Semi New Years Special

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Soooo, I wanted to post a New Years day special of some of my fics I occasionally have incorrect quotes for! So let's get it started!

Please note these will contain potential & actual spoilers

Ice Toa Series

With Turned Real the Ice Toa Series is one of my early fics on Wattpad I did not expect to get as popular as it did

It's mainly of Generation 1 Bionicle with mentions of generation 2 souly because I didn't know G1 and G2 were separate things since my introduction to the Bionicle franchise was The Legend Reborn which is the fourth and last movie installment of the Bionicle movies the previous three in order of oldest to newest being The Mask of Light, Legends of Metru Nui and Web of Shadows

The first book follows the events of The Legend Reborn movie/comic events adding in my OC Sapphira Snowflake Aquamarine who is a semi orphaned teen girl after her parents cold case murders living with abusive grandmother in Los Angeles California, Sapphira is far from a damsel in distress character but just doesn't know how to use her weapons early in the story (That and I despise damsel in distress characters in stories bc they always expect someone to be there to save their ass)

Later in the series as Sapphira also adapts more to her Toa powers she also becomes more expert in her weapons which are ice twin war fans
The second and third book take in their own events outside of the Bionicle media as the second book shows Sapphira developing more of her Toa powers besides her Ice Element which is her second element Darkness as the third is basically a calm before the storm being the less madness inducted into later in the series of Sapphira, Mata Nui and the Glatorian staying with Sapphira's aunt who's her father's fractional twin brother

Book four takes place of the cut short Journey to One on Netflix where Sapphira and her companion Fae find themselves after and unknown force transports them to the island of Mata Nui where Sapphira has to help the Toa Nuva-Mata against Makuta by helping find the Elemental Creatures and the Mask of Control and the Mask of Light

Currently the series has the four books as there's a planned book five and six and an after series events

The Ice Toa series also contains various headcanons that are definitely not canon to even might be canon but no one knows
Berix being a Glatorian by birth like the others but due to malnutrition being on the streets made it hard to tell given he's basically the height of an adult Agori while Glatorian are basically the height of Toas

It also introduces an OC Toa team called the Toa Celeste containing the Toa members of their elements
Toa Irene - Ice Element and Sapphira's mother
Toa Hyria - Life & Creation and Mata Nui, Ekimu and Makuta's mother
Toa Chaosis - Death & Destruction and Mata Nui, Ekimu and Makuta's father
Toa Eric - Darkness and Sapphira's father
Toa Clara - Seasons and Sapphira's aunt/Eric's practical biological Sister
The Toa Celeste team are the first Toa's of existence that still live created by the Great Beings who's powers transfer to their offspring and so on making them permanent Toa's with no destinies to fulfill that it counts them as gods themselves
The closest who have to these abilities are Sapphira, Mata Nui, Ekimu, Makuta and the Toa Nuva-Mata (given in the series AU their somewhat technically Mata Nui's children counting Takanuva)

The Flowers Series/Ice Toa Series Spin-Off

The Flowers series is a spin-off of the Ice Toa series taking in a different universe of the Ice Toa series
Mata Nui in this universe is dead as a reference to in the actual Bionicle lore or generation one he was dead for a couple of minutes before Toa Ignika/The Toa for of the Mask of Life brought him back which also resulted them to be sent to Bara Magna in the lore
Unlike the main Ice Toa series it doesn't mention the Glatorian until the next book and Sapphira's parents and the rest of the Toa Celeste are permanently dead as in the Ice Toa series their bodies are slowly reforming until The Great Beings can reform them fully

Sapphira also has more phobias as well in this to show how much more her spirit and all was broken by her abuse and bullying along with taking her parents death one of which is a phobia for falling in love because she fears she'll lose them like her parents

Sapphira finds herself on the island as she turns to be the miracle and only hope the Matoran, Turaga and Toa Nuva-Mata have to bring Mata Nui back due to a relic on her left forearm that is a mystery of itself, but all is known with it is that Mata Nui's spirit is attached to it and she's the only one who can see and hear him as Mata Nui reforms his body and powers by taking the excess energy from Sapphira's powers

This AU takes more place of it's first book before and during the events of The Mask of Light movie with slight after events while also having family moments between the Toa Nuva-Mata and also Sapphira becoming a mother to them to even Mata Nui trying to learn to be a father to them they need and deserve

The relationship between Sapphira and Mata Nui isn't as quick as the main Ice Toa Series AU as Sapphira is also still trying to get over her phobia of falling in love but also adding a grace period of them being just friends, because that's how a healthy relationship should work

This AU also focuses on both sides of Sapphira's Toa element powers than just one at a time showing the true struggle a Toa with more than one element has to control and master both elements

Near the end it also shows Makuta as he is which is just the youngest of his brother's being still technically a child but feared by all by his elements while also leaning to what happens when a Toa has no control over their element/elements especially the more chaotic ones which Makuta gained from his father

Ebony Ivory

Ebony Ivory is a retelling of God of War taking place in the 2018 installment of the franchise if Calliope, Kratos first child from his first wife Lysandra, actually lived by escaping the afterlife with her father and left with him to Midgard

