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Song in Media: The Way by Ariana Grande Ft. Mac Miller

Irl shit

Me: (trying to go to bed)
Leshy: (my new cat, starts to claw on my blinds despite its late at night and the hummingbirds are asleep)
Me: EH!
Leshy: (fucking bolts)

This cat lives to his namesake as the Bishop of Chaos from Cult of the Lamb istg

Don't ask why it's sideways for some reason Wattpad image inserts when it's photos taken from your camera always puts them sideways idk why it does it

Ngl after watching Quiet Place: Day One he looks like the cat from it


Monster AU
Villains Edition
Technical Forbidden Monster F'er Romance(?)

Firelord: (pokes his head in Serena's room)
(Serena was asleep on top of Corroder who had his arms around her while he watched the TV that was quietly playing Criminal Minds)
Firelord: What in the-
Corroder: Wake her up and your fucking dead I swear to God.
(Serena shifted a bit in her sleep to bury her face in his neck)

If anyone is worried of the relationship being age gap dw it's not, I'd rather die than have that bullshit


Mata Kids AU
Light of the Great Spirit aka Bara Magna Arc Book

(The five were rushing to the Dune Chariot near the gates of fallen Tajun to escape Bone Hunters and Skrall)
Ackar: Alright you win, Berix you drive.
Kiina: Are you serious?!
Ackar: (as he climbs onto the top of the Chariot with Gresh on his left and Berix in drivers seat trying to start) I don't know.
Mata Nui: (internal monologue) There's a little voice inside my head going-
Matoro: (in Mata's head/the Ignika) This is a bad idea.
Mata Nui: (internal monologue again) But I can barely hear it because another louder voice is yelling-
(Bone Hunters and Skrall start to rush at them)
Ignika: (the actual mask) LET THE TWELVE YEAR OLD DRIVE!

I saw this as like an animation for Gravity Falls and I immediately assigned it with Mata Kids AU it's great 😂


Samurai Series
Group Convos at lunch

Heidi: Because his parents were so closely related, Charles was also his own mother's first cousin,
Howard: Pfffffft
Heidi: And his father's great nephew.
(Rei, Randy, Howard and Julian started laughing at that)
Heidi: Genetically, Charles was fucked, okay?
(The laughter worsens)
Heidi: Charles did not stand a chance. And he would be the last Hasburg monarch to rule Spain due to his ill health.
Rei: Oh what a shock. (Coughs from her laughter)
Julian: I don't think ill health is the way to be honest like "a little sick", it is a bit wrong there.
Heidi: Mummy and Daddy gave him the incest baby problems.
Randy: Poor boy.
Howard: How would that even work if he wants to go outside does he have to ask himself for permission?
(The group immediately started to die of laughter at that)
Rei: He's his own dad!
Howard: Can I go out to play?
Julian: (joins in the bit bc fuck it) No.
Howard: Fuck sake, I hate you.
(The five start wheezing in laughter again)


Well this happened

(Siren's phone pinged in the middle of the night making her grab it)
(Furno sent a video to the GC of a group of bats flying around his bedroom)
Siren: Bruh how-


Leader!Corroder AU
When he wears the jewelry you make for him

Corroder: (trying to fine tune a plan with Nebula's help)
Nebula: (notices Corroder has a makeshift bead bracelet with the word beads on it make up Daddy) Uhm, where did you get that bracelet?
Corroder: Hm? (Realizes as he drops the pen from his mouth) Oh yeah Serena made it for me.
Nebula: Why does it say daddy then? And I thought you didn't like jewellery?
Corroder: Of that second listen my girlfriend made this of course I'm gonna wear it.
Nebula: Okaaaay what about that first question then?
Corroder: .... It does not take two braincells to understand it.
Nebula: (doesn't get it then realizes) Damn dude.
(Corroder stuck his tongue out at him)

I found this one TikTok account and it describes Leader!Corroder AU Acid Cannibal so perfectly


Thrift store finds

(Siren, Stormer, Furno and Breez went to a thrift store in MakuHero City)
Breez: Oh hey check it.
(Breez found one of those 1970's globe bars)
Siren: Globe bars are actually real?! I thought they only existed in Sims!
(Stormer, Furno and Breez started laughing at that)

Listen I found that out yesterday okay?
Also don't ask of why they would go to the thrift store, I like going to em they have some good gems


Leader!Corroder AU
Cuddle break

(Serena got Corroder to take a break from planning for a cuddle session after making him eat and drink some water)
(Corroder was laying on top of Serena on a sofa inside his office with his face buried in her collar bone taking a nap while Serena scrolled through her phone listening to him breathing peacefully)
Drilldozer: (enters) Aye Corroder-
(Serena took a knife out and threw it to the wall next to Drilldozer's head making him jump back)
Serena: Wake him up and I'll gut and filet you like a damn fish.


(Siren was outside with Evo as she had a plastic tub filled with hot water and poured black dye in it)
Evo: Is there a reason you're doing this?
Siren: I found some cool clothes at the thrift store but since they're not black I'm dying them so I actually wear them.


Alpha Team out on the town for the weekend

(The group was walking down the sidewalk on the way to a restaurant to hang out and eat at)
(Furno runs past with Siren on his back piggyback style with her yelling in joy)


Basically Serena during one of her many jobs

(Serena got put on a night shift and at 2am had full of energy)
Serena: (dancing to the music playing in the restaurant)
Coworker 1: Aye there we go!


Artificial Titan

Rue: (complaining of a headache of sensing something is gonna happen)
Godzilla & Mothra: (usually get those when something bad is gonna happen (Godzilla had it happen several times mainly the MUTO's in LA and Ghidorah but also Scar King)) Wait, wait wait wait wait wait wait Wait.


