Panic of the Church Grim

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Ruth was asleep on Siren's bed, as the Witch Shapeshifter went by herself to go grocery shopping, having Roxanne's help as well to reach things. Ruth took this time to rest, doing what he did that brought him the most peace, sleeping.


Ruth kept running in his normal form in a large and seemingly infinite forest, though even as a Church Grim, this managed to set his fear on the edge. His eyes seemed to be playing tricks on him making him see the shadows around him as familiar figures of his past before meeting Siren, ones he nothing more than wished to forget.

He suddenly stopped in an abnormal clearing, everything in the circle seemed dead, including the trees the surrounded it yet still stood tall. Ruth's tail tucked between his legs as his ears folded back in his fear, remembering something similar of a place like this. "Ulysse~" Ruth froze at the all to dreaded familiar voice, feeling his legs shaking and breathing grow heavy as he shot around for the owner of that voice.

"Show yourself you bitch of a devil woman!" Ruth yelled into the darkness around him, his eyes glowing slightly. "That's not a nice thing to call your master!" Ruth gasped in alarm seeing the woman rushing at him.


Ruth woke up in a panicked yelling as he gasped for air, which how the walls weren't sound proof in the mansion, did get attention. At once the door was quickly opened as Stormer was the first one to burst in the room, followed by Furno as the two immediately noticed the Church Grim's panic.

Stormer quickly knelt to his side by the bed, "Ruth, what-" The ice hero was cut off his talking as he was tackled in a hug by Ruth who shifted to his human form, red eyes flooding with tears as he gripped on Stormer's snow white armor, terrfied to let go as if he would go back into that terror if he did.

Stormer was shocked at the action from the Church Grim but soon snapped from his shock hearing Ruth cry a bit making the ice hero hug him back as he patted his head. "What happened?" Furno asked Ruth as he sat on Siren's bed near the two, "S-She, t-that witch of previous f-familiar-" Ruth choked out before he broke down in tears.

Stormer and Furno looked at each other at that, they all knew well of Ruth's previous forced familiar bond before he met Siren, which was why the two had that curse which Siren had been through far to many close calls of strange claw marks that littered her back and on her left shoulder near her Virtues mark from Mata Nui and Makuta and the flesh that remained from them would be loosely hanging from the muscle in a gelatin rubber state. Siren would be in situations from it where she would nearly need a blood transfusion from how much she would end up loosing.

Stormer sighed as he kept patting Ruth's head, "Easy bud," Stormer soothed the Church Grim, "Your okay now. It was just a bad dream.."


"We're back!" Siren called into the mansion as she and Roxanne walked into the kitchen from the garage. "Hey yo." Roxy said as they noticed Zib in the kitchen who looked the two, mainly Siren which made the Witch Shapeshifter sigh. "What am I in trouble for?" Zib blinked in confusion at that question, "Your not in trouble Siren, but something happened to Ruth while you were gone." Siren nearly dropped her bags on the ground as she was putting them on the counter at that.

"I-I knew I felt it.." Zib looked at Siren who was hyperventilating in a way while holding the counter for support. "I-I felt his panic a-and I-" Zib rested his hand on Siren's head making her snap from her thoughts. "It's not your fault if that's what your wondering, but at least we know that bond made you aware of it." Zib said making Siren sigh as she closed her eyes, trying to calm her racing nerves. "She nearly had her own mental breakdown in the store feeling it." Roxanne said as Molten poked his head from the vent in the kitchen.

Siren sighed as she opened her eyes, "Where's Ruth right now?" She asked Zib as Molten left the vents and went to put the groceries away with Roxanne. "Main room." Zib said as he walked off to his office. Siren cracked her neck a bit as she walked to the main room and looked at the couch seeing Stormer laying on the couch as the TV played quietly of a random channel as Ruth was in his human form while laying on top of the Alpha leader as he slept peacefully, his cheeks were tearstained with his puffy eyes showing Siren he had only recently calmed down to sleep again.

"Hey dad," Stormer perked from the TV as he looked seeing Siren standing behind the couch, "Hey kid." He greeted as Siren rested her arms on the back of the couch and her chin on top of them. "What was his nightmare of?" She asked him, and Stormer knew already she meant of Ruth making the Alpha leader sigh, "Apparently something with his old familiar mistress." Siren took a sharp breath at that which Stormer noticed, he didn't bother asking Siren of it knowing she was gonna brush it off anyway.

"Can I join the cuddle pile?" Siren suddenly asked making Stormer chuckle at that as he shifted Ruth on him, "Come on." He said, which Siren smiled at that as she went over to the other side of the couch and carefully laid down next to Ruth on her father making her smile more as she yawned a bit, her lack of getting decent sleep that night coming back for her as she fell asleep into one of her rare but welcomed peacefully sleeps.

Stormer smiled at the sight as he patted Siren's head as she slept before looking at Ruth's sleeping face. At times of course the Church Grim of his daughter's familiar would called Stormer and Furno Mom and Dad like Siren does. While strange at most, it wasn't surprising since his daughter and him were practically siblings at the most of how they acted, similar of a big brother and his little sister.

Stormer sighed as he half focused back on the TV, for now those thoughts can go on the back burner, he wanted to make sure those two were okay.

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