Different Universe Siren's

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So, this came to my head randomly after vaugly hearing some of Wolfie's AU's so here we are

Mafia AU

Siren is a valued member for the Mafia infamously known as Alpha Mafi'
Siren is known of getting needed information for the Mafia by seducing men in their beds to get learn their secrets and will not hesitate to spill blood even if it means ruining a good pair of stiletto heels and a good dress
Siren knows various weapons mainly revolving around blades and guns and even knows how to ride a motorcycle
Siren counts as the youngest of the Alpha Mafi' and is often parented by other Mafia members Stormer and Furno given her biological parents aren't great(which lead to them being killed by the Mafia in the first place before they took her in as a member)
When Siren isn't on any jobs for their boss she will swap outfits of what she normally wears of heels and skimpy dresses to sweats, jeans, hoodies and even leather jackets with boots and sneakers
Siren's biological family had managed to upset the boss of the Alpha Mafi' which lead them all but Siren to be killed, Siren had told them of the abuse she had been through by her own family and parents and was taken in as a member of their Mafia
Siren has a "pet" by her side which is a large black furred with red eyes male dog she calls Ruth who keeps her company

CreepyPasta AU
Please note my Roleplay Self's Snapped form is heavily based off of my own CreepyPasta OC/Self

Siren DarkOcean is known as one of the Proxies of Slender Man and is his eldest of four children including [REDACTED], Stitched Rose and Insanity of all girls
Siren is a cannibalitic serial killer who should not be taken lightly of a killer
She will stalk potential victims for days or weeks on end to memorize their patterns and schedules for a perfect opportunity to kill and devour them even in various and seemingly countless disguises to stalk them in public
Siren's victims are those who cause harm to children, abusive parents/guardians, bullies who haven't change when growing up, people affiliated with human trafficking including children and pedophiles as the rare one is rapists
Siren's first victims are the more closer connection to as her mortal reincarnation parents and younger brother, ex's and bullies
Siren is not one to be taken lightly as a killer as seen weak, she has high strength levels of both her powers and physical strength and is never alone on her kills, ether accompanied by her husband DarkFire, another one of the proxies, her sisters or even just her seemingly countless familiars
Siren often visits another group of CreepyPasta's even without needing her father telling her to do so, often connecting to them as a family bond
Siren's shapeshifting is one of her main ways to her kills, mainly ripping her victims hearts out to eat them but rarely at times will turn them into puddles of gore with her large mallot which with enough blood absorbed into it will allow her to magic with it when needed but of certain kills she have a trophy which is her victims head she'll have frozen in ice to preserve

I wanted to explain my Pirate AU but my brain won't let me apparently

Meh, you get what you get folks!

Also Gacha_Wolfie_UwU I am so tempted for us to have a book for that Mafia AU bc I actually have ideas that won't shut up with it at this point 😂
It's 1am and I need sleep, gn!

Later hoes!

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