Orchid(Wolfie's OC): I may be blind but I can still see right through your bullshit, so you better back the fuck up before I show you what the tip of my cane tastes like!


Serena: (on a laptop, groans) Google, stop showing me sex ads. I know there are desperate sluts in my area, I HAVE A MIRROR!
Corroder: Woman-


(Aria's printer was practically having a disco light show of issue)
Aria: (laughing) What the hell happened to my printer?
(Zib and Bot were dying of laughter as well)


At Mak's place

Mak: Are you two drunk?
Aria: Absolutely.
Mak: It's two o'clock in the afternoon.
Zib: It's five o'clock somewhere.


Monster AU

Siren: (asleep on the bed with Ruth)
(A shadow looms over her making her wake up)
Zib: Wake upppp
Siren: what Zib it's seven thirty am on a Saturday what-
(Turns on her fairy lights making her register he made pancakes)
Zib: I made you breakfast I love you.
Siren: (snorts as she puts her glasses on) Love you too Zib.

Saw this with Sonadow of Shadow's new form from Sonic X Shadow Generations of Black Doom abilities and immediately had to


Leader!Corroder AU
Serena and Rotor sparring

Rotor: (tries to hit Serena with a metal chair)
Serena: (covers her face, gets confused when she didn't feel an impact and looks)
Rotor: (had opened the chair and sat on it) So let's talk about your father-
Serena: (launches herself at him) NYAAA!
(The two fallback making them hit the ground which they started laughing at. The rest of the villains were watching on the sidelines trying not to laugh)


Siren with a job

Siren: (looking at herself in a mirror) You can always just dissociate or manative day dream during a slow shift to make it go faster.
Siren: Yeah, yeaaaah.


Basically an incorrect quote of my Sims 4 LP Sincerely, Cassandra Goth (when my laptop wants to work again for me to work on the save file)

Baby Ariel: (Being a grade A bitch)
Kiyoshi: I have a hundred dollars for anyone who knocks that loud mouth sunuvabitch out.
Kaori: (Kiyoshi's gf) What-
Yuki: BET! (Immediately Rko's her with one punch)
Sofia: (Yuki's girlfriend) YUKI!
(Cassandra and Duane are trying not to laugh)
Kiyoshi: (handing Yuki the $100 bill) Thank you.


K when they have to use a gun

K: I need to leave my audio equipment.
Meltdown: What-
(K took out their gun and took it off of safety and cocked it)
K: I've updated my audio equipment.
(Meltdown, Thunder, Speeda and Voltix started to wheeze)


K: There's a thin line in between being a genius and being an idiot.
K: Thunder and Speeda Demon use the line as a fucking jump rope.



(Stormer was driving with Siren and Furno in the car on the way to get groceries and saw someone in a Batman costume dancing on top of a parked limo with a boom box playing Hotline Bling)
Stormer: What in the-
Siren & Furno: (wheezing)


Monster AU
Villains Edition

(Serena came home late from work with some injuries and shoved off her bag to the floor after closing the door behind her with a groan)
Rotor: Yo you good- (notices her injuries) GOD DAMN WOMAN!
Serena: (locking her front door with all the locks) What?
Rotor: The fuck happened to you?!
Serena: Long story can you lock the windows in the apartment please and thank you?


Leader! Corroder AU
Meetings with the villains

Serena: (southern accent slips in) Out of my five years in this universe I swear some of y'all are flat out retarted.
Rookie 1: Since when did you have a southern accent?!
Serena: Since always sweetheart the British is fake cause it sounds betta'.
Rookie 2: See! Everything about you is fake! Especially of that bullshit special treatment.
(Corroder hit his acid shooters on the table making a silence in the air)
Corroder: (in an unnatural calm voice) Talk shit about my girlfriend one more time in front of me, I fucking dare you.
Serena: Corroder-
Corroder: I'm aware you can handle your own Sugar but I'd rather not just sit and watch my girlfriend take insults especially in front of me, and while we're on that topic, let's talk about this apparent chatter of the so called "special treatment" because of my relationship with Serena.
K: (snickering into their hands) Ohhhh this is gonna be fun.

Oh hey I'm not fucking dead and haven't forgotten about this book

Have not had a lot of ideas so apologies

Anyways here's some art I did


I'm always down to draw my favorite Old Man Yaoi that is Ackar/Mata Nui

I still question why Toa Mata Nui's design never had a Heartlight like the other GSR Inhabitants even for a puppet of sand body made by the Ignika

I did have fun coloring Mata Nui's eyes to look powered off like that to fit how the GSR Inhabitants are robotic in comparison to the Bara Magna Inhabitants

Ninth Grade Samurai art

I put too much detail into that curtain rod and rings plus that GOD DAMN BOWL OF POPCORN

What are they watching? Mask of Light (I made Randy a Bionicle fan in Ninth Grade Samurai so sue me)

This one I'm especially proud of

Drawing Ackar without his helmet was pretty weird to me ngl

I especially love how the boots and the cape especially the cape turned out

But the idea of this was this was ceremonial armor before the Shattering for when The Lord of Fire would hold a parade to celebrate a battle win during the War
Typically the armor would be worn by the commander of the armies at that time, the previous one was Ackar's father (fanon parents before anyone asks) and a younger Ackar dreamed to wear it when he got older because seeing his father his idol wear it made it feel worth it

When he wears it post Journey's End (the armor and some other items are the few things Ackar had left of his parents he made sure to keep in pristine condition) one of the Toa more so Lewa finds and it after he tries it on to show it off he's surprised it fits him like a glove despite he never had the size altered ever

Mata Nui makes the comment it suits him for a hero in his own rights to which Ackar nearly starts crying

Anyways I'ma head off now
Later fuckers!

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