ring or something for you?
Serena: (giggles) I mean if you want, just go with a band for now. Think of our soul binding thing like how some couples elope before their actual wedding, the peaceful moment with just the two partners make the moment feel, special.
Corroder: So I guess a band to be more discreet about it huh?
Serena: Yup.


Monster AU

Random Guy in Siren apartment complex: I heard there's a new girl that lives in that apartment by herself.
His friend: Nah I always hear some guys in there with her.

Siren is honestly lucky she has the monsters living with her in this AU bc the amount of creeps in the building she lives in wouldn't hesitate if they didn't hear them

Oh hey we finally made it to the end of this incorrect quote!

Most of these were made with random ideas that came up on the spot, the ones that I've been daydreaming with edits bc of the audios in the edits and ect.

So I want to share of Future!Skye and just Skye in general for those who don't know!
I don't think I explained her actually tbh

Skye has a semi similar background to Lilith, her parents were new parents who were on a late night walk through the city to help her fall asleep before they were killed by Lilith's biological mother's killer
Serena, Purge and Core Hunter were in the city at the time so Serena intervened before Skye could be harmed, unfortunately her biological mother died protecting her which Serena quickly took the crying infant from her mother's limp arms and began to calm her down

Serena and Corroder have basically taken her in as their own daughter and she's most attached to Meltdown of her siblings, if you see her outside of her room (bc she's semi a toddler) she'll most definitely be holding her Cheshire plush Serena made for her

Of future events, well Skye changes a lot and definitely not by her own will
As in someone from one of the villains pasts makes her form more grown into a ten year old and different with a lot of unknown abilities

Here's some photo references to give you an idea, (bc I'm not in the mood to draw rn at ten at night nearing 11 of a human Skye to show them since some features of human version are present on normal version)

Yes Kiri aka Grace's daughter Jake and Netryi adopted from Avatar: The Way of Water

From what I've seen she's basically Pandora's Jesus, reasons I'm not gonna explain rn

But her abilities and what not plus the whole hair thing, tail and pointy ears should explain the looks

And now I wanna share this bc I saw it on TikTok as official art of one of my favorite fandoms and I just gotta share it

Look at their dresses!
Their dresses for each girl so well!

Yuri's is more mature like which fits how she is, Monika's is like a princess (and I love it especially as someone who's prom dress was a high low skirt as well, just sleeveless and longer i love it), Sayori's fits how sunshine she is with the Sunflowers and Natsuki's fits her love of cute stuff!


I wanna have these brought up in some way of for something I'm working on in the background, basically a novelization of the AU in fic sense

Still working on it obviously, working on the cast lists and I wanna publish those and the prologue chapter as one before I even think of publishing the prologue chapter by itself like I normally do

So be prepared for that!

I'ma go now!

Later hoes!

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