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It's one of those nights. The moon looks upon the entire Makuhero Planet. Makuhero City is especially quiet during those hours for many reasons. However clanking of metal is heard throrought some factories. It's loud and noisy each time.
During the so called night-time, many squadrons of heroes and trope-heroes are released. The criminal activity is all times high,and it's their job to clean the streets out of the filth. The filth is either cleaned by a simple catching,cuffing and arresting or it ends in ungorgeous violence.
One of those squadrons sent out to patrol the streets was The Unknown,also known as the Agent or just Axe.

He wore a white coat,which was red on the inside. It had a golden sign on it in which wrote the production date of his being. He also had red tin armour with a white hero core. His thighs were covered by a skinny red armor and the lower parts of his leg had enormous long spikes near the knees,to help him combat during any encounter with a criminal. His shoulders were white with small silver spike-shards. Lower part of his right arm had a small blue organic armour piece,and the left one was covered with a silver wrist-watch. He had small red feet and three fingers on each hand which was a signifact feature excluse only to trope-heroes robotic species. He had a white helmet and blue eyes. So blue,that the surface of the ocean could be jealous of it's clearness.
Beside him walked a small group of 5 heroes. They had lots of armor addons,but no weapons. They had a torso armour,but no core. They had heads,but no masks,and only antennas on the left side of their heads and only one cyclopic red eye. They were all silver to gray colour and were practically mindless. They only listened to commands and couldn't rebel. No core made them no sentient and easy to control. They walked beside The Unknown,meaning he was responsible for the entire mission.
- The Unknown... The Unknown! Do you read me?
A green hologram appeared on his wristwatch. It resembled a female robot with a green visor and with long enormous shoulderpads,the size of a headless torso. The hologram in question represented Natalie Breez - one of the most well known heroes in the factory and one of the most agile. The Unknown rolled his eyes over and said:
- Read you? I only read books not people!
He said jokingly and chuckled.
- The Unknown,this is serious. You know you were sent to take down this small group of crooks near the left corner of the south streets of the city,right?
Natalie took on a serious face,with more angrier expression. It was really easy to see she had enough of The Unknown's attitude towards his mission.
- Ah yeah, I know, I know. Man,you guys are killing me literally. Typical heroes from the factory could take those types of groups in no time,but no,you gotta put me in those kinds of missions first. Are you trying to take down those groups as fast as possible or are you trying to give them even chance of victory? Seriously! At this point you're trying to sent me to scrapyard ,haha!
Axe chuckled even moreso than before. He was known for joking around when none needed and when nobody asked. However deep inside,he was still a caring and lovable guy,who despite his humour,wanted the best for everybody. He was also quite a rebel for the 300 years of his life. Not once,not twice,but over fifty-seven times he rebelled against orders of Preston Stormer. Each time he was closer to succeed in trying to take over the factory,but each time Stormer took him down with a single swift of a light punch. He was never sent to prison however. Stormer always saw a great potential in him. For a machine that had low chance of surviving literally anything,and had no reaction speed time needed to dodge even a bullet of an arrow or a gun,he was still one of the most clever trope-heroes ever created,and possibly one of the most creative when it came to fighting.
- But jokes aside Breez,yeah, I checked the map and we're slowly approaching the building. After the mission I'll let you know how it turned out.
He said. Breez nodded and disconnected the talking feature with him. Axe then double checked the map to see if they were going in the correct direction. Soon enough they arrived,as he bumped into a titanium door.
The building was massive and resembled a abanonded fire house. However it was definetely more technologically advanced and taller than what we,humans aka readers think of when it comes to fire houses.
- Alright,big guys! You know what to do!
Trope-hero moved aside to allow the coreless heroes for an entrance. A smug smile appeared on his face. One of the coreless heroes approached the titanium door. He prepared a massive punch and released it ,knocking the nine-feet door down. Comically,to the trope-hero's suprise there was another door in a long hall way. This one was way smaller and wooden. The Unknown aka Axe chuckled to his suprise.
- Oh,man! This is gonna be soooo hard to get past through this door,am i right guys?!
He cackled hard at his own sarcastic joke. Then he looked over to the coreless bots. None of them shown any signs of the emotions of the joke.
