who I once was

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The memories of my old life are pretty vague. Bits and fragments are there, but the damage my brain suffered erased quite a bit of it. I'm just lucky I didn't lose the memories of the most important people in my life, like my parents. That would've been devastating.
One might think I come from a different city or planet, due to my appearance. I look so unlike everyone else in Makuhero City. But no. This is my home, I come from here, I was born here. I used to look like every other citizen in this city.
That was, until some pretty rough stuff happened.

A memory that is burnt into my mind, was when I opened my eyes, heard a loud horn and saw a bright light coming my way and all went black again.

I woke up to a familiar surrounding but a completely different feeling towards myself. I felt off, like my mind was in the wrong body, and started to panic. Though I calmed down after I recognised my parents' face.
I believe I was around 16-17 at that time, I think?

My mum and dad explained to me what happened after I woke up and got coherent.

We travelled a lot due to mum and dad being successful engineers and also having an admirable amount of knowledge in biology, specifically in sustainability. I remember that they went to different projects to help out on the technical development and meet with different groups in the ecology fields.

On one of these expeditions, someone my parents thought they could trust ended up sneaking away with me and I went missing. My parents had to pay ransom money of quite a hefty sum. But instead of bringing me back to them, my kidnappers asked for more and more and my parents got fed up and in the heat of action, notified authorities and tracked down my location. That didn't quite suit my kidnappers and they dragged me away, throwing me onto the train tracks and let a train run me over. My parents couldn't handle the loss and got legal permission to reassemble whatever was left of me back together. My body was smashed to basically a techno-organic pulp by the train, but my hardware was surprisingly undamaged for the most part.
My parents were creating a new type of bot that is meant to be an assistant for other people, so they used the prototype to create my new body.

I remember that they took turns explaining the story to me, because every time the story teller would start crying and the other had to continue.

Later on I found out that they spent so much money on ransom and the reassembly of me, that their business had to close and they switched to working for other businesses, instead of running their own.

Believe me, I'm glad to be alive and that they brought me back. But I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault my family's business has to close. I don't even know how I got kidnapped, because I wasn't a very sociable person even with people close to my family, and I knew of stranger danger and all that stuff. Good lord I was a TEEN, I should have known the basic survival in society. I felt like there was a part of the kidnapping that was my own fault, that I don't remember and my parents didn't tell me or didn't know either.
The body dysmorphia that came along with my reanimation did not help either. My body felt wrong, I wanted to force my brain out of it and back into my old body, if it were still there. I avoided looking at myself in mirrors or other reflective surfaces, hell I even avoided old family photos if it meant that I didn't have to be reminded of how drastic of a change my life took.
Re-entering school was also a big issue. It was hard to convince my old friends that I was still me, and the fact I don't remember some of them makes it much worse.
I had to go through several therapy sessions in order to get used to and accept my new life. Well, not my new life, new appearance and the consequences it brings, to be exact.

Fast forward to now, I finally adapted to my new body. And funnily enough, I work as an assistant for a mission chief at the Hero Factory.
Do I still miss my past self?
But I don't hate my new self either, and I'm happy about it.

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