Calliope does have some undead aspects as one is she's unable to sleep but will occasionally drain a plant of it's life energy due to her being technically undead which Faye, Kratos' second wife, had Freya bless her mother's old necklace to compact this ability so she can still be in the world of the living safely but this makes her unable to go to places that are traveled to in the game and Ragnarok game Hel given it's the underworld and if she goes there she runs the high risk being unable to leave

In the first book Calliope shows a close sibling bond with Atreus/Loki her half brother but still worries for her father especially by his word she's unable to tell Atreus their gods and Calliope being a semi god and the things of Greece of what Kratos has done being The Ghost of Sparta and God of War

In the second book which takes place in the recent Ragnarok game, Calliope is in her early twenties as her god DNA has strengthened to the same as Atreus', she also has a close bond with Mimir who is a living head of someone who used to work for Odin aka the All Father

When the events of Kratos getting the Draupnir Spear, Calliope goes with Freya and an OC added into this book for the group by the name Kheti who is later revealed to be the second youngest son of Anubis the Egyptian God of the Underworld who is the second strongest of his siblings with the ability to control water and even walk upon it and summon a wave to a tsunami with a roar in his four legged Jackal form
Calliope gains her weapon which is a double ended sword gifted to her by the spirit reminates of both Athena and Persephone which is able to turn into a beautiful golden arm cuff which also gives her god DNA a slight boost that aids her stamina and titling her a Semi Goddesss of Music

At the end of the events of Ragnarok, Calliope goes with Kheti back to Egypt as lovers when Atreus/Loki leaves to find the rest of the giants and one day returns to Midgard to visit when Atreus does as well

The Hearts Series

The Hearts Series is a fic series combining Kingdom Hearts and G1 Bionicle as the first book take place in the events of Kingdom Hearts 2

During the events of the first book Sora, Donald, Goofy and Jiminy Cricket of the four finding King Mickey and Riku and learning the origins of Roxas who is Sora's nobody as one of the worlds they visit is the island of Mata Nui where before they arrive Sora has one of his nightmares that show an event happening, a habit he has happen when a big event is about to happen and writes of them down by Jiminy's suggestion

After arriving on the island the Order seems to fail by an unknown aura not only causing the trio to fall into a brief unconscious state but the Order also fails to change their forms to blend into the universe

It goes after the bat after Sora, Donald and Goofy defeat a Heartless fused with a Makuta controlled Rahi to the village of Ta-Koro of the events of the Mask of Light movie where Turaga's Vakama, Nokama and Whenua inspect the Mask of Light and share it's legend

Sora, Donald and Goofy join Takua and Jaller to find the Herald of Light as to them they're seen as a guiding force sent by Mata Nui which they somewhat play along with
In normal Bionicle lore Water Toa's possess the ability to purify a mask with Makuta's corruption but shown with Lewa's recently corrupted Levitation Kanoi Mask, Sora manages to Purify it to it's original pre-corrupted state which shows anything of light of Toa Element and the powers of Keyblades can also purify the Makuta corruption like Water Toa's

Later in the book 1 Sora and Takua talk of why Takua is worried of his potential destiny as the Herald of Light to where Takua reveals that with it he'll be forced to leave behind his friends as a Toa to where Jaller comforts and reassures him that even as one or both of them as Toa they will still remain friends

After the attack of Po-Koro and Ou-Koro Sora and Takua find themselves in a void of darkness that nearly takes Sora after his original Heartless transformation still dormant inside him until Takua puts on The Mask of Light becoming Takanuva the Herald of Light and seventh Toa of the Toa Nuva and a Keyblade weilder with two Keyblades looking similar to both Sora and Riku's Reality Shift Keyblades Nightmare's End and Mirage Split which the two give Takanuva the ability for them to leave the void, finding themselves at the shores of Ga-Koro where they reunite with the Toa Nuva finding out that Donald, Goofy and Jaller had been taken by the Makuta and were in his lair

After defeating Makuta and the gates to Metru Nui reopening, Takanuva announces that he must leave to join Sora, Donald and Goofy on their quest
The Nuva are hesitant on it of their unity code, but Vakama reassures them that it is the right choice due to his seerer visions from Mata Nui

The series goes through the rest of the events of Kingdom Hearts 2 as the next book of the events of Kingdom Hearts 3 as the relationship pairing between Kairi and Sora changes to Takanuva and Sora (bc I'm a sucker for some good ole' gay ships and Roxas and Axel is just not enough for me) and soon progress to events of the future Kingdom Hearts 4 game but with twists (bc I know I have ideas of it already)

Wow over 2k words not not counting this, noice

Yeah I have a LOT of AU's I somehow manage to plan out in my head of certain events in then in a single day at the least

Idk if it's a good or a bad thing bc of my motivation drains from me to work on any of them and when it does come back to me it always goes to my Bionicle or Hero Factory fics

But eh, this is my New Years day special (and it's still January first upon finishing this noice)

I'ma go now, later hoes!

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