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Song in Media: Legendary by Skillet

Note: Will contain incorrect quotes for my other stories

Siren: Yeetus Deletus I sometimes wish I was yeeted from the fetus before I could form!
Stormer(Virus) & Furno: Siren no!
Siren: Siren yes!


Something of irl friends

Me/Siren: I've had the same cursed thought for three days straight.
Lexi: That's interesting since you're far from straight.
Me/Siren: (inhales sharply) GIRL-


These two😳

(Corroder got injured on a task from boss with his adrenaline rushes, thankfully it was minor but Serena was still fumming)
Serena: I swear to gods, every time you go on these tasks you come back with more injuries, and you're just lucky these are minor!
Corroder: (half paying attention) Yeah yeah...
(Serena took a sharp breath before she grabbed Corroder's chin in the tips of her claws and made him look at her)
Serena: I'm starting to think you're in need of a punishment to keep you from acting like this Pretty Boy.
(Serena ran the tip of one of her claws against his lower lip making Corroder's face turn redder than Furno's armor which Serena grinned at that)


Highschool AU

Siren: (had her head in her arms at her desk)
Stormer: You good?
Siren: No... My mother kept me up all night with choirs and I have a feeling it's gonna happen again tonight...
Stormer: ... I hope you know she's crazy.
Siren: I've known that since I came out of the womb dad.


Monster AU

Siren: (laying on the couch as she plays Bayonetta 3 on the couch)
Stormer: (pokes his head over the couch) What are you doing?
Siren: Playing Bayonetta 3.
Stormer: .. don't you have a project for school.
Siren: (remembers as she paused her game) SHIT! (Scrambles off the couch making her fall off it) ow....


Citizen AU
Siren - College Student

Siren: (on the phone with Furno) One of these days mom you're gonna loose an arm from a fire I swear.
Furno: How many times are you gonna tell me that?
Siren: Until the day you finally stop getting risky in fires, that's when.
Furno: ... Ow but fair.


Kingdom Hearts/Bionicle AU

Sora: I am perfectly fine.
Takanuva: Sora what have we talked about lying about what's going on in your head.
Sora: You're not my therapist Taka.
Takanuva: No but I am a worried ass boyfriend that's what I am.


Flowers Series (Ice Toa Series spin-off)

Sapphira: When did I become the practical mom to the Toa Nuva?
Takua: The day you and Mata Nui became an item.
Sapphira: (immediately turns red as Tahu's armor) We aren't an item!
Jaller: Stop denying it.
Sapphira: That's bold coming from you two when I'm know for a DAMN fact you two are dating.


Normal AU

Siren: Y'all every want to hide in your closet to escape from your problems.
Siren: (sitting on the floor of her closet as no one in the mansion checked there) Because that's totally me right now.

Ik this is short as hell but motivation is not my friend today and I wanted to publish something while I work on one of my fics I need to update

I'ma go now, later hoes!

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