- Either it's because of the fact you, guys are emotionless,or because my joke was that bad ,that nobody laughed. Honestly I'm pretty sure it is the first option,but even if you, guys had any feelings,you probably still wouldn't laugh at my jokes.
Again, no response was heard from the coreless bots after the Unknown's commentary. The trope-hero pulled out a small knife-like blade attached to his leg. The blade resembled a Kunai.
Meanwhile inside the secret base.
- Aight, boss! We robbed all things that were in the store!
Said one of the robotic crooks throwing a bag on the table.
- We even took apart the cashier! Just because we're so greedy we're even gonna steal body parts or armor of other bots! Hehe!
Said another one of the bots,shaking another bag. Out of the bag fell several bolts,armour and the head of the cashier bot who had a fancy mustache.
- Excellent,excellent.
Said the boss of the villains. Unlike his minions,he didn't resemble a very skinny,metallic,but rusty robots. He was more bio-mechanical and had a more reptillian look.
- The more we steal,the better the business!
All the thieves in the base chuckled. However the chuckling was not for long. Suddenly a door was being ripped apart. A blade could be seen slowly moving all the way from upper part to the end.
Said The Unknown knocking the door out. The thieves grabbed their weapons.
- Everyone attack those heroic fools!
Said the lizardish boss of thieves.
- Heroes attack and show little to no mercy,to those beasts!
The Unknown rushed in and commanded the bots,who followed him and began the attack.
The thieves weapons were useless. The bullets couldn't even penetrate the highly advanced armour of coreless heroes,which was the same used ever since the days of 2.0 and the Brain Attack event. For most part some of the bullet(around two or three) by seemingly sheer fate passed through ,but did absolutely no damage that was necessary to take down the heroes.
And heroes? Oh they were ruthless,they knocked down the weapons of the criminals ,and crushed their wrists or even waists,with sheer punch or twisting. The heroes acted like wild gorillas in a zoo slaughtering the villains one by one,no mercy was needed on the battlefield for sure!
The reptillian villain managed to escape ,through a special vortex which leaded to the rooftop of the building. The Unknown commanded the tropeless heroes:
- Stay here and take down these crooks,for these is no use in a thief like them. Now allow me to go through this portal and fight this lizard for myself!
He said as he jumped through the portal. The trope-hero was now on the outside. The rooftop was seemingly empty. He got up,patted his armour a few times and looked around. He saw no one there.
- Great it's time for hide and seek. I always hated being the seeker!
The Unknown wandered throrought the rooftoop,even looking at some other buildings to see where the villain went.
- Don't move!
Suddenly our protangonist felt a cold metal tube object behind his head. He knew that he found the person that he was looking for. Nonetheless he was caught off guard.
- Now! Time to take down a pathetic fool like you who interrupted my plan!
Before the villain managed to pull the trigger of his plasma gun, The Unknown leaned on the left side and kicked out the weapon out of the villains reach.
- Grrrrr! No!
The villain said. The Unknown prepared his fighting stance. The lizard villain tried to smack and knock our hero to make him lose his balance,but he managed to jump and dodge.
- If not for you,heroes,I would...
Before the villain could say anything he was knocked over to the ground with a hard punch.
- Rule number one. Whenever you're in a fight,don't talk or monologue! C'mon we're not in anime or a comic book aren't we?
Said the trope-hero jokingly. The villains seemed to smile only a little bit,then he noticed his little teeth fell out,because of the punch impact. He was in rage and charged at Axe. Axe however managed to block the villains slash by pulling out his blade and stabbing him in the forearm muscles,which made villain scream. He then kicked villain,making him fall to the ground.
- Get him boys!
He said and whistled and clapped,commanding the coreless hero to enter the portal and arrive to the scene.
- You... I can't be defeated!
Said the villain,but was soon cuffed by one of the coreless heroes.
- Well done,boys! If you're gonna keep being that obedient to me,I might as well convince the factory to give you guys some helmets,weapons and a core to make you actual heroes,and not make y'all land in ,,additional parts'' room!
Said The Unknown sarcasticly. They later returned to Hero Factory's headquarters.

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