Villian!Siren Information[UPDATED]

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So I had the idea one day, of my roleplay self having a villian alternative of them

So here's the info for her I suppose 😂

Selena[Renamed self after death and return]

20[When died] 32[Adding Resurrection Age]

Demi Pan-romantic
She/Her & They/Them

Background: The villian variant of Siren Stormer-Furno is a twisted version of the song REVIVED by Derivakat, taking her life via jumping to her death while somehow managing to be impaled by a stone spike when it happened, she spent several years in hell before she returned somehow revived from the dead with a white streak in her hair. Noticing her familiars were dead as well and was nothing but a faded memory to Hero Factory and Alpha team, causing her to fully go insane permanently altering her form of large devil horns from her head, her arms becoming monster like, her height growing well to 8'" and her eyes to be permanently sickly purple and glowing. Her cannibalistic nature is frenzy based, meaning whenever she grows hungry(which quite often)she has a certain amount of time to find a person to devour before she loses control over her body. She is from a different universe than Dark Purge/Villian!Surge and is unware what happened to the Alpha team of her universe immediately believing she was forgotten by her family but rather they were killed on a mission and unable to be fixed/saved. The person who revived Selena from hell is still unknown. Selena currently stays by and monitors newbie villians while only causing madness she sees fit or when she needs to eat.
Serena never met of the other realm hopping, meaning when she first realm hoped it was immediately at a young age to Hero Factory escape her mother, which she never met any of the people main Siren knows of
Serena's necklace is what remains of Ruth, the spirit remaining of the Church Grim trapped inside of a red gem/crystal and will not go anywhere without it on, though Ruth doesn't talk to her much of all since she joined the villians it's still nice to Serena to still have him around
Serena's back has the most corruption of her shifting given it seems to be what keeps her alive at the entry mark to her death wound which glows purple in a pattern of her heartbeat and has Viking Runes in it as well

Serena's arms glow slightly if their purple tint when she's only in a certain amount of happiness in her at the moment, which isn't often as you'd think

When Serena is in her own trance, her pupils dilate in the manner of a cats, this mainly happens when she's receiving physical contact, being more touch starved than main Siren is

Serena sees most of the villians as her kids, and will not hesitate to hurt someone if they harmed them

Serena will go on tasks for their boss when needed, but most of the time will stay in their lair in the medical area or spending time with Corroder and or Core Hunter

With Serena's death wound she's unable to convince or have a child at all, this could also be a result of whatever brought her back to life, but she personally thinks it's the death wound

Romantic Interests: Says no-one when it's obviously Corroder

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