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Society is a group made of multiple inviduals with many goals in mind. But one of the goals is plain and simple: unite. Why unite may you ask? This depends on the context. Take animals for example. Wolfs unite into wolf packs for survival. Also take humans for example. We sometimes have simmilar interests and hobbies which results in social media or just friendgroups. Now we can discuss many values of friendship and how good it is to have someone pat your back even in the hardest of times.
Or do we?
Hero Factory Multiverse is pretty large,spanning multiple diffrent realities,whether we look foward or back. Some of them are darker,some of them show our heroes getting destroyed,some of them are peaceful,some of them lack peace. However within the depths of the multiverse lies one,but a interesting specimen of a universe. A alternate reality of what if!
You see in this universe,let's call it ,,Recharged'' universe,a massive war broke out in Makuhero City many millenias ago. Though the exact reasons for the conflict remain mostly a mystery,some of the reasons are known. Some machines were more sentient than others,and had enough of being pushed around. Some robots didn't want to do their jobs anymore and wanted to take up diffrent things in their cybernetic life. While it was peaceful for a moment,many villains came and ruined the atmosphere of ,,niceness'' in the city.
Legends say that during the war,the entire planet shook over the impact of the conflict. It was everywhere. In cities,on small islands,in towns. You just couldn't escape it. It was everywhere. Robots fought throrought the entire planet,burnt many things and there was little to no place for teamwork. Only survival of the fittest.
However, Hero Factory somehow still stood,trying to take down criminal activity of villains in the city and trying to stop making others fight each other. One day,the price was paid.

A robotic criminal by the name of ,,Voltix'' who wore a purple armor,had many wires,and had electrical attachments on the sides of his helmet,stole one of Hero Factory's prototype weapons,that was produced shortly after the heroes arrival from the Savage Planet.
He then used the said weapon to sneak unto one of the rooms in the Hero Factory building,met Akiyama Makuro - the oldest robot in the galaxy and the founder of Hero Factory and fired the shot at him. Makuro immediately died. After that one of the cybernetic heroes produced in the factory,and the leader of Alpha 1 team,who wore white armor - Preston Stormer immediately took charge of the factory overall and led it to victory. He succesfully ended all conflicts on the planet.

However for Stormer that was NOT enough. After the death of the creator of the entire factory,he was full. He was full with nothing but vengeance and having everything enough. He began commanding and mass producing new hero teams to began a conquest throrought the entire galaxy. They took over several planets such as Tallos 5 or Z'chaya. This even caused a new saying to be made: ,,Where this is storm,there's a trouble'' which refrenced that storms across sea cause a lot of trouble,but also wherever Preston Stormer is,there will be also troub le.
Over the years,the Hero Factory was also put on other planets,making heroes,the best army in the entire galaxy. This caused even sub-categories of hero species being made. Standard heroes had many types of upgrades such as:1.0,2.0,3.0 and later on more. Trope-heroes closely resembled 2.0/Brain Attack(ZX-79) models upgrade,but only visually (Infact they were made of tin,meaning they were EVEN MORESO weaker than standard heroes that had 1.0 upgrade) and could function without cores(although then they would lose sentience) and also had 3 fingers on each hand and slightly less bigger feet.. Mini-heroes were made from the same material like standard heroes(steel and that kind of stuff) but were much shorter(although only few were produced). There were also coreless heroes,which were much like Trope-heroes emotionless when having no core,however they had the strenght of a normal standard hero which means that they could survive large building destruction(Trope-heroes can survive being thrown against the wall and getting hit by incoming truck,but standard heroes can survive large building exploding and also can survive getting thrown against a meteor or having a cave fall on them).
It should be noted Breakout event never happened in this event unlike the main Hero Factory universe ever since Voltix was killed by one of the heroes.
Preston Stormer ever since the death of Akiyama Makuro was a king that only wanted vengeance,bloodshed and conquest. And as the years grew by,the more stronger he got,the more he wanted more and more things to do in the galaxy.
This is the story of HERO FACTORY RECHARGED